Saturday, May 14, 2011

Armchair politicians

I am compelled to write this because I'm very much saddened and sometimes disgusted by the comments I read through social media.

I am not totally pro PAP or hundred percent against them. I do strongly agree with many that they are very much autocratic behind a democratic front. I don't agree with some of the decisions they have made. They don't listen, mostly arrogant and it doesn't help that they are earning millions of dollars.

But on the other hand, I also respect and appreciate the fact that they have come up with some good policies that resulted in the country's progress.

But post election, whatever that comes out from them are seen as negative. Everything! Even if the PAP is trying to meet us halfway, it is seen as negative. Every remark made by MM lee or PM
Lee is seen with scorn and negativity. There's always 2 sides of looking at things and we can always choose to see it positively or otherwise.

Like it or not, pap is still the ruling party. If we expect them to change, we have to have an open mind and look for positive steps and encourage them. PM LHL has acknowledged the growing public resentment, and said he will look at ways to improve. Whether he does or not, we will see in time. But in the meantime, we should give him a chance to work with us, have an open mind and not condemn before there's concrete proof that this is just one of their many empty promises. Otherwise nothing they do will ever seem right. It's easy to
look for faults and we can find them anywhere. Listen to them with an open heart and mind and don't be too quick to disagree and condemn. It is not constructive at all.

It's amazing how their good policies are totally forgotten and policies that don't work are magnified so large that it is all that we see. Now that the election fever is over, lets cooperate and make Singapore a better place. We can maybe start by being gracious in airing our views and listening to others, staying away from rude, personal remarks.

As we reach a political awakening, and more people voicing their opinions, it would probably also take time for us to understand how to discuss constructively and to always understand both sides of the story before publicly condemning others. This is perhaps something new to us and will take time before we can reach a certain standard of quality debate.

If we look at all the exceptional individuals be it from the opposition party or the ruling party, we will see that they are those who refrain from condemning others but instead use their time to get on with their inspiring work of impacting peoples' lives positively. They inspire others to contribute and get involved instead of planting seeds of discontentment and fuelling more resentment.

As of now, I can't help feeling frustrated when I read comments made all over the web. How many people actually know how to run a country? Not many, me included. So let's not pretend that we are experts.

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