Friday, November 06, 2009

finally, a fortnight of misery is over and i feel so relieved!!! can breathe easier now..although i still have plenty to do actually. next week, another event coming up and ive been arrowed to emcee the event. me emcee? they must be nuts but as usual, i would hv no choice but to do it..and no public humiliation is my only target. arrow me last min sumore...tsk tsk ..well..soon it would be over too and the much awaited holidays will arrive!!! hooray.

here' s just some thoughts that came to mind over the last two weeks..

1) its funny how the internet keeps you connected with the outside world but disconnects you from people staying in the same hse as you.

2) you can love your country and hate the government. hating the government should not be an indication of how patriotic u r.

3) 5 important things that should be the basis of my strategy to mould these young minds:- transmit facts, educate them abt these facts, provoke their minds to think critically, inspire them to ask questions and empower them to change things around them. They should question and wonder. All the time. I must remind myself not to stop at point one coz facts can easily be found at any click of the button. and if that is the case then i am totally irrelevant.

4) A little child is always sensitive. No matter how playful they seemed to be.

5)THe more people you deal with in your home, the more likely you will end up in conflict. But there will also be more reasons for you to resolve them quickly.

6) i can die tomorrow so whats the point of prolonging any feelings that tire me out.

Helloooo weeeekkkend!!boy, am i glad u r here.

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