Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today is irfan's p1 orientation and next week is his year end concert. I must have said this a thousand times but time flies and next year he will be entering formal education.
I dread the year when he will be sitting for his PSLE. A child's worth is not and should not be how well he scores but we have no other way to think but that, because like it or not, how he does for PSLE has some part in his future.
Having a son in p1, I have now, a new found perspective of being a teacher. I now understand better how big a parent's hope for a child is. How they worry about how the child will fit into the new environment, how they hope the child will pick the right values and skills. I, as a teacher is the sole agent in the class who will shape these children's developments, whose parents' hopes are as big as mine.
Of course, I've always known that but never actually felt it as much I do now.
As much as I hope irfan gets a great teacher, I hope I can be that fantastic teacher who can impart nothing but wonderful values n skills on another parent's child.
I hope I will not let anyone down.

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