Friday, April 20, 2012

Mommy.. I want to be a princess..

I wondered if I had wanted to be a princess too when I was her age. I doubt it. I had very little pictures of my childhood so it's hard to tell. From the little I had, there was nothing with me in a princessy ensemble.

I wish she wasn't so fascinated with princesses and everything pink. But she is. Right down to the fact that princesses have their handsome princes by their sides, always. She made irfan become the prince over and over again during their pretend play but all irfan wanted to be was the dolphin from the show, "Princess Island". He hated being prince but kena force by the princess and time and time again, had to give in and be the unwilling prince.

She always wants to be the princess. I suggested why not she becomes the dwarf; they are very cute too or the fairy god mother; they are kind and helpful but she protested with so much gusto, stomping her pretend heels, that with that kind of "spoilt" demeanor, she's probably on her way to becoming a princess after all.

I told her once that princesses don't need princes. Princesses can be independent, and can save themselves without the help of princes on horses. Princes are redundant in stories. All they ever do is dance, ride a horse and plant a few kisses here and there. Totally unimportant. She couldn't understand me.
Of course.

I guess she's just being a typical girl. She will outgrow this, I'm sure. Meanwhile, we'll take these moments and enjoy them to the fullest:) coz one day when she does meet her real prince, we know we'll wish she's this little again.

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