Monday, July 12, 2004

Birthday and missed mission

Birthday and missed mission

D and me didnt go to the sungguh hot event. insteadd, we stayed at the chalet throughout. but, heck, there's so much coverage here in the blogging world, complete with pics and all, that we felt we didnt miss much. and those who didnt have pics, had the word "sungguh" peppered all over their blog.

well, D and me are not into much glamour and glitz anyway. though we are now trying to venture out into all possible ways to live.
we just like to see a variety of things, pple with various characters, dressing and lifestyle. most of the time, its a good cause for a good laugh. and im sure being at sungguh hot will make us laugh a lot. can u imagine the amt of effort pple put in to make themselves look gooodd?? sumtimes we find that quite the hilarious.

senang ckp, we very kpo. and maybe too curious for our own good. heh, but we like to keep our comments to ourselves. unless, u ask for it lah. dunt wanna create no ruckus, aye.

the chalet for my brother's bday was fun. a big huge thank u to eTTy for making all this possible, really. cause before this, bdays was not much celebrated in my family. never had a family chalet of that sort.
wish it was longer though. then we can have another round of the loud SNORING to "lull" us to sleep. still wonder how my sis and her family can survive his snoring every single nite. it was super loud beyond imagination. really! macam tido kat construction site.

so now its Monday. back to work and meetings. and very minimal dating.:(

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