Thursday, July 29, 2004

Happy Birfday NAZI!!!!!

Happy Birfday NAZI!!!

She IRKS me to no end
with her BIZARRE problems

She makes me MADD ever so often
for using my bags, make up, and yes, even my PANTIES!
and thank me after that, by spoiling them all.
My bags will snap, my lipstick will be flattened,
and my panties filled with holes.
hmm wonder what kind of >>> she has!!!!

She finishes all the food in the house
Once in a while, she carries me, just to check if I've gained weight.
Yes, she carries me, LIFTS ME UP and finds pleasure in seeing my feet dangling in the air.
either she's strong or Im SKINNY MINNYY.

Basically she's a pain in the neck.


i can't help but to adore her.
How do I adore her?
I sing her a song

which goes
" Nazi Nazi in the air,
I can see your UNDERWEAR
Not too big not too small,
Just the size of SINGAPORE!!!"

she used to wail and chase me when i sing that
but now that she's 12,
she just ignore me
so boring

so now, i make her scream by pinching a body part of hers
a body part which is sticking out bigger and bigger by the day

oh how she would scream,
and chase me to no end
but she can never catch me of coz,
coz she's way too heavy. haha

she's no other than my cuckoo niece, Nazihah!!
Whose BIRTHDAY is TODAY!!!!!
Your auntie shouts:""HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRAZY GIRLYYY!!!""

i luv you, girl
every bit of your 60kg self!

just don't grow up too fast orite

now, come here you, let me pinch THOSE...oooo yummy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

The Coincidental Quote

The Coincidental Quote

Just when Im getting sick of pple's destructive comments and negative remarks, I was truly amazed to find this perfect quote. Its just lying there, at a blog i frequent, waiting to be discovered by me. Wat perfect timing. D, its what we have been talking about lately. lil did we know, Mother Theresa had said it all.

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.

- Mother Theresa

Monday, July 19, 2004

Muntah Berbakul bakul

Muntah berbakul bakul

what a bad sunday it was. i have been very mean to my stomach on fri and sat, letting it starve, without single proper meal.
and so my stomach got back at me on sunday. it really showed its unhappiness.
after lunch at the course, my stomach felt really bad, so mauch gas, and i could feel the beriyani just at the tip of the throat. luckily it managed to stay there somehow, till the end of the course. when it was over, i vomitted almost everything out. in the car. lucky got plastic bag. the plastic was really full.ewwww.

then another round of vomitting at home, and another and another. i was all quesy and went to the doc. waited for one excruciating hour and finally got back and vomitted again. took my medicine and slept. 2 days mc.

woke up at 7am today and realised i have not called school to inform. quickly scrambled to the fone.

im still queesy now. the tot of food still makes me want to vomit. feeling dehydrated too from all the vomitting.

boy, this is one of the worst stomach attack. feel so sick and extremely weak. but i need to be in school morrow. otherwise i have to give her a call. and that would be a nightmare.

back to bed for now.

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Please don't YA YA here!

Please don't YA YA here
This is dedicated to you and you.
I dunno how they can do it?
To pretend as if it's theirs when they don't even have a hand in it.
When they are not the ones who 
burn the midnite oil, 
rush to complete,
run around, 
Why do they speak to the person that matters
As if they know the project.
When they obviously don't
When they just sit there
And then report the progress and success that I have solely worked for?
How can they?
Maybe that's the way it should be
That's the smart way so that u can be ranked higher 
get a fatter bonus.
Be seen in a good light.
That's the smart way.
To seem as if u r working hard, doing everything
When you are doing
And I mean nothing at all.
In fact you make my job even more difficult
By being inefficient.
Maybe I m just stupid.
To be too quiet
To be too humble
To like to fade in the background
No one would know what I have done
I dunno how to play the political game
Whenever I play it, I just can't stand myself
I can never take credit for something others have worked hard for
Not even a little
Id rather kill myself then do that
How can you ever live with yourself?
Am I stupid?
Maybe I am
But this is me.
And I live for the after.
I still smile at you, and laugh with you
as if nuthing has happened
But im not blind
I know what you think I don't.
And I despise it to the worst degree
So be gone, my "friends"
Be gone.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Nostalgic rAiny days

Nostalgic rAiny days

oh-weeee its raininggg...i like it when it rains, the overcast and coolness reminds me of my younger days, when i played camping camping with my older brother.

i still remember the soft, red checkered blanket we used as tents, with the 4 edges spread out and lowly tied to 4 chairs carefully placed at each corner. then we will stacks pillows after pillows underneath. when our tent is ready and all comfy, we will crawl under the blanket and curl ourselves inside. sometimes when it gets too dark coz of the rain, we will bring in torchlights and switch em on. all in the comforts of our living room.

rainy days also remind me of the smell of doughnuts and library books. one rainy day when i was very lil, my mum brought me to the library and we had doughnut gula afterwards.

i also remember playing fishing fishing with my brother. our double decker bed became our ship, one sapu lidi as fishing rod, benang as fishing line and cut out paper fish. and our bait was special cause its magnet bars. i remember drawing many many fish and cutting em out, then stapling them one by one. the staples must go near the mouth area, cause baits are usually stuck to the mouth aren't they? so once they r ready, we littered the fishes on the "sea" floor and we sat bersila on our bed. 1,2,3 and we throw out our fishing line with the magnet at the end. who catches the most fish wins, or rather, who could get the most fish stuck to their magnets will win. my brother taught me that game, and till now i tot that was so clever.

but of coz, after a few years my brother grew up and became too cool and ekshen to play with me :(

me all nostalgic now. i miss my childhood days.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Birthday and missed mission

Birthday and missed mission

D and me didnt go to the sungguh hot event. insteadd, we stayed at the chalet throughout. but, heck, there's so much coverage here in the blogging world, complete with pics and all, that we felt we didnt miss much. and those who didnt have pics, had the word "sungguh" peppered all over their blog.

well, D and me are not into much glamour and glitz anyway. though we are now trying to venture out into all possible ways to live.
we just like to see a variety of things, pple with various characters, dressing and lifestyle. most of the time, its a good cause for a good laugh. and im sure being at sungguh hot will make us laugh a lot. can u imagine the amt of effort pple put in to make themselves look gooodd?? sumtimes we find that quite the hilarious.

senang ckp, we very kpo. and maybe too curious for our own good. heh, but we like to keep our comments to ourselves. unless, u ask for it lah. dunt wanna create no ruckus, aye.

the chalet for my brother's bday was fun. a big huge thank u to eTTy for making all this possible, really. cause before this, bdays was not much celebrated in my family. never had a family chalet of that sort.
wish it was longer though. then we can have another round of the loud SNORING to "lull" us to sleep. still wonder how my sis and her family can survive his snoring every single nite. it was super loud beyond imagination. really! macam tido kat construction site.

so now its Monday. back to work and meetings. and very minimal dating.:(

Friday, July 09, 2004

Glam Cramps

Glam Cramps

Someone help me.
my cramps is killing me.
it didnt help that i didnt have a decent meal the whole day. yep i didnt! dunno why evrytime i think about food, it just made me want to vomit. and i took one panadol just now, on a veryy empty stomach.
have a feeling my liver might just protest someday, its probably building up a case now. im detrimental to myself. how stupid can that be?

the social studies trip to kampong glam HAd to be today, just as im having my cramps and dying from lack of carbo.
and it HAD to be a really hot afternoon, with the Sun shining right into our eyeballs. luckily my kids didnt behave too badly for me to vomit blood. (although i was actually "vomitting" blood from somewhere else. thats the reason for my cramps, foul mood and lack of energy. hmm..u dunt need to noe.)

yes im in a foul mood.
if not, why would i be scolding and acting all grumpy towards the ONLY kind soul who wants to help me settle wat was supposed to be MY work. im sorry kind soul, i really am. i swear i am. after all the effort u have put in to see all MY work are completed, grumpy, spoilt me had to be such a pain in the neck and throw tantrums! im sorry for telling you last minute, then expect you to give me wat i want. dah bagus tu ada kind soul nak buatkan.
MEAN, MEAn ME! damn cramps. i hate this time of the mth!!!! id rather go through circumcision then have tis cramps monthly!!!!

i need to lie down. i feel like fainting


like my stomach is bursting


my head is spinning

360 degrees

night,night, hurry away..

i cant wait for morrow to come
when i get better.

IF i get better

right now, kind soul,

pls bear with me


Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Charlize Theron and a packets of Hudsons

Charlize Theron and a packet of Hudsons

A packet of Hudsons made me happy today.
doesn't take much, does it?

and Charlize Theron is oh so gorgeous.
muka macam ice cream. (D, did i use the description correctly?)

and then there's Johnny Depp as her husband.
a feast to the eye, i say!

guess I'd be sleeping late tonite.
The Astronaut's Wife is on T.V.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Mission accomplished

Mission Accomplished

Mission accomplished!
Im a happy girl.
Im broke.

we have becomed quite a shopaholic, D and me.

ive once written about how we always label and judge pple from what they wear. and so in our (me and accomplice) attempt to get to know their lifestyle before judging them, we have as far as possible try our best to involve ourselves in their activities. some nites ago, we landed ourselves in a ska/punk gathering or mini concert of some sort at substation. most, if not all of them were youngsters clad in leather jackets and skinheads. some were in suits and hats. they were all grooving to the tune of ska.
what did i gather from that? i luv the music. peace luving music danced in a peace luving way.
i enjoyed myself. looking forward to another one. for the music.

and this Sat, my accomplice and me will be involving ourselves with some pretty and gd looking people, malay celebrities of sorts, and celebrities wannabe. truth be told, D and me dunt really fancy pple of such, we always label them as glamour crazy, looks conscious, and all prissy. and besides i seldom watch Suria or much of the malay celebrity industry in singapore, we have this conception that most are youngsters with good looks and no talent. and sometimes, a lot of good looks just makes us sick.

BUT, like ive written, who are we judge when we have never been to any Malay speaking shows, talentimes, anugerah or whatever else that Suria has. so again in our attempt not to be judgemental, D has surprised me with 2 tixs to Sungguh Hot. Indeed i was suprised cause its so unlike him to want to go to such shows. well, we thought what the heck, just see wat the fuss is about.

now the tixs was supposed to be a surprise and it so happens that this Sat, something else will be on. sumthing ive been looking forward to. either way, we'd make it for both, i hope.

let's not label anything else shall we??? especially not based merely on their dressing and looks. underneath all that, we are all the same, aren't we?

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Belated shopping spree

All's great when the company is great

i think everyone has gone to the Zara sale except for moi.

been busy busy busy.
im glad my school's roadshow is finally over.

stayed in school till almost 8 the day before roadshow. having a last min person as a head is never easy.
the robotics trainers were still in school at 6 so i tot i drop by and say im going off. but talking to Gilbert and the other trainers can never be short, he always has sumthing really funny and silly to say. suddenly it was already 7.30pm and the school was all dark. its always the case. supposed to do work, but end up chit chatting. hmmm, i must stop going to the lab when he is working on the robots. but thank god for their quirky humour and endless jokes, working doesnt feel like a torture.

then thanks to eTTy and my bro, i got everything ready for the roadshow. almost camped at their place. but again, good company always makes me forget that im working, so with my brother helping me, and eTTy showing me her crazy old photos. (hmmm should have stole one and put here ah..esp the mangkuk hair one!) i forgot that it was already after 2am. see lah, supposed to do work, end up chit chatting again. lucky, my bro and D helped while i just enjoy the aircon and laugh over the ancient fotos with eTTy. hehe.

so all's over now. and now i have time to breathe.

2 things to accomplish today.

zara sale and spidy movie. that is a must!!! been waiting fot the movie for what feels like ages.

and yahoooooooooo!!!!!!!! morrow is youth day!!!! and its a well deserving holiday for me and all the overworked teachers out there!!!

so enjoy ya all!