Friday, March 18, 2011

Surah Competition

Irfan's first competition

Irfan has never taken part in the surah competition held yearly during maulidur rasul. But since this is Irfan's last year and he was excited to take part, we came and gave him our fullest support:)

AS previous years, the competition wasnt all that competitive. I guess most of the lil ones took part just for the stage exposure and for the fun of it. Some were really tiny and stood still on stage, looking all frightened and confused. So kesiann...I guess they didnt expect to feel so jittery when they see the hundreds pairs of eyes staring at them. Just hope they wont be traumatised for life! :)

Irfan was calm and couldnt wait for his turn. He recited his surah well, also because he is already in K2 and I suppose, surah An-Nas wasn't that much of a challenge for him. He didnt look frightened or nervous at all, but after he came down from stage, he told us that his heart was beating very fast when he saw all the audience looking at him. Oh, we couldnt even tell, we told him.

Irfan recitinng his surah

Receiving his prize

He won third place. Everyone who took part received a consolation prize! Good thing for all those brave lil ones who managed to stand up on stage alone. They really deserve a prize. Im sure for most, it was their first time and Im glad they received a lil something:)

Presenting his prize to his forever loyal supporter

Leading in the nasyid performance

Totally forgiven for the totally uncoordinated movements, sidestepping and out of tune singing during the nasyid performance.. because they all look so darn adorable!!! :)

Marha! Marha!;)

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