Thursday, July 02, 2009


Sometimes when my mind wanders, its surprising where it lands.
Being away from work and having slightly more free time always makes me think about things I shouldnt.

The last thing I have time for is nostalgia.
But it haunts me and the songs dont help.
Sometimes I wonder how I got here, from back in '99 and even before.

Theres just certain things which you can never forget even if you have not visited that memory for many many years.
Sometimes, all of a sudden, u land on a piece of memory and suddenly you can feel, smell and hear everything as if it was happening right now.
You remember every little detail there is; the colour of the wall, the song in the backgound, the clothes you were wearing..
And you recognise yourself all over again.

Truth is, theres just some things you can never forget.
Even if you think you have forgotten about them.

does that make sense at all? No? Its probably just my insomnia talking.

Anyway, on a lighter note,
Happy Birthday to the person I have always turned to all my life and who have always answered my stupid questions.

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