Monday, April 23, 2012

Life without a maid

We've just sent the maid back and I'm enjoying the freedom of not having another extra person in the house.
I don't know if we can survive not having a maid, with old folks at home and the 3rd one coming. Not sure too if it's a long term arrangement not to have a maid or just for the time being.
We'll decide soon enough. For now, I'm just taking a short break from all the drama of having a maid.

While I decide if I'm going to have another maid or not, I'm using the time to "upgrade" myself. I've been a lousy mummy, not cooking for my kids often enough and not doing my part to maintain the household. And so I've repented and started on a vow to get more involved. How long this vow will keep me motivated, I seriously do not know. I might just give up halfway.

So in a bid to "upgrade" myself, I've decided to enroll in a cooking class!

My cooking partner and I. This partner very enthu one! Everything oso want to do! Everything oso fun!

Our teacher! He almost killed himself in the process of teaching us!

I should not embarrass myself by telling you what we learnt that day. Let's just say you can find it in Sec 1 or 2 Home Econs textbook. Hah! We got to start somewhere right?!

The best thing about this teacher is, he's super patient and never once put us down for being so silly and  incompetent. And plus, he's not into details or not out to correct us every second or minute, which will definitely turn off beginners like us.

Someday I'll make you proud checher!  And when that day comes, I'll make all those who doubted me eat their words!! Muahhahhah!! (like real, don't know if next week, got cooking class or not)

Ok, im going to bed now. Really drained from 'sticking to the vow'. Turning over a new leaf is a lot of hard work, hor!

Wish me luck in this challenging process of "upgrading" myself. In the meantime, I'm catching some sleep now. Tomorrow is another day. Cannot slack! Gdnite!:)

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