Monday, March 28, 2011

Earth hour

Earth Rangers!! Fighting against electricity wastage.

Light saber is in order!

Mission accomplished!
Earth hour 2011.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I wish I had the guts to say this.

Have patience. There's nothing to lose being a doormat when it comes to your old, ageing parents/parents-in-law. there's nothing to lose when you endure words from your parents/parents-in-law that cuts you like a knife. They might not be the best of company but they need you. No matter how u might hurt them with your absence, with your self centred attitude, they yearn for your attention. So don't think they don't understand you, how about trying to understand them, even when they hurt you the most. I don't want to state the obvious but there's no excuse good enough to not visit, not call, not care about your parents/ in-laws.
Yes, even if you have problems of your own. Amidst your own problems its so easy to forget them. But thats not good enough a reason. And showing you care just by thinking about them 2 seconds amidst your busy life is not enough. It's not money that they want either. Just your presence.
Even if they piss you off, get on your nerves, step all over you, you should never ignore them. They never intend to hurt, they don't do it intentionally. It might be against better judgement. Fine they might be wrong. But so what? This is not a battle which you should even consider. So what if you are right and they are wrong? So what if u let them step all over u? Yes i know they can be difficult to love. Trust me, i know. What have you got to lose tolerating them? What have you got to lose swallowing your anger?
Talk to someone who can cool you down. Complain, let out your anger to your sounding board. Take time to overcome your anger but never ignore your parents/parents in law. Have patience, have patience, have patience.
Remember, they are not getting younger. They are old. They need you. Give them your best cause they don't have that many years left. Don't live to regret it.
And most importantly, your kids are watching you. Would you want your kids to react the same way when you are old and behaving irrationally?
Someone who is difficult to love, sometimes needs the most love. I wish they didn't want it from u, but they do. I wish they didnt care that you are constantly missing, but they do. So get over yourselves and spend some of your time with them, even if it's difficult for you. There's nothing more worth it than this.
And lastly, I'm not trying to act all good, smarter, better than anyone. Believe me, I have my own struggles too. Every single day with them. And we are trying. And I know constant reminders from people are important coz we do forget. So I'm just here reminding. Who knows someday, I might need the same piece of advice from you too.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011


We ate.

We lazed around. We swam.

We visited the Aquaria.

And we ate some more.

And that's about it. Time spent with the kids was priceless:)
Back to school on Monday and an exciting Term 2 begins!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Surah Competition

Irfan's first competition

Irfan has never taken part in the surah competition held yearly during maulidur rasul. But since this is Irfan's last year and he was excited to take part, we came and gave him our fullest support:)

AS previous years, the competition wasnt all that competitive. I guess most of the lil ones took part just for the stage exposure and for the fun of it. Some were really tiny and stood still on stage, looking all frightened and confused. So kesiann...I guess they didnt expect to feel so jittery when they see the hundreds pairs of eyes staring at them. Just hope they wont be traumatised for life! :)

Irfan was calm and couldnt wait for his turn. He recited his surah well, also because he is already in K2 and I suppose, surah An-Nas wasn't that much of a challenge for him. He didnt look frightened or nervous at all, but after he came down from stage, he told us that his heart was beating very fast when he saw all the audience looking at him. Oh, we couldnt even tell, we told him.

Irfan recitinng his surah

Receiving his prize

He won third place. Everyone who took part received a consolation prize! Good thing for all those brave lil ones who managed to stand up on stage alone. They really deserve a prize. Im sure for most, it was their first time and Im glad they received a lil something:)

Presenting his prize to his forever loyal supporter

Leading in the nasyid performance

Totally forgiven for the totally uncoordinated movements, sidestepping and out of tune singing during the nasyid performance.. because they all look so darn adorable!!! :)

Marha! Marha!;)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Alisha@ 22 months

Ok so here's part 3 and 4 of the video. If you have not seen 1 and 2, just scroll down and you will see it.

To be honest, I was quite surprised by the things Alisha says especially "Ayah sepak" and "call police" part. These are not words alim and I commonly used and Alim has never laid a finger on that lil girl, in fact he is such a softie when it comes to this lil girl.

After some observation and investigation, apparently when she gets naughty at home, which is pretty often, my dear parents will threaten her by saying things like , "Nanti call police, or ayah balik and sepak alisha (sepak as in slap not kick..hehe...but still a pretty harsh word by my standards)...oh well, although I disagree with this style of parenting but I do know that any attempt to correct my parents will be threading on very dangerous grounds...that might just crack the already so fragile bubble of peace and harmony in the home.

So what do I do? Do the best I can when I am with the kids, and pray hard my parents notice that the way we handle the kids are pretty different from them. Not to say Im an expert in parenting and my parents are not, after all they brought me up and although I have some bad habits, I can safely say I didnt turn out that bad after all. But it's common to have differing views when it comes to raising a child, especially between parents and grandparents. And it's even more common to hear about stories of how arguments between a couple and their parents who are living under one roof came about due to differing views on child rearing.

So I rather not go there. And if I do try to being my point across, I have to be really careful with my words..sometimes my points get across, sometimes feelings are hurt. So I have learnt to be very cautious when it comes to such things.

Well, that is part and parcel of living under the same roof as our parents. But not everything is dark and gloomy of course..I can think of a million and one other reasons why I am so grateful to have my parents around with me and I cant imagine living without them. But it comes with a set of challenges that sometimes doesnt get better with time.

Alamak, I have diverted so much, all I wanted to do in this post was actually to put up the video and I almost forgot all about it!

Here goes.....bring the volume up:)

And the Phoneme Flip Stand which Alisha was fiddling with, was from Alim's mum. I really have to start using all the resources she has given the kids; that, the flashcards, story books...wonderful resources they all are but this "wonderful" parent has just got to make it happen.

Alisha @ 22 months 4-part video

Well, had the luxury of time last week to take Alisha's video.
Here's the first two parts. In part 2, Alisha was busy playing 'office office', not that she has been in one before.
I guess she has been observing me hard at work on the computer...but the answering phones and making calls in between typing on the computer is so exaggerated loh. Dah macam secretary....

But the "Im busy" part, I have to admit came totally from me. Guilty as charged. When she is clamouring over me and I have urgent work to complete, I'd go, "Im busy. Im doing work.." So what does she do? Parrots me back at another time, another occasion. Like echo effect man, this girl!

Put the volume up and enjoy! Part 3 and 4 will be up soon:)

Friday, March 04, 2011

Snooze button

Thank u for the reminders. I hear u calling. I am coming. I am coming. I am coming. Quicken my pace, hasten my heart. I'm still in bed, comfortable, safe. Looking up, waiting. Get me out. Pull me up. I know I have to jolt myself out of bed. Give me the strength. Give me the courage. Wake me now.

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Bugs to cure a bug

Irfan has not been in sch for a week now due to a very nasty fever. In fact, he is still having fever now. Tomorrow, it will be one week. And so, I've been yanking myself out of work to go home early so that I can spend time with him. Take his mind off the fever for a bit.

We were reading a book on insects and then we did this! Adik helped too of course:)

We drew, we painted and we carefully cut out the lil bugs.

Got distracted and painted our hands instead and made hand prints..adik was elated to get messy!

We put them up and they were pretty! ;)

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Thursday, March 03, 2011

A lil doa for his beloved daddy

As alim is on reservist, tonight, it was just me, irfan and Alisha for maghrib prayers. After praying, irfan immediately cupped his hands and said a lil doa which caught me by surprise," oh Allah, please make my ayah ok in the army. Please don't let him die." macamlah bapak dia pegi perang gulf war pulak eh... khekheke. when I heard him say these words and looked at him sitting on the prayer mat with his little hands, I just felt like hugging him so tight and telling him to stay this way forever, to don't be aksen when he's a teenager, to always be loving n caring like he has always been...
It was an awwwwww moment for me man, nothing like your own son saying a lil prayer for you, without being told to and with words right from his tiny sincere heart...;)

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Wednesday, March 02, 2011


I cant sleep. I cant speak so here i am fiddling with my phone. Found some pics in my phone from our trip last December.

We slept at narita airport while on 8 hours transit. The kids didnt care less they were sleeping on strollers and chairs. We dreamt we were backpacking.

We watched the kids colouring as we waited for our food. They were full of concentration. We looked in disbelief.

We drove for miles and miles accompanied by beautiful blue sky. And kids' entertainment.

We finally arrived. San Francisco, you were too pretty to forget.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

5 senses

Lost my voice, ringing in my ears, blocked nose. 3 out of 5. Looking forward to better days. I will appreciate them more now, I'm sure.

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Barney on repeat mode

Her favourite song

YouTube Video

Ok Alisha, I'm glad your audience love that, judging from their very enthusiastic clap. It's really nice and u look cute singing it but maybe, just maybe u would like to sing another song perhaps? You know, add a lil variety. And also coz with Barney on repeat mode, I can even hear the song in my sleep. So, Another song pleassseee, like that yellow bird song u sang last nite... Or watever else that u picked up on ayah's CDs. Just not Barney pn repeat mode can oredi.

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Painfully croaking

I have no voice. My voice decided to leave me last night. Maybe it decided to accompany Alim to his reservist..Crap! now I'm left with a painful throat and a mouth that lets out a devastating croak.
I'm on mc today coz I need to rest my throat. I need to go back to work tomorrow. Was thinking of going through some papers they did so I'm hoping for a miracle that my voice will return tonite. Anyway, how long will lost of voice usually last? I don't get this often, in fact I can't remember the last time I got this.
Been falling sick waaayyy too often...good news, I've got a new fdw. So goodbye dust and dirty clothes. No need to ration clothes clothes ironed, my toilet smelling nice and hopefully the kids don't fall sick as often.

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