Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hey you little people, you make me happy!!

Been a tough few days at work. But compared to some tougher days I had, this is nothing. I find solace and peace when I enter my classroom and actually teach. Seeing my cute kids in class always make me happier. I have no idea why. They irritate me sometimes but their innocence, enthusiasm and cheery nature brighten my days. That is the amazing thing about teaching a Primary 1 class.

All of them are adorable in their own ways. You should see how hard they try to please me, how hard they try to do their best and get a word of praise from me. How hard they work to get a sticker and above all, how appreciative they are of a single praise, a simple sticker or stamp or just by my smile.

They are always enthusiastic about any of my lame activities. They raise their hands eagerly to share their ideas. They struggle to find the right words to express their ideas but they always speak up. They are sad when I scold them.

Today one my students said, "I love you Mdm Noraini." I told her I love her back. And it's true.

So my day can be crappy. Adults can spoil my whole morning. Meetings can sap me off my energy but the moment I enter my classroom, my adorable pupils never fail to cheer me up and make me forget for a little while. They are like a breath of fresh air, free spirited and cheerful.

I'm so thankful for little people. I am thankful to be teaching these tiny people who brighten up my days. I am thankful to go home to 3 other little people whose company just make everything so much better.

Crappy days will pass. And today is one crappy day. Hoping tomorrow will be better. And if things don't ever get better, it's a sign that a new course is needed. Sometimes very very crappy days are necessary to give me the courage to steer my ship elsewhere. To chase that dream I am too chicken to even try. So there is always a silver lining to everything. So a crappy day like today is meant to happen for a reason.

We will see how the days will take me from now on. Good or bad, there's always a reason.

For now, I look forward to meet my kids again tomorrow, to share a story, a conversation and a laugh or two.:)

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