Thursday, September 28, 2006

First of all, i 'll like to wish this young man, A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
September does see a lot of birthdays.

my nephew SHEIKh AL HARIS!
I know he will probably be different from how he is now in a few years time. That’s the part I dunt fancy about seeing lil kids growing up.

and speaking of bdays, well i think i kinda got carried away with the birthday gathering at my place last sat. i was so excited over Irfan's and haris's birthday that i dragged the husband to get party stuffs; paper plates, cups, party hats, napkins and even birthday banners and balloons! hehe so unlike me, the always tak kuasa one. people who noe me will noe that im really not much of an organiser.
and i even packed goodie bags for my nieces and nephews comprising of candies, chocolates, party stuffs, like the blowing blowing, noisy thingy (watever u call it), soap bubbles and other funstuffs. so sanggup hor.
actually it wasnt suppose to be a party , more like a small family affair but after putting up the banners and balloons around the house, and after everyone wore the party hats, it DID seem like a party!
of course, irfan is too young to appreciate such things and us adults would like to think that he did enjoy himself. but honestly, i think all the excitement can be quite overwhelming for his lil brain to process. personally i think parties can be a lil too much for any one yr old to take...the noise does get to their heads quite a bit i think.
but he did put on a smile anyway.

the 2 bday boys and their cuzzins. look at the banner! look at the banner!

look at the blowing thingy!

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overdosed on chocolate. look at the plates, the plates!

time to open the presents...with a lot of help of coz.

thank u so much everyone for the presents. to me it doesnt matter wat it is, but i really appreciate the effort in actually bothering to go around and taking the time to hunt for the presents. i really liked each and everyone of them and im sure irfan does too.

ok, that wraps up bday celebrations in september!

and lastly, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY eryone!
looking forward to the long weekend break. :)

Thursday, September 21, 2006


IRFAN turned ONE yesterday!!!!! HOORAY!!! *throws confetti*

his dad bought him some balloons and tied them to his cot the nite before. he woke up the next morning and got all EXCITED when he saw the balloons.

and he wouldnt leave those balloons alone eversince...

at nite, we bought him a lil cake, just for fun.
He got very excited.
he got SOO excited that he fell off the chair. Im not kidding. He really did!!!!!

BUT that didnt deter him from posing for more pictures. he wiped his tears quickly and pulled himself back up again. Like a true blue ONE YEAR OLD!! Hehhe

Time to smile sumore!!

He was sooooo happy, I tell you.
And we are glad to see him that way!
Happy 1st Birthday Irfan!!

Im sure you'll have more fun this sat when everyone comes over to celebrate september babies in the family! This time, we'll make sure the cake is closer to the ground orite

Monday, September 18, 2006

as promised, some pics from the jakatta trip...

keeping him occupied was crucial to the sanity of all pasenggers onboard.

good morning jakatta!

irfan and his two faithful helpers, serving him breakfast.

then, nenek and atok brought us to an amusement park, Dunia Fantasi..

where irfan took the carousel
and found an orange Rabbit....

we took some other rides, visited a couple of after places and after the tiring day, all irfan wanted to do was to take a cold, long bath..

the 5 days there felt really short and we left with a somewhat heavy heart. im sure they miss him terribly..

Goodbye, nenek and atok...Thank u for everything..Till we meet again, always BE COOL!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

just for your info, my previious entry is unfinished but im just to lazy to post a new one. so i would just leave it at dat.

so...wat have we been up to?
irfan took his first plane ride, to jakatta to pay his grandparents a visit. as expected, he couldnt sit still in the plane, trying his best to squeeze his tiny body pass our legs, to walk along the squeezy aisle.

at some point, he climbed on the seats and started babbling to passengers at the back, some were asleep and were awaken by his screams calling at them,, which were followed by his toothy grin.

at other points, he was standing on the seat, leaning forward and pulling on someone's hair.

i suppose, if it wasnt my kid, id probably be irritated.

anyway, we survived both plane rides. my in laws were thrilled to see him. the last time they saw him, he couldnt walk yet and he didnt have teeth either. so u can imagine their excitement when they saw him.

we went to a couple of places. maybe id put up the pics if i have the time.

irfan and i got our first bday presents from my in-laws too..hhe.

last week was irfan's first lesson at gymboree. read a couple of reviews of the place before signing up. some were good but most were not too positive. but we decided to just give it a go and see if irfan likes it. he enjoyed himself thoroughly. dancing to the music, climbing everywhere and couldnt stop grinning at every new thing he got his hands on. surprisingly, we enjoyed ourselves as well. looking forward to our next lesson morrow. is sat. tomorrow is sunday. and what comes next? :(((

Friday, September 01, 2006

i never knew how challenging teaching is until i joined the teaching profession. honestly, the prospects of having school holidays was one of the few reasons i joined the teaching profession.

it wasnt coz i had an undying desire to mould the future. or the burning passion to imbibe knowledge into the young minds. neither was it my lifelong ambition. i suppose MOE didnt know all these when they decided to recruit me.

i didnt know what i got myself into until i actually started my career. it was downright difficult, exhausting and very very very demanding. and when put in a situation like this, u either quit or struggle to overcome the challenges. i did the latter and i didnt even have time to think why.

i complain non stop, to everyone around me. and after six years, it made me wonder why im still here. and i realize, somewhere along the line, i have fallen in love with my job without knowing it. i must have loved something about it, if not i would have never been able to withstand the pressures and stress.

like most teachers, i'm here everyday in school for one one reason. the students.
they come to school everyday expecting me to teach them something, waiting to learn with me. they can be downright irritating most times, but u noe they dunt have malicious tots in them like most adults do. they are just innocently being themselves, no pretences.