Sunday, April 29, 2012

Laundry Day

No one escapes housework..
Oh well, except for the pregnant lady of course!:)

Oh but fret not, she sent her capable representative to help.
Rajin anak mak...sebiji macam MAK dia!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

27 weeks

At 27 weeks! Not much weight gain this time round.
Hello final trimester next week!:)

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Walking Christmas tree

I almost fainted when she fetched me from school adorned in colorful accessories; neck, wrists and gasp* her ankles!!!
My daughter has turned into a Christmas tree. And I, as a parent can't do anything about it. Tsk

Monday, April 23, 2012

Life without a maid

We've just sent the maid back and I'm enjoying the freedom of not having another extra person in the house.
I don't know if we can survive not having a maid, with old folks at home and the 3rd one coming. Not sure too if it's a long term arrangement not to have a maid or just for the time being.
We'll decide soon enough. For now, I'm just taking a short break from all the drama of having a maid.

While I decide if I'm going to have another maid or not, I'm using the time to "upgrade" myself. I've been a lousy mummy, not cooking for my kids often enough and not doing my part to maintain the household. And so I've repented and started on a vow to get more involved. How long this vow will keep me motivated, I seriously do not know. I might just give up halfway.

So in a bid to "upgrade" myself, I've decided to enroll in a cooking class!

My cooking partner and I. This partner very enthu one! Everything oso want to do! Everything oso fun!

Our teacher! He almost killed himself in the process of teaching us!

I should not embarrass myself by telling you what we learnt that day. Let's just say you can find it in Sec 1 or 2 Home Econs textbook. Hah! We got to start somewhere right?!

The best thing about this teacher is, he's super patient and never once put us down for being so silly and  incompetent. And plus, he's not into details or not out to correct us every second or minute, which will definitely turn off beginners like us.

Someday I'll make you proud checher!  And when that day comes, I'll make all those who doubted me eat their words!! Muahhahhah!! (like real, don't know if next week, got cooking class or not)

Ok, im going to bed now. Really drained from 'sticking to the vow'. Turning over a new leaf is a lot of hard work, hor!

Wish me luck in this challenging process of "upgrading" myself. In the meantime, I'm catching some sleep now. Tomorrow is another day. Cannot slack! Gdnite!:)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Mommy.. I want to be a princess..

I wondered if I had wanted to be a princess too when I was her age. I doubt it. I had very little pictures of my childhood so it's hard to tell. From the little I had, there was nothing with me in a princessy ensemble.

I wish she wasn't so fascinated with princesses and everything pink. But she is. Right down to the fact that princesses have their handsome princes by their sides, always. She made irfan become the prince over and over again during their pretend play but all irfan wanted to be was the dolphin from the show, "Princess Island". He hated being prince but kena force by the princess and time and time again, had to give in and be the unwilling prince.

She always wants to be the princess. I suggested why not she becomes the dwarf; they are very cute too or the fairy god mother; they are kind and helpful but she protested with so much gusto, stomping her pretend heels, that with that kind of "spoilt" demeanor, she's probably on her way to becoming a princess after all.

I told her once that princesses don't need princes. Princesses can be independent, and can save themselves without the help of princes on horses. Princes are redundant in stories. All they ever do is dance, ride a horse and plant a few kisses here and there. Totally unimportant. She couldn't understand me.
Of course.

I guess she's just being a typical girl. She will outgrow this, I'm sure. Meanwhile, we'll take these moments and enjoy them to the fullest:) coz one day when she does meet her real prince, we know we'll wish she's this little again.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The toll on the aging body

Getting old. I could really feel the difference between my first pregnancy and my third. Now, my body is aching more, having a terrible backache right now especially when I'm lying down. In fact I feel better standing up and walking about but the moment I lie down, my back hurts. Tried different positions but the ache is still there.
Other than my lower backache, I'm feeling ok. I'm just so glad I'm in the afternoon session coz I can't ever imagine waking up early anymore.
Other than backache, trouble sleeping and waking up, I feel constant strain and muscle pulls around my bump. It can get pretty bad especially when I change position too quickly. I don't remember feeling so much discomfort when I was pregnant with irfan. Or maybe it's just selective memory.
The thing is, I've not even gained much weight and my bump is not even huge at the moment. So I really have no idea why I'm aching so much.
3 more months to go and entering the final semester soon. All the best for me!:)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A wedding

Been a while since I went to a wedding of a really close relative. 
And getting into something I could fit in was quite a problem but with a little bit of covered unzipped parts and loose top, I was comfortable on that day. And I don't look very heavy either, think form the pictures, no one could tell.

Friday, April 13, 2012

International Friendship Day 2012

My adorable kids!:)

And not forgetting these two:)
Irfan's first IFD in TKPS!
Alisha's first IFD in school! The cheongsam someone gave from some time back became very useful today. It fits her perfectly!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

It's over!!!!!!!!

Woohoo!!! It's over!!! And life is back to normal. I'm out clean!

I'm dead beat. Totally drained. I came home today and took a nice long bath and it felt like heaven when I tucked into bed. Finally.

Time to fully focus on the tasks at hand this year. And it's already April.. Oh my.. Where did all the months go? In 3 months, inshallah I will pop! In just 3 months?! Am I really ready to be a mummy of 3?

Goodnight. I'm going to have a nice, long, peaceful sleep now. Till later:)

Friday, April 06, 2012

Pray and press on

Next week will be a series of big challenges for me at work. It will be my busiest period yet and I'm feeling the heat. Insyallah he will give me the strength, physically and mentally and let me stay calm and focused.

All I need to do now is ride over the wave. I'm looking forward to better days ahead. Pray that everything will go smoothly and my baby be safe despite the stressful period I'm going through now. After next week, I can safely say both my feet are out and I can finally say I've been set free from the past.

In the meantime, I shall persevere. It's all in the mind, all in the mind. Press on!