Friday, November 20, 2009

We miss your spunk, boy.

irfan was left at my sis's place the other day while alim and i had to do some errands. when we came home, irfan was pretty quiet.
he called me twice to ask to go home which was rather strange coz he enjoys playing with qistina.
i found out later, all of them watched a horror movie over mio. something called suara dari kubor. i understand from my mum later that there were some scenes of pochong. when we got home, irfan was very quiet and behaving strangely. to put simply, he had lost all his spunk; his loud vocal chords somehow vanished, his hyperactivity stumped and he was just so lethargic and stony. these went on for a few days and i was getting pretty worried coz this boy is always on the go and so the change was very obvious.
i asked him if he was spooked by the scary movie. he said no and refused to talk about it. he did say its only a movie and they were wearing makeup and then kept quiet. but he spoke so little, which again was so unlike him. he prayed maghrib with all of us, and didnt even budge a bit from the prayer mat. no swiinging, no turning and definitely no squirming. so strange.
that night when we got home, he asked alim to pray and get to bed. he wanted all of us to be in bed. he sat on the bed for the longest time blinking and blinking. he closed his eyes a few times but woke up later and looked around. he was the one to wake us up when alisha cried for milk at 5 am. He was obviously affected by something but didnt say what it was. it is rather strange coz i always thought of him as someone who blurts out everything and anything.
for a few days it went on like that. he didnt want to tell us what was wrong. he was so lethargic. he slumps himself on the bed or on the sofa and just kept quiet. some times he watches TV and when it's off he just sits there blinking or fiddles with his toys. when i crack a joke or disturb him, he will still smile but thats all. no disturbing back, no shouting, no lanyak lanyak oso. we couldnt believe that it had been 3 days and we still didnnt have to ask him to be quiet or shut him up.
he had trouble sleeping, that was quite obvious coz he didnt just fall asleep like he used to. even if he falls asleep, he would wake up in the middle of the night, eyes very wide and looked around the room. i wondered if he was spooked or could it be a medical problem. yes i love to worry but the change was so apparent; from one extreme to another so any mum would have been worried too!
so i tried asking him again, had to resort to saying, we'd buy him ice cream if he told us what was wrong. He finally said, in a very soft voice (again, strange) "i am scared. that movie at qistina house. i am scared. But I dont want ice cream. Ice cream is not good for me. Vegetables is better." that was all.
so he was indeed spooked. i think he was sooo spooked that he didnt even want to talk about it. this is the first time ive seen him like this. he had watched horror movies before, and told me right out he is scared but never behaved in this way. quite scary actually to see him like that.
and i must say, i appreciate his spunk much more now! imagine, i actually missed that.
he is slowly getting back but still not the same irfan. we try not to talk about it anymore and keep him occupied with other things. hope he gets back soon:)

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