Thursday, September 21, 2006


IRFAN turned ONE yesterday!!!!! HOORAY!!! *throws confetti*

his dad bought him some balloons and tied them to his cot the nite before. he woke up the next morning and got all EXCITED when he saw the balloons.

and he wouldnt leave those balloons alone eversince...

at nite, we bought him a lil cake, just for fun.
He got very excited.
he got SOO excited that he fell off the chair. Im not kidding. He really did!!!!!

BUT that didnt deter him from posing for more pictures. he wiped his tears quickly and pulled himself back up again. Like a true blue ONE YEAR OLD!! Hehhe

Time to smile sumore!!

He was sooooo happy, I tell you.
And we are glad to see him that way!
Happy 1st Birthday Irfan!!

Im sure you'll have more fun this sat when everyone comes over to celebrate september babies in the family! This time, we'll make sure the cake is closer to the ground orite

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