Friday, December 17, 2010

Unposted entry:Dec 6th, California Part 1

Dec 6th, 2010
California part 1
Hi all, finally free Internet connection. Everything has been beyond expectation here especially the kids! They have been nothing but little angels. We took a tour to grand canyon from LA and they went through the whole 12 hour tour without giving us any trouble and people in the tour were commenting how good they were. I'm totally surprised myself! Alhamdullilah. I never believe I would say this but it was actually so much fun travelling with them.. The funny things that came out from their mouths and the neverending tunes from Alisha. :)
We are good and having a good time so far. Got a lot of places covered from Disneyland, Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, Sunset strip, to Las Vegas and the breathtaking Grand Canyon. Of course a lot of damage done in Camarillo premium outlets! My boots was a steal and went home with more than a couple of bags! God!!!
Tomorrow we are starting our second leg; the drive out from LA to San Francisco. Im super excited but at the same time nervous about this road trip. Insyaalaah we are hoping to reach sf without a hitch.
Ok we are off to do our laundry now. We didn't bring much clothes and in dire need for fresh clothes. Had coffee, milk powder and sardines spilled all over my one n only jeans.
Take care everyone! The kids miss everyone back home:)
Much love from the 4 of us!!bye!

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