Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Counting down the days to the end of my freedom. Give and take, I have slightly more than a month left. I try not to think about it and Im truly enjoying every minute I have with the three of them.
Its also great that Im able to catch up on the music, i missed that a lot. Been meaning to read, but knowing that soon I have to get back to work, Id rather be holding the brown bear than a book.
Ive been eating a lot, constantly hungry and looking for food. Im addicted to durians now, especially those that's just out from the fridge; really cold and smooth. Am i not supposed to be eating durians coz im breastfeeding. Oh Oh, too late now.
Been meaning to do some runs with alim at our always vacant carpark but he has been going and Ive been......well, busy.

Speaking of carpark, the things that take place at our almost secluded carpark can be pretty interesting. It always involves stationary cars with engines on, hazy looking windows, newspaper aligning every gap at the window and some disposed tissues on the floor.... We managed to sneak a peek once in a while but nothing we have seen is as interesting as what we have imagined. Hah!
Ok, moving on...

Here's a thought..what would you do, if you have a pet; say a monkey and there's just this particular trick that you want your monkey to learn but you are just not sure how to teach it. You have told the monkey repeatedly on how to do the trick but he just refuses. So you decide to send it to a professional to learn that trick. But your monkey is unhappy and is reluctant to go. Do you..
1) Tie a leash around the monkey and drag him there?
2) Tell the monkey, its your last dying wish for him to learn the trick?
3) Sogok the monkey; "If you go, I'll supply you with a lifetime of bananas?"
4) Forget about the trick and love the monkey for who he is, coz he is no less of a monkey if he doesnt learn the trick?

Thats a lot of 'monkey' for a short paragraph...anyway what Im trying to say is, sometimes monkeys have to listen to their masters, sometimes their masters just need to take time to listen to their monkeys? Understand? No?
Its not important anyway.

Its only 12 am,,,,theres still hope of me sleeping early tonite.:)
(maybe I should have named this entry Rubbish at 12 am)

Good nite!


aida said...

so much monkey business!! hilarious! again, so get that oil. i've been sleeping soundly every night. i'm sure you'll wake up when alisha cries, cos i wake up when the alarm rings, and i'm sure her cry is louder than the alarm. but then again, i googled and found out that GA can give bad dreams and poor sleep so maybe the effect has worn off and that's why i'm sleeping well. oh well, no harm giving it a shot. it smells nice anyway.

rain mohd said...

Ya I got it already! Alim bought it for me yday coz i think he cant stand the rubbish entry im writing in the wee hours of the morning..haha. But silly me forgot to use it last night but I did manage to sleep at 1.00am. Which is quite an achievement. You know how i got to sleep? I was reading edumail and replying to emails!!! will try the oil tonite. If it doesnt work.. well, theres always edumail! Ha!