Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Little ones

The little 'kakak' , (as she calls herself now and persistently reminds us to do the same), is pretty psyched about having a little one in the house.

So what has 'kakak' been up to of late? Everyday as I leave for work, she kisses my tummy and says, "Bye Bye adik, kakak is going to miss you!!!!' and plop a kiss on my tummy. The first thing she does when I get home is to kiss my tummy and scream with full dramatic effect, "Baby, you are home! kakak miss you!!"
I have no idea how she will react when the baby really does come out.

Irfan, on the other hand is concerned about anything that could possibly go wrong. He wants to know if I'm ok or if I have any bleeding. He also finds it amusing that he is going to be a big brother to two lil ones. When asked how he feels , he keeps shaking his head, saying, "how am I going to take care of 2 when I can't even handle one?!"
Cracks me up all the time!:)

And so Alisha accompanied me to my scan the other day as alim had to work late. She was wonderful company, stayed by my side and marveling over the screen as we saw the baby's heartbeat, little arms and legs and the lil squiggles which she and I tried to make out. She whispered in my ear what she thought each part was, much to the sonographers amusement too. She mistook the backbone for the baby's set of teeth, well it kinda look closest to a set of teeth! It was just amazing having her beside me, by the bed, holding my hand and looking over the screen with me. it's pretty hard to describe the feeling:) I don't think I can quite forget that day:)

And then came the big reveal. It was pretty obvious actually, I did spot a lil something sticking out quite starkly between the two tiny legs. Yes, it's a boy! Alisha didn't seem to mind at all, surprisingly. Maybe she knows that would mean she doesnt hv to share her title of being daddy's precious lil girl with anyone else.:)

After we left the scanning room, she said to me, "I love the baby boy." I hope she really does:) I'm not sure she knows what to expect having a baby boy or a baby girl in the house and I don't think she has a clue how she will actually feel when there is a younger sibling in the house.

We fetched irfan from sch after that and the moment he entered the car, he screamed, "so Is it a boy or a girl, ?!"
He was excited but said he had actually hoped it was a girl so that Alisha and the baby can play together. "but a boy is ok too! I can pass my toys to him." He said as an afterthought.

The kids are obviously excited which makes me excited too. Alhamdullilah, the detailed scan showed that everything is great so far. I'm praying for everything to be fine coz like I said before, perfection is indeed a miracle, HIS work. The best I can do is eat right and pray for the best.

Oh and guess who else are excited about the whole thing? My 8 year olds in class! They kept asking if I was pregnant and I finally told them just now. And boy were they excited!! They actually clapped their hands, wowed and wahhed and congratulated me! Haha. I was also bombarded with questions of course, "is it a boy or a girl?"what are u going to call him?""when is it coming out?""can u bring him to school one day?" One silly boy asked me," where is the baby now?" For my own amusement, I replied, " he's in the 'beFORE wORLD.'" He looked utterly confused! I chuckled to myself. Haha. Ok, ok, I will go through the meaning of 'pregnant' with him again on mon...obviously when i said I was pregnant, he didn't know what that meant.

and then, during my periods with them later on, I heard someone said, "shh don't make mdm noraini shout, she's pregnant, remember!" well of course they kept quiet but only for a few brief minutes, before they made me shout at them again. Oh least they tried I guess...

Well kids' excitement can rub off on me, I suppose. I'm excited too now and hoping that everything will be fine,Insyallah.

Till later...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Don't ya ya papaya unless you are a real papaya? Are you?;)

Every time I divert, I am truly thankful to have at least one person in my life to resuscitate my senses without flaming me further.

I am truly thankful for him, for being so different from me. The roof of my house did not collapse because he always held things together. Because if it was left to me, everything would have crashed and burned.

He makes everything look so simple. While I...I struggle most of the time to contain my anger and frustrations. I always need an outlet to vent and each time, without fail, he is able to rephrase my thoughts into perspective, calmly, sincerely and full of patience and love.

My cynical mind and stubborn nature makes it very difficult for me to listen to advice most of the time. And yet with him, I have never said, "What do YOU know?!" Because, I know he does know everything that happens in the house but more importantly, he does exactly what he advises me to do. Effortlessly, all the time.

His advise is simple, "Just do your part to the best of your ability and never expect anyone to do theirs."
And I have to say, this is EXACTLY what he does, everyday for all the 8 years we have lived under the same roof. I have never once heard him say, "You should do this or that, or she should have done this or that, it's her job to.., the least she can do is.., how can she do that?! She should have..."
NEver. In fact, those are more of my words contaminating his brain most of the time.

In my stubborn moments, I ask,"Ya, but don't you feel anything? Frustrations, anger ..that you are treated unfairly or made to do things that you don't want to?"

And constantly, he has to remind me that sometimes we just have to put aside our feelings for the sake of important relationships. And family and especially parents are definitely relationships worth sacrificing our feelings for.

Let me tell you this....If it was just anyone saying this, the evil me would probably say, "Pooi, easy to say. You don't act ya ya papaya if you so good!"

But with him, I really have no bullets to attack lohh, because, he really does put his feelings aside for the sake of my parents especially. Up to a point that I feel extremely bad and ashamed most of the time.

Time and time I forget what he tells me.
Or maybe I didn't. But it's just a feat too difficult for me.

So I am truly thankful, for the constant reminders from the person closest to me, who knows the climate of the house, who live my life, and yet have a perspective so different from mine. Who knows how I feel and help me not only through his words but his actions. Who always leaves me with no bullets to attack.

May HE gives us strength to be a better person. And to you, may HE grant you boundless patience.:)

Saturday, February 04, 2012


This week was a great week. I had an exciting time with the kids in class. Well I can't believe it myself but I'm actually looking forward to school and seeing my pupils daily. I didn't expect teaching lower primary to be so much fun, above all else.

This week my class made chocolate fruit rojak for our MLEA. It was not only delicious but we had a wonderful time doing it. The pupils were as excited as I was. This was my first experience and it's a stark contrast from teaching the upper pri.

We then wrote about the experience. It's a fantastic way to teach writing and I so believe in the approach; so meaningful and exciting!

Next week, we are doing the book ,"bubble trouble" and we are making soap bubbles!! Pupils are to shape the bubble blower using wires to any shape they desire. Then, we are going to go outside and blow bubbles. I am looking forward to that:)

I started the year with some apprehensions as I embarked on a couple of new experiences this year, but I am quite glad I've decided to teach p2. I've always believed that both learning and teaching should be fun and meaningful. This year, I finally see that a lot in my teaching.

And I love all the big books we are reading so far. The print, the story and especially the pupils' reactions. The other day, we read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, one of my fav authors. The pupils loved it and I just could not wait to read it to them.

This year has been a blessing so far. It feels depressing to go through work daily forgetting the meaning and excitement of why you are in the profession in the first place. So this year, I feel liberated from so many things which I was forcing myself to do for the past years.

Its super great to see meaning behind my every actions, to be able to do things which I totally believe in and have strong feelings for:) THAT was what was largely missing for the past years.

So this is what I've learnt:
1) change is a wonderful thing
2) if you think you need change, u definitely need change, pronto!
3) doing what you believe in and have strong feelings for, makes you more hardworking and ALIVE.

Sure, at the end of the day I am still like a dead duck, exhausted like I've just survived a battle. I go home and end up in screensaver mode for a couple of hours.

But a brand new day begins, and I d be looking forward planning all the resources I am going to need for my lessons. I'm even thinking of buying my own lamination machine to laminate all the vocabulary word cards and class decorations. Alim said I'm crazy. Oh and speaking of class deco, my class theme this year is "Theme Park" suggested by one of my pupils and I'm already thinking of so many ways to decorate the class! My group names are Water Slide, Spinning Cups, Battlestar, Galactica and of course, Roller Coaster. These kids are so creative and easily excited. It's definitely rubbing off on me, I think.

So till next time...have a great week ahead, everyone!!!:)

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Thursday, February 02, 2012

I wish you never left preschool

Irfan entered primary school this year and that changed my life. I know that sounds a tad too dramatic but it's true.

Let me start with spelling. How hard can spelling be right? Wrong.

I said this to him today as we were walking hand in hand, home from the carpark, " I'm tired of scolding you when we learn spelling."

To which, he replied innocently. "I know. I'm tired of crying when we learn spelling."

I almost lol at that. I guess we've both established the fact that non of us enjoy spelling. At least we could agree to that!

Sure, he got a perfect score for all his spelling so far, but that didn't happen without sheer hard work, tears and scolding.

It's not that he takes a long time to remember. In fact he's pretty quick at memorizing but what irks me is I have to constantly remind him to take out his spelling list, divert his attention from distractions, get him to stay focused, sit down and concentrate.

I don't like the fact that I have to remind him to learn his spelling and nag at him to memorize again when he gets things wrong. This plus the million work stuff I hv to do just makes me super short-fused.

I wonder when will he be disciplined enough to learn spelling on his own. And I can just shake leg like when he was in preschool.

Next up, packing of bags. Today he forgot 3 things which should be brought to sch. Why? Because I wasn't home to remind him as I had to go work early. Honestly, I'm quite tired of reminding him to do this and that, just hearing myself nag makes me sick to my stomach. Last year, I could have spent all these moments playing with him but now, every contact I have with him is mostly school related. I hate that! I miss those "care free" days.

Ok end of complain. I told myself I'm going to try out some strategies to teach him a certain sense of responsibility and self-discipline. It's not easy but if I start now hopefully when he gets to upper pri and his exams start coming, I won't have to nag him to study. Ada hope tak?

So any idea what's the magic formula?

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