Saturday, September 09, 2006

just for your info, my previious entry is unfinished but im just to lazy to post a new one. so i would just leave it at dat.

so...wat have we been up to?
irfan took his first plane ride, to jakatta to pay his grandparents a visit. as expected, he couldnt sit still in the plane, trying his best to squeeze his tiny body pass our legs, to walk along the squeezy aisle.

at some point, he climbed on the seats and started babbling to passengers at the back, some were asleep and were awaken by his screams calling at them,, which were followed by his toothy grin.

at other points, he was standing on the seat, leaning forward and pulling on someone's hair.

i suppose, if it wasnt my kid, id probably be irritated.

anyway, we survived both plane rides. my in laws were thrilled to see him. the last time they saw him, he couldnt walk yet and he didnt have teeth either. so u can imagine their excitement when they saw him.

we went to a couple of places. maybe id put up the pics if i have the time.

irfan and i got our first bday presents from my in-laws too..hhe.

last week was irfan's first lesson at gymboree. read a couple of reviews of the place before signing up. some were good but most were not too positive. but we decided to just give it a go and see if irfan likes it. he enjoyed himself thoroughly. dancing to the music, climbing everywhere and couldnt stop grinning at every new thing he got his hands on. surprisingly, we enjoyed ourselves as well. looking forward to our next lesson morrow. is sat. tomorrow is sunday. and what comes next? :(((

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