Monday, December 27, 2010

San Francisco

San Francisco was pretty foggy when we were there. We had a good time relaxing and we enjoyed the parks, the tram rides , driving around the lovely streets and of course the irresistable seafood!. Some of the pics below.

The long drive from LA to San Francisco.

Streets of San Francisco

Just discovered that Swensens started in SF. Maybe this was the first one?

Nice view of the bay.

Lombard Street. There were many tourists snapping pictures here since it's the crookedest street in SF. Alim said it's just like our multi-storey carpark. hehe.

Alim driving down Lombard Street. Teringat multi-storey carpark kat rumah ke? :)

Great, the top of the elusive bridge cant' even be seen.

Ah, that's better but not quite picture postcard.

We took a boat around San Francisco Bay. That's Alcatraz in the background.

Foggy San Francisco skyline

The bridge was just like a dream; hazy, foggy, blurry. we were in the boat going under the bridge and I didnt even see it until Irfan pointed out to me.

Alcatraz- We would love to go in but not sure if it's suitable for the kids so we gave it a miss.

Since, it was pretty foggy and drizzling, we went shopping!

At Vacaville Premium Outlet, our 3rd time at a premium outlet since we landed in US. Hmm..not good for the pocket but we, ok just me actually, just can't get enough of it!

We also met up with alim's cousin and she brought us around to some lovely parks.

Thank you for spending the wonderful day with us and the unexpected early christmas pressies:)
And the rest of the time was spent on eating. The seafood especially the crab was super yummy! And we also found this halal Thai restaurant with killer Tom Yam and his cousin brought us to an Indian restaurant with super hot Tandoori fish.
I must have gained a few kilos and so that was why all that walking around looking for bargains was absolutely necessary to burn all that fats! Im sure you would agree with me!

So, who had a good time, please raise up your hands!

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