Thursday, September 28, 2006

First of all, i 'll like to wish this young man, A belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
September does see a lot of birthdays.

my nephew SHEIKh AL HARIS!
I know he will probably be different from how he is now in a few years time. That’s the part I dunt fancy about seeing lil kids growing up.

and speaking of bdays, well i think i kinda got carried away with the birthday gathering at my place last sat. i was so excited over Irfan's and haris's birthday that i dragged the husband to get party stuffs; paper plates, cups, party hats, napkins and even birthday banners and balloons! hehe so unlike me, the always tak kuasa one. people who noe me will noe that im really not much of an organiser.
and i even packed goodie bags for my nieces and nephews comprising of candies, chocolates, party stuffs, like the blowing blowing, noisy thingy (watever u call it), soap bubbles and other funstuffs. so sanggup hor.
actually it wasnt suppose to be a party , more like a small family affair but after putting up the banners and balloons around the house, and after everyone wore the party hats, it DID seem like a party!
of course, irfan is too young to appreciate such things and us adults would like to think that he did enjoy himself. but honestly, i think all the excitement can be quite overwhelming for his lil brain to process. personally i think parties can be a lil too much for any one yr old to take...the noise does get to their heads quite a bit i think.
but he did put on a smile anyway.

the 2 bday boys and their cuzzins. look at the banner! look at the banner!

look at the blowing thingy!

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overdosed on chocolate. look at the plates, the plates!

time to open the presents...with a lot of help of coz.

thank u so much everyone for the presents. to me it doesnt matter wat it is, but i really appreciate the effort in actually bothering to go around and taking the time to hunt for the presents. i really liked each and everyone of them and im sure irfan does too.

ok, that wraps up bday celebrations in september!

and lastly, HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY eryone!
looking forward to the long weekend break. :)

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