Thursday, February 16, 2012

Don't ya ya papaya unless you are a real papaya? Are you?;)

Every time I divert, I am truly thankful to have at least one person in my life to resuscitate my senses without flaming me further.

I am truly thankful for him, for being so different from me. The roof of my house did not collapse because he always held things together. Because if it was left to me, everything would have crashed and burned.

He makes everything look so simple. While I...I struggle most of the time to contain my anger and frustrations. I always need an outlet to vent and each time, without fail, he is able to rephrase my thoughts into perspective, calmly, sincerely and full of patience and love.

My cynical mind and stubborn nature makes it very difficult for me to listen to advice most of the time. And yet with him, I have never said, "What do YOU know?!" Because, I know he does know everything that happens in the house but more importantly, he does exactly what he advises me to do. Effortlessly, all the time.

His advise is simple, "Just do your part to the best of your ability and never expect anyone to do theirs."
And I have to say, this is EXACTLY what he does, everyday for all the 8 years we have lived under the same roof. I have never once heard him say, "You should do this or that, or she should have done this or that, it's her job to.., the least she can do is.., how can she do that?! She should have..."
NEver. In fact, those are more of my words contaminating his brain most of the time.

In my stubborn moments, I ask,"Ya, but don't you feel anything? Frustrations, anger ..that you are treated unfairly or made to do things that you don't want to?"

And constantly, he has to remind me that sometimes we just have to put aside our feelings for the sake of important relationships. And family and especially parents are definitely relationships worth sacrificing our feelings for.

Let me tell you this....If it was just anyone saying this, the evil me would probably say, "Pooi, easy to say. You don't act ya ya papaya if you so good!"

But with him, I really have no bullets to attack lohh, because, he really does put his feelings aside for the sake of my parents especially. Up to a point that I feel extremely bad and ashamed most of the time.

Time and time I forget what he tells me.
Or maybe I didn't. But it's just a feat too difficult for me.

So I am truly thankful, for the constant reminders from the person closest to me, who knows the climate of the house, who live my life, and yet have a perspective so different from mine. Who knows how I feel and help me not only through his words but his actions. Who always leaves me with no bullets to attack.

May HE gives us strength to be a better person. And to you, may HE grant you boundless patience.:)

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