Monday, July 16, 2012

A story written. A promise made. When we were 21

For all the things you have done for me, I can never thank you enough. There was never a day that goes by when I am not grateful for having you in my life. I can tell you a thousand times over, but I don't think you will ever really really fully understand how blessed I feel for all these moments with you.

I have nothing to give you in return. Everything falls short in comparison. In a million years, i can never repay you for all the care and love you have given me. Sometimes I wished, things could have been easier for you, would probably have been easier for u if it was someone else , some place else, some family else. There's a reason for every reason, and I hope it's all the best reasons for you.

It isn't your birthday, it isn't our anniversary but this entry is dedicated to you. You are a special person, and you don't know it. You just do what you do. That's what I love most about you.:)

We were 21. We wrote a story. We made a promise.
Thank you for being true to it, always.
Indeed you are always here for me and still doing everything you can.

Thank you for making me the main part of your story. You'll always be everything in my story. Since we were 21.

1 comment:

Aida said...

OMG Ain, that is so touching! I remember those diaries that both of you took turns to write in. Reading them must be like taking a time machine to the past :)