Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Pink Party!!

So, a PINK party was inevitable.
You've guessed it. She wanted pink! She wanted princesses!
Ok, so I relented coz it's her birthday afterall and being surrounded by things she love and people she adore would make any birthday celebration a great one.

Other than pink and princesses, there's one other thing Alisha loves. Watching this video over and over again. It's a video on how to make a castle cake! Oh she simply loves it. Watch it!

So we simply put all the things she love in her birthday celebration:)
For someone who loves the video above, what could be more exciting than decorating her very own castle cake for her own birthday, right?!

PINK overdose

Excited to start!

We shall begin! Making our very own castle cake, inspired by Howdini.com. Excited much!

So instead of getting a ready made cake, we thought we would do something different this year.
We ordered a sponge cake and ready made frosting.
We then frosted it ourselves and decorated it, just like her favourite video! Busy at work.

Look at the frosted cake. The video made it look so easy but ours was not so neat. 
Alisha's dream came true when she used the spatula to frost the cake, just like in the video. Haha!
Nenek had to leave for a wedding, so we paused and took a picture with the unfinished cake.

And then the fun continues!
These four CHILDREN very excited hor. Next up; preparing the castle towers!

Frosting the ice cream cone for the castle towers!

Rolling the glitter, just like in the video. 
Full of concentration hor! But tiara must maintain ok.

Muka ada senyum! The princess seems very happy with her castle cake so far!
We can't make it as nice as the experts so we turned it into our own!:)

The castle looked like it could topple anytime, leaning more and more to one side. HAHAHA!
Senget pun sengetlah!

We added wafers, stars and sprinkles. 
The princess and her favourite princess cousin!

We added some cute tiara candles and a few more sweets and TADAA!! Our very own leaning tower castle!!! 
Princess looks very happy ah. Luckily it didn' topple!!

The princess and the smart wizard she hangs out with everyday in her castle.
The wizard has all kinds of trickery under his belt to make her happy;)

The princess and her Royal Family:)

The rest of the princesses wannabe. 
I believe strongly that a pink overdose can make people go crazy.

With the people she love;)

Finally the castle was lighted and we sang her the birthday song!;)
It still didn't topple! Phew!

And lastly, with her dear brother.
Although the party was obviously all girly and pink, he didnt mind one bit helping his sister complete the cake.

We hope you had a blast, little girl.
You'll always be our little princess, no matter how much you have grown.
We love you so much!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Fly me there, fly me far

And the holiday begins tomorrow.. I'm itching to go somewhere, far, far away where there's vast greenery, colorful flowers,stretches of emptiness,
calm lakes, beautiful blue skies, even made more beautiful by curvatures of mountains, old, medieval buildings of some sort.

Can you imagine that place like I do?

It always starts with a picture in my head. And I have this picture in my mind. I just got to be there.

But alas, I can't travel. The plane will not have me. My gynae advised against it.

It's like a bad habit or an addiction you can't kick. It feels like a wasted June if I don't use it to go pursue that picture in my head.

But oh well, I don't really have a choice. Upside? I've got to save all that money. :)

And I'm sure the quality time spent with the kids before the new addition will be something I treasure, no matter where we are:)

(trying my best to make myself feel better here, but i must say, it's not working much:(

Thursday, May 24, 2012

You put your arms around me, and I'm home

Woohoo! The surprise tickets were really a surprise!!! Thank you Mr ALim! Muaaacks!!!!

Christina Perri, can't wait to see you on the 8th of June!:)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

love you more than you love me

Irfan's conversation with his daddy on whatsapp. Alim was telling him about boom netting which he and his students did during the day.

Sweetest last line from Irfan:) Dah macam love birds!

Irfan, dont forget to continue saying all the sweet stuff to your mummy and daddy when we are old, slow, hard of hearing, sensitive and senile k! It will always be music to our ears. Except maybe you'll just have to say it LOUDER then;)

Friday, May 18, 2012

A hug

Feeling angsty, tired and depressed. :( alim is away bringing his students to bintan. I told the kids I missed his daddy.

Immediately, both of them came to me at the same time and gave me a tight big hug! Irfan said,"You have us"

Awwww, sweet. Yes I do, and I'm forever thankful.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What goes around comes around

Maybe it's the hormones but I've been getting easily irritated these days.

There's just some things that I can't stand these days.

These days im so irritated by people whom i think are taking advantage of me. I can seem to be blur, quite easygoing, calm, quiet and don't flare up easily and I hate people who take advantage of that!

I have my own set of beliefs but I'm not the sort who impose my views on others. If I say it once and you don't agree, then I would say "sukati Kau lah". Yes i make a lousy saleswoman. I do.

They might think I don't mind or don't get it, but I do mind and I'm seriously pissed off. I wish I can tell it to their faces but I shall not stoop that low. And I hate getting into an argument. I don't have time for that.

So they might think they've got the better of me. Oh well, I shall let it pass because im not in a position to give them what they deserve. Only HE knows best. So I shall save my time and my breath and let them have what they want. Honestly it's no loss on my part but their gain, if not deserving will be plain toxic!

What goes around comes around, baby!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Birthday high

She's still playing with her balloon at 12 midnight! She has never slept this late. She's still so hyper and jiggling her butt away dancing on the bed with her balloon.

Oh my, she's on a birthday high!

We had a mini celebration just now, a princess cake from swensens and alims parents dropped by. She was über excited and very happy, you should see!

Still on a high now and we've switched off all the lights but we can still hear her voice yakking away! Sleep la, girl.. We give chance k, today is your birthday but hope you can wake up for sch tomorrow!

Omg, shes still yakking... I think I give up. I'm going to bed now.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday brown bear!!

Happy Birthday to our little brown bear. Your birthday is finally here!!!

May you grow up healthy and happy, and your path be filled with countless blessings, Alisha. You will never know how much your presence has brighten up our lives! We love u to bits, always and forever.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

In my arms

3 years ago, today, on the 8th of may, I started feeling strong contractions and we made our way to K.K exactly around this time (it's 9.36pm now).

At 12.15 midnight, after much huffing and puffing, my baby girl was born and I held her in my arms:)

And now, 3 years on, she's lying in my arms, beside me excitedly counting the hours to her birthday!

We love you! Looking forward to sat!!

Monday, May 07, 2012

A fresh new start

I'm in the mood for blue, light green and especially turquoise and white, I have no idea why! I love going into Zara these days because of the white and turquoise collection. I didn't buy any turquoise top though because it's probably not a good time to shop when you are pregnant especially when I am thinking of wearing them post pregnancy. But I lurrvvvve the turquoise soo much!

But I did buy those irresistible turquoise tops and bottoms for Alisha! They are so pretty, I had a hard time choosing and deciding on which one. The Zara at Lane Crawford (is it still called Lane Crawford now?) had a wide collection of kids' clothes that I almost went berserk, and most of them were in turquoise and white!

If I had a baby room, I would probably decorate the whole room in turquoise and white too!!

And so I decided to change my blog layout. For now, Im shelving the black and grey and welcoming in the fresh white and blue! I would love to have turquoise on my blog but I can't really find a matching picture. Hmm, maybe I should have bought a turquoise top, just so I can take a pic and put it up as a banner in my blog. Hah. But that would be too much, wouldnt it?

I'm lurving the fresh look and the calming blue of my layout. But the downside is, everytime I look at it, I'm wishing I'm in Santorini all over again. I've asked my gynae if I could travel in June but she told me, most airlines won't probably let the big whale on board, for fear of drama and by June, I would have crossed that 34 weeks mark. So sad, that would mean, no travelling for us. :(

I probably won't be that big in June and I think I have not gained so much weight. Maybe no one would know I'm into my 3rd trimester and would just let me pass through? You think? There's always hope!

Anyway, have a great off in lieu today, for some of us! Back to work tomorrow! :)

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Atok atok

While waiting for our turn to meet dr georgie. Can you tell that she spends a lot of time hanging out with her Atok?

Thursday, May 03, 2012

2 more months to labour!!!! Omg the memories are now coming back and it doesn't matter that this the third; I'm feeling the jitters all the same!!!