Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nobody likes liars but I especially hate them.
I am not sure if the problem lies with me. The fact that i have an issue with trusting people. The way i see it, it is a fine line between trust and being blind to things which are happening beneath the surface. and to be oblivious makes me feel stupid. and i have to admit i hate feeling stupid.

its no surprise that even people closest to you are capable of lying. there are so many cases of husbands cheating on their wives right under their noses and vice versa. i dunno which is worst; the fact that their husbands are interested in other people or the fact that they have been lied to all these time. For me, I think the latter would be more painful.

People lie for a variety of reasons. Basically, they want to hide things which they know at some level are unacceptable. But they cannot help but to do them anyway. A poor decision has been made. It was a lack of better judgement but the deed had been done. They are unable to control how they feel and proceed with the decision to do it. Afterwhich, these things have to be sealed in a form of a lie so that normalcy will prevail.

So i ask myself, what would I do, if im put in that situation. In a situation where despite knowing that it is unacceptable, I cant control my wants and proceed on. What would I do? Stop myself?Or go ahead and do it? After which do I lie about it or admit it and let the truth be out? It is a difficult decision, more difficult than deciding to do the unacceptable and bear the consequences in the first place.

I would probably lie too? But day to day living would be a torture. Having to face someone knowing that you are keeping something from that person is pure torture to me. And if anyone can ever do that; keep a straight face within a very close proximity day in and day out, I really think this person is close to being not human. Someone with no conscience dont deserve to be called human, no?

Thats the responsibility u have to commit to for lying isnt it? You lie and you have to maintain it. You maintain it by distinguishing every single sense of conscience in you. So much so, that you convince yourself that you are not lying, but come up with some justification to make up for your lack of/absence of conscience. Some poeple are capable of it, others choose to lift this heavy burden of their chests and tell the truth. The truth hurts and opening a can of worms is never pleasant. And it takes guts to do it. Not everyone has enough of it.

Good decision making is a lifelong learning experience. Even in primary school, we teach our pupils to make sound decisions in our values inculcation programme. But until adulthood, we are still learning. I am guilty of making bad decisions at times and I am constantly learning.

My approach to people who lie is simple. Ive always told my students, my colleagues, irfan that it is always better to tell me the truth even if it hurts. I will like to think that I am a calm and rational person. A person who always look for the grey in things, a person who would say that its ok that a mistake has been made; that a mistake is usually a result of sum of things; an action usually has a cause and nobody should be seen as a total villain or a saint. BUT i cant say the same if a lie has been told to me. Im afraid I cant.

In case anyone is wondering, this entry is not a result of a personal experience. But more of the happenings ive encountered these past few weeks. Lying, dishonesty seemed to be the theme these few weeks and thus Im propelled to write this entry.

SO in case you dont get the gist of this entry; the message is simple. Tell the truth and there is a chance of everything being forgiven. But lie, and I wont even bother to sit down and psycho-analyse the situation; i wont even consider your perspective or ask why.
I would just reiterate my earlier point that I should not have been lied to.

But that is just me. If someone gives you an innocent front but is actually swallowing a painful truth, what would you do if and when you find out?
What would you do?

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