Friday, July 06, 2012

Sleepless in a big bed

Been having trouble sleeping these days. Luckily I'm in the afternoon session. Perhaps I'm the one taking a much longer time to adjust to all the space in bed with the kids now fully adjusted to sleeping on their own in another room. Hehe.

It wasn't as difficult for them as I thought it would be. Perhaps because we have been talking about it for the longest time prior to the actual change. We made it sound so cool to have the room all to themselves and every time I read to them, I try to subtly point out how the kid characters in the books sleep on their own.

We also let them choose the new bed and I bought Alisha a new pink blankie just to help her with the transition. It worked and for three weeks now, they are sleeping on their own. Which is perfect timing with the new addition coming soon, inshallah and the cot all fixed in our room.

I do miss sleeping with them, the smell, the hugs but for practical reasons, this arrangement is indeed better.

Tonight was a nice surprise because Alisha woke up about half n hour ago and walked into our room and told us she wanted to pee. After helping her, she went straight to her bed and continued sleeping. That has happened twice so far. Which is great for us, which means she is fully toilet trained and that saves us a lot from buying diapers and we could now just concentrate on the lil one. She has been free from 'accidents' during the day for a long time now, but previously, she did let go at night on the bed. But not anymore now, yeah! So I suppose she is on her way to being a big kakak after all;)

When morning comes, at around 7.30 am, she will come to my bed and hug me to sleep for another few hours before she actually wakes up. I'm more than happy to have her in my bed coz alim is off to work and it's just me n her on the bed. For the first few nights when she came over in the morning she asked me if it's ok. I told her when it's morning, its alright for her to
come over but not at night. So far she has diligently followed our rules:)

I'm happy with the progress made so far with the kids and I suppose we are ready.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying every moment I have with the two of them coz like it or not, I'm sure my hands will be full when the littlest one arrives. And again, I'm soo glad I'm in the afternoon session this year because I got to spend all my time with them before I leave for work and they leave for school.

Like today, we had a great start to the day with a fun and hearty breakfast! We had pancakes and they could decorate the pancakes into anything they wanted. I can never do this when I was in the morning session. And with no maid hovering around, the kids (and I) are more involved in preparing their own meals and they enjoy it.

Ok think i better stop now. till later, I'll try to get some sleep now. Nites!

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