Sunday, June 06, 2010

Mother of two needs twice the time

Kids are asleep and my fav song is playing. Typing this on our new toy. I luv it:) i rationalised that i need it coz i need something to motivate me to work from home over the hols. Or at least thats what i tell myself. Yes I have plenty to do although its the holidays but boy am i so glad i can sleep in tomorrow morning and i dont have to be anywhere!! Yeahh!!

Been spending all my time with my kids and I just can never ever get enough of them. Alisha surprises me all the time with the things she already knows at 1 year old. She's quite unbelievable and I honestly didnt know what she is capable of doing if not for the time I have with her now. She is repeating everything we say now and she is just like a tiny sponge that absorbs every lil thing she sees and hears.

The other day, I learnt, to my surprise, that she is able to order some numbers. The other day I was just showing my fingers and going, ONE, and lo and behold she said TWO! I thought i was just hearing things or overestimating my child, coz mothers usually think their kid is the smartest and cutest rite? I mean before I was a mother myself, I used to hear some mothers go on and on about how smart their kids are, how cute they are, and I would listen but can never really understand their excitement. But now that I am a mother myself, I am more understanding of all the gushing mothers do coz I do that too sometimes:)

So anyway, just to make sure I heard her right, I said ONE again. And again she said, TWO. So I continued and said THREE and guess what? She said FOUR! I continued with FIVE, and she just looked at me and kept quiet. I think if she had said SIX, I would have fainted or something! So I continued and said SIX..and she looked up at me and she screamed NINE! and she walked away, obviously bored from all the counting and decided to toddle off somewhere else. Im not sure if I heard her correctly for the last one. Could be 'LINE?FINE?MINE???' Hmm..Maybe I was just imagining things...

Im not sure when she picked this up. She enjoys hearing songs from my iphones and one of the songs she liked is that 1,2,3,4,5, once i caught a fish alive song. So I guess she picked it up from there...Im not really sure.

That made me think a lil you know...if not for the hols, my time spent with them is so limited that I would have missed all these things. Even now, I have no idea where she picked that up which goes to show Im not the one exposing her to all these numbers and im not really making a conscious effort in her development.

To tell the truth, I was more gung ho with irfan. Even when he was very young, I showed him flashcards, read to him every night, played all sort of games with him but I must admit, with alisha Im more laid back. Time is a factor and when I do have extra time, I put in the effort with irfan coz he needs it more now. But little did I know, the lil girl is always there observing every lil thing we do and say.

And its probably a girl thing coz she talks quite a bit. She can repeat anything you say even if she has just heard you once. Unlike Irfan, she loves flashcard. Of coz, im not responsible for the flashcards coz honestly, I myself find flashcards a lil boring. Heh.

Alim's mum bought this whole box for her and does it with her when she comes over. And alisha will sit attentively and listen. The other day, someone asked her, 'Where's your head" and she pointed to her head. Then she kept pointing to my cupboard. At first I didnt know what she was referring to and then realized that the box of flashcards was on the cupboard. And the word 'head' was one of the words in the flashcard which my MIL will run through with her! So when I took it out, she gave her toothy grin and looked through the cards excitedly. Me? I was checking the email, had so much work to complete and there she was all by herself, looking at the flashcards.

Haiz..I need more time with my kids. I really dont want to miss anything.

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