Monday, March 19, 2012

Baby girl goes to school.

My baby girl starts her first day of sch today.

She has been waiting for this day, very enthusiastic and looking forward to being with friends. I hope the sch meets her expectations because I do know she has this idea of sch as being a very fun place where kids read, write, draw, sing and dance.

Amidst my splitting headache, I sent her and took the van with her just for today. She was so confident of going on her own and insisted that she can go on her own with the driver and her friends. But I must say, I'm the one who was reluctant to let go.

Upon reaching, she waved me goodbye and like a seasoned preschooler, placed her shoes on the rack and followed the teacher. I soon realized I wasn't needed. I wished she had wanted me to stay but she didn't insist at all. She smiled at me and waved and soon turned her attention to her teachers and friends. No one would have known its her first day.

I lingered and saw her sitting with other kids listening to the teachers instructions. I took a peek again later and she was busy arranging her materials. I thought she looked sad but she told my mum( who dropped by and sat with her for a bit) she likes school. I suppose I was the one who was worried.

Im not sure how she is now. She will be back in an hours time and we will soon find out if she looks forward to school tomorrow or she wouldn't want to go back. I had an inkling that she wouldn't cry but she does have strong opinions. Not crying does not mean she likes what she was asked to do in sch. She's pretty good at showing a cool calm exterior in front of people, hiding her true feelings. But I will only know how she truly feels when she gets home later.

Can't wait for her to reach home and tell me all about school! I just hope she's not disappointed as to what the school has got to offer because she was very much looking forward to it.

Will update later!

I miss her:(

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