Saturday, February 04, 2012


This week was a great week. I had an exciting time with the kids in class. Well I can't believe it myself but I'm actually looking forward to school and seeing my pupils daily. I didn't expect teaching lower primary to be so much fun, above all else.

This week my class made chocolate fruit rojak for our MLEA. It was not only delicious but we had a wonderful time doing it. The pupils were as excited as I was. This was my first experience and it's a stark contrast from teaching the upper pri.

We then wrote about the experience. It's a fantastic way to teach writing and I so believe in the approach; so meaningful and exciting!

Next week, we are doing the book ,"bubble trouble" and we are making soap bubbles!! Pupils are to shape the bubble blower using wires to any shape they desire. Then, we are going to go outside and blow bubbles. I am looking forward to that:)

I started the year with some apprehensions as I embarked on a couple of new experiences this year, but I am quite glad I've decided to teach p2. I've always believed that both learning and teaching should be fun and meaningful. This year, I finally see that a lot in my teaching.

And I love all the big books we are reading so far. The print, the story and especially the pupils' reactions. The other day, we read The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, one of my fav authors. The pupils loved it and I just could not wait to read it to them.

This year has been a blessing so far. It feels depressing to go through work daily forgetting the meaning and excitement of why you are in the profession in the first place. So this year, I feel liberated from so many things which I was forcing myself to do for the past years.

Its super great to see meaning behind my every actions, to be able to do things which I totally believe in and have strong feelings for:) THAT was what was largely missing for the past years.

So this is what I've learnt:
1) change is a wonderful thing
2) if you think you need change, u definitely need change, pronto!
3) doing what you believe in and have strong feelings for, makes you more hardworking and ALIVE.

Sure, at the end of the day I am still like a dead duck, exhausted like I've just survived a battle. I go home and end up in screensaver mode for a couple of hours.

But a brand new day begins, and I d be looking forward planning all the resources I am going to need for my lessons. I'm even thinking of buying my own lamination machine to laminate all the vocabulary word cards and class decorations. Alim said I'm crazy. Oh and speaking of class deco, my class theme this year is "Theme Park" suggested by one of my pupils and I'm already thinking of so many ways to decorate the class! My group names are Water Slide, Spinning Cups, Battlestar, Galactica and of course, Roller Coaster. These kids are so creative and easily excited. It's definitely rubbing off on me, I think.

So till next time...have a great week ahead, everyone!!!:)

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