Sunday, October 30, 2011

2 piece band

2 piece band. The drummer and the guitarist. You can't see the chopsticks in her hand as she was busy banging them away. As much as I want to scream Be Quiet, I stayed calm and took out the phone n capture the moment instead.

While they rock the house down, I had a good test run on my new found patience..
And realized I had to work harder at it.

I subtly moved to another room. But it didn't take long for them to realize that their one and only audience was gone. So they packed their set and moved to the next room too!

They set up their gadgets and started rockin again! Oh the noise, but of course I stayed calm and took a picture.

After all that heartfelt screaming shouting n banging, I just hope I won't fail my next hearing test!

Anyway, I know all these would be part of their childhood memories which they will remember fondly when they r older. So for that, even though I'm probably going deaf, I can't possibly take that away from them.

So rock on, babies!!!

Peace out!! (heh)

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