Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dear alisha,

my oh my, our lil brown bear has grown. you are SIX months now.
you are rather tiny. weighing only 6.6kg, you have just doubled your birth weight. we really dunno how to fatten you up. u dunt drink much milk, preferring to move about instead.

at 6 months, you are all over, alisha. you are like a lil boy, always so active, alert and moving about. and this month, your favourite thing to do is standing!! we thought we dont have to worry about that until a few more months, but i guess you are a lil impatient to get to places, arent u?

you just love to stand so much and have been teaching yourself this skill since you were born. i remember how u will always lift your head even as young as a month old. and this month, you did it! you are finally able to pull up and stand holding onto something.

you seldom sit. eversince u learnt to crawl last month, you will crawl everywhere. and you crawl especially to get to a destination where u can pull to stand. you will trample over abang when he is lying down. you will hook your tiny fingers onto abang ears when he is sitting and pull yourself up. you dont care if its my T-shirt, abang's head, atok's knees, long as you can grab onto it, pull and stand. Im sure you cant wait to walk and get to places. Be patient, lil girl. U will one day. you are only 6 months, and u want to do so many things..

and i guess, because you are so determined to get to places, u sleep so little. Nenek is so frustrated at times and she is not sure what to do with you coz u are always always awake. we have to watch over u all the time. u want to see everything, touch everything, eat everything and stand everywhere!. all the time. pheww..its quite tiring for us.

and u are still apprehensive towards strangers. u will wail when they carry u. the last thing u would do is smile at an unfamiliar face. you will only show your widest grin to us, people closest to u. i wonder why..

and i also wonder why u are so fascinated with laptops. when u see a laptop across the room, u will get so excited and crawl as fast as u could towatds it, bulldoze your way through anything in between. u like pressing the keys and then staring at the screen looking for a reaction and get so fascinated by it.

and now, u just hate being left at home. when u see me heading for the door without u, u will scream, cry and start moving frantically. u dunt like to be left behind, do u?

when i reach home from work, you will always welcome me with your enthusiasm. the moment u see me, you will squeal in excitement and move your arms, legs enthusiastically, asking to be carried. and when i do carry u, u will smile your biggest smile:)

at 6 months, you are learning so much. and u just wont slow down...
we will be here, brown bear, trying our best to save your falls.

so till next month,

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