Thursday, February 02, 2012

I wish you never left preschool

Irfan entered primary school this year and that changed my life. I know that sounds a tad too dramatic but it's true.

Let me start with spelling. How hard can spelling be right? Wrong.

I said this to him today as we were walking hand in hand, home from the carpark, " I'm tired of scolding you when we learn spelling."

To which, he replied innocently. "I know. I'm tired of crying when we learn spelling."

I almost lol at that. I guess we've both established the fact that non of us enjoy spelling. At least we could agree to that!

Sure, he got a perfect score for all his spelling so far, but that didn't happen without sheer hard work, tears and scolding.

It's not that he takes a long time to remember. In fact he's pretty quick at memorizing but what irks me is I have to constantly remind him to take out his spelling list, divert his attention from distractions, get him to stay focused, sit down and concentrate.

I don't like the fact that I have to remind him to learn his spelling and nag at him to memorize again when he gets things wrong. This plus the million work stuff I hv to do just makes me super short-fused.

I wonder when will he be disciplined enough to learn spelling on his own. And I can just shake leg like when he was in preschool.

Next up, packing of bags. Today he forgot 3 things which should be brought to sch. Why? Because I wasn't home to remind him as I had to go work early. Honestly, I'm quite tired of reminding him to do this and that, just hearing myself nag makes me sick to my stomach. Last year, I could have spent all these moments playing with him but now, every contact I have with him is mostly school related. I hate that! I miss those "care free" days.

Ok end of complain. I told myself I'm going to try out some strategies to teach him a certain sense of responsibility and self-discipline. It's not easy but if I start now hopefully when he gets to upper pri and his exams start coming, I won't have to nag him to study. Ada hope tak?

So any idea what's the magic formula?

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