Monday, July 23, 2012

And then there are three:)

So yes! It's over! Alhamdullilah. The littlest one is sleeping beautifully in his cot, looking so peaceful and calm. I just had a good massage and I feel soo much better.

So like previously, for the sake of my bad memory, I'm going to pen down the birth journal here for future reference. The other two entries were very helpful and thank god for them I could remember what exactly happened.

So here goes:

19 July : 12pm, had bloody show. Very mild contractions. Text husband that it could be tomorrow.

19 July : 12am; contractions started to be regular, but still far apart. The contractions werent as painful as I expected them to be. Lasted the whole
night and I didn't really have a good night sleep. Thought of going to KK but was too tired to go.

20 July: 6.30am, prayed subuh and contractions were getting intense. Was still not sure if I should leave soon. Wanted to wait it out as long as I could.

20 July: 8.00am, after breakfast and a bath, decided to leave for KK. The contractions were still not too bad so I was still in two minds. But decided to go anyway coz the contractions were regular.

8.30am: reached KK. Went into the triage. Was 4cm dilated. Was pretty disappointed coz I dunno how long I'll have to wait till 10cm. Even asked the nurse if I could go home and wait. Hurhur. She said I have to be admitted coz my contractions were regular, I was bleeding and 4cm dilation was enough to be admitted into labour ward.

9.00am: all strapped up and the waiting game started. Strangely, the contractions were getting milder. They were the least painful compared to irfan and Alisha. So I was pretty convinced this will take a pretty long time.

9.30 am: Georgie came and broke my water bag. I told her my contractions were mild and this will probably be long. She checked my stats and said my contractions were good and strong n pushing the head further down. I'm already 6cm dilated. She joked that I could probably have my lunch too.
She had an op to attend to and told the nurse to call her when I'm ready

9.30-11.15 waiting game continued, watched tv, alim took pictures, contractions were manageable strangely.

11.25 the big ones came. The crazy contractions just suddenly came surging, felt like someone searing my upper thigh. 3 to 4 mad contractions later, I called the nurse and told her to check me.
I was sooo ready to push. There's no other way to go but push. I demanded for georgie but the nurse insisted on checking me first. I was mad! I didnt want the nurse to deliver me. I knew i was ready. She checked me and I was 9cm dilated!! She asked me to push coz she said she wanted to see how well I could push and if the baby's head was coming out. I was fuming mad. Why cant she just trust the patient! Urghh!! I pushed. Then she finally believed me and got someone to call Georgie.

Of course Georgie took a while to come and I was in a frenzy. The crazy contractions were like every 1minute and they kept telling me not to push yet. How is that even possible! As if I have control. They shoved the gas into my face. It made me super giddy. I hated it.

Finally Georgie came! I was so relieved to see her!!! She worked her fingers, I pushed on cue. Everyone was very encouraging, telling me they could see the head crowning. That kinda gave me strength to continue pushing knowing that there was good progress.

11.49: The little one popped out!! It's all over! The pain magically disappeared! And I held him in my arms;);) I fell in love all over again.

He was 3.38 kg. Smaller than Irfan but bigger than Alisha.

Then the stitches, cleaning up and true enough, an hour later, I was in the labour ward having lunch!

Alhamdullilah. Thank you Allah for masking most of the pain and giving me the strength. Nothing is possible without YOU. And I know on my own, I'm never strong enough.

Now the healing process starts. It's another kind of pain and challenges, but I'm grateful for them:)

We've yet to give a name.

Meanwhile here's some pics from my phone. He looks chubby when he just came out but all the cute bloatedness has subsided and he looks somewhat smaller now.

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