Sunday, August 29, 2004



It was quite a tiring Saturday. From teachers' day celebrations at a certain beach bar in Sentosa (can't seem to recall the name now), all the way to Fort Canning for Womad. The hot, humid weather didnt help very much.

But WomAd sure didn't dissapoint. Like all the previous years, WomAd can't be any better! :)

Womad always reminds me that that there is a bigger world out there and that diversity extends beyond our four races. its a fresh change from radio friendly music, and the music performed was so strongly intertwined with culture and ethnic influences. they share it with pride. living in this sunny island, makes me myopic sometimes. alot of times. we keep going around in afraid, i might just go blind.

anywayyyy...(*yawns*) think i'd pretty much be in sleep mode nice to be in the comforts of my bed on a sunday afternoon...:)

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Give me a smile tonite

Give me a smile tonite

Yesterday wasn't that good, it could and should have been, i promise i won't make the same mistakes again. i often forget the soul is sensitive and words do hurt..

sometimes i see extremely clear warning signs...and yet, i remain motionless and continue the route.

the surprise didnt have the opportunity to be discovered. but today, it will materialise..i hope. provided i dont act all selfish like i sometimes (often?) do...

so i shall patiently await dusk..and hope it would be raining smiles when the sun sets.

Happy 28th
Prayer of the Month:
MAy HE gives me strength to be a better person for you, and may HE gives you patience to love me regardless...Insyaallah

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Atop an abandoned building

Atop an abandoned building

(Beware: confusion might arise..mood is volatile)
I think im made up of a million pieces...and all of them don't fit...the confusion i stirred up within myself brings no solace to anyone...where is that ray of hope that indicates the direction i could take in this time of my life. i cant read signs anymore. or maybe my interpretation of the signs itself changes every day.

sometimes i dream of lying atop an abandoned roof of a rundown building, watching the night sky and the bright lights flickering from HDB flats in the heartlands.
a fag in the hand of my companion while his other hand, holding mine.

the skin im wearing as im sitting at the office confuses the inert emotions in me, the one that desires darkness and all things that do not conform. many a time, i see a vision of me pointing a gun in the room whilst they discuss performance and issues after issues. yes, we are merely a bunch of monkeys. entertaining the very pple sitting in the room who has the power to judge you and reward u accordingly. as they speak,i hear nuthing but see mouths moving and in my head, my gun points in between their heads and 1,2,3, it goes by one around the oval table...i am now one of them and there's no escaping... the gun points to my head.

ask me not, where these visions stem from...coz i see no direction. why do i keep seeing trails of bright lights leading to a dark tunnel of tranquility. its contradictory and i am both.

ok..hold my hand and guide me through. truth is, what i want is not what i should have... throw away the key and let me forget who i really am...coz there's no place for me is not the monkey they want to see..

Monday, August 23, 2004

Monday, I have a pimple

Monday, I have a pimple

Where? Where did the weekends go to??? where's my 'friday im in love'??? give me baccckkkkk!!!! blearghhh, its back to Monday, and the cycle shall continue...eeeks.

im so unfocused these days. for some reason, i always catch myself beranganing..and i even have a big, huge, RED pimple on my nose, to prove it. its so huge that i can catch a glimpse of it when i look down. no kiddingg! my colleagues don't say hi to me anymore, they yell "What's that on your nose???!!!!" I might be missing an eye for all u noe, and no one would notice coz they are too busy looking at the pimple on my nose when they speak to me.

i dunt blame them..i think humans have the tendency to ogle at 'things' that are very much STICKING OUT. and in my case, sad to say, its the grandmother of all zits resting so comfortably on my nose that is sticking out...not much else.
why-oh-why must u grow on my nose?! of all places!!! should i put a plaster across my wayyyyyy...but i noe of someone who did!!...khehekke, its a really funny sight..honestly, im laughing out loud at the staffroom rite now, just recalling that person smiling at me with a plaster across her nose!

ok, before anyone knows im loofing, me better get out of here. till later....still cant stop laughing...hehee

meanwhile, some pics from picnic with da family last saturday...of coz, before the birth of my voluptuous pimple..:)

The birthday gal..she turns 4...

The one who would kill or strip for mee siam putih

From left, the filipino maid, the ah-lian, the anak metropolitan and the self taught guru ngaji.....a lethal combi, u say?

who else, but Ms Ah-In and Mr Ah- Lim.....go ahead, u can puke at this one..:)

Friday, August 20, 2004

Friday, Im in love..

Friday I'm in love..

im home at record time today. 2.00pm. i think in my years of teaching, this is one of the few times that i escaped out of the gates of hell this early. i was all ready to go for a briefing at IPAM, Civil Service College which was supposed to start at 2.45 pm. so i left school and waited for the cab. then something told me to check the details of the workshop again. yep i was rite, it starts at 2.45pm, EXCEPT, its 2.45pm NEXT FRIDAY!!!!

luckily, i wasnt in the cab yet. and since i was out of school, i figured its HIS way of asking me to rest at home. a well deserving one. least dats what i would like to think. so i skipped all the way home, very glad for the mistake ive made and besides, fridays always makes me a lot delirious.

im looking forward to tonite and the rest of the weekend. since my family recruited an events manager a.k.a sister-in-law-who-enjoys-planning-family-gatherings, late last year, our weekends are pretty much occupied nowadays. i think she has one whole year of activities lined up for da family.heh. fine by me. at least my mum gets to go out and meets the rest of my siblings more often. im just glad, when mak is not focusing on me... ;)

but for tonite, its he and I. our usual, typical rendevous shall take place, me thinks....
we are lousy event managers..
so till later....coz Friday, I'm in love... :)

I don't care if Monday's blue,
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too....
Thursday, I don't care about you...
Its Friday Im in love...

Monday, you can fall apart,
Tuesday, Wednesday, break my heart,
Thursday doesn't even start,
Its Friday, Im in love...
Sunday always comes too late...
Friday..never hesitate

I don't care if Monday's black...
Tuesday, Wednesday, heart attack...
Thursday never looking back...
Its Friday I'm in love.....

Monday, you can hold your head,
Tuesday,Wednesday, stay in bed,
Thursday, watch the walls instead,
Friday, Im in love...
Sunday always comes too late...
Friday..never hesitate...

---'Friday Im in Love' by The Cure

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Augustus the Snail

Augustus the Snail

August is crawling....snail pace, tortoise speed...cepatlah sikit.

after 2 police cases, one stroke of the cane, 2 extreme stomach flu attacks,
2 thousand times bed hunting, Danga Bay makan, fireworks-oh-we-are-too-late, fireworks-oh-blocked-by-a-big-tree, Fort Canning with the makciks and minah johor shok sendiri, a long National day holiday, roller coaster rides, over-repeated National songs heard, grandmama's operation, mum's endless physiotherapy, 2 million ticks and crosses written, 2 zillion blogs visited (heh, nak exaggerate ajer, but me thinks quite possible), many many seaweeds swallowed, (tak rugi duduk sebelah anak tauke seeweed! lemau lemau pun masih boleh lantak jugak), tons and tons of hair shed (despite that, my hair still super thick. why ahhh??), approximately 300 pictures taken, over 40 pupils shouted at and can you believe it,
itssssss stillllllll OGGGGGGOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(Augustlah)!!!!!!!!! WHYYYYY????!!!!!!

n its only august 17, why does this month feel so lonnnnggg and draggy to me? WHYYYY??????!!!!!!!!!

August, you can go now. really.... u can go. goooooooo....make way for september, november and especially december please. october also can go quickly. thank you very much.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Project Kahwin Kahwin

Project Kahwin Kahwin
Phase: Research

i woke up this morning, and suddenly i had everything figured out. suddenly i knew, what colour theme i wanted for my dais and the wedding hall decorations. and i also decided on our destination as well as my furniture. and i mean i have really really decided! All in one morning! Like really die die want that colour, that bed and that destination! i dunt hear the so often used word "but" anywhere in my thoughts this morning. aint it a beautiful day? heh.

hmmmpphh, someone must have said a lil prayer for me. guess our indecisiveness had irked that someone so much..heheh.
or maybe, i just cant be bothered to think anymore...yikes!

but to be honest, we enjoyed our so called "research" phase. Its great coz it gives us reason to go here and there and of coz to torment salesmen and women, with all sorts of questions. and u see such a wide array of them. salesmen with one hand, salesmen with speech deficiency, saleswomen who speaks and glances at the mirror to check herself out every 2 minutes she speaks to us (no wonder, she works at furniture store!) , salesmen who are just over zeolous. they talk non stop and give you a thousand reasons why the product is perfect for us. some just follow u around. they just never give up. and when you are not interested, they give u a face. urgghh hate those kind.
after a while, when u walk on the streets, you see more and more familiar faces. then u realize, hey isnt this the salesmen at so and so...who speaks funny OR who stinks,or the nice chap with one hand (this guy was truly nice!)...and blah blah.
singapore ni kan kecik...

and borders is such a great place for research, dunt u think. mags and books everywhere, everything u need to know are on the shelves. we have gone to a thousand islands and continents from borders...truly, it is IDEAS they sell, not books. and the best thing about ideas is, its free, at least at borders. where u get to browse freely, with no one to give u the glare and shoo u away.

and then there's the internet of coz. wat better way to do research than bloghopping! nothing beats it. u get reviews, u get crystal clear pictures, u get lists of recommended bridal house, photography and basically anything kahwin kahwin lah. its real life experiences, so it has a higher reliability rate. :)

well, i never really tot id say this, but i have to admit, preparing for wedding is quite fun actually. no doubt, u have plenty to do, but the process has been interesting and hilarious for us, at least up till now. it sure feels like planning for a mega project, except, for this, you have YOUR FAVOURITE PERSON as your team mate.
it sure makes everything feels less of a hassle and a lot more exciting!

given the choice, we wont do this again.
My team mate and I are all ready for another project. *winks*
Another MAYGA one, i might add. khahhhehhah!!
This one no need research one!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Niece and Nephews

Niece and Nephews

All 7 of them can be a real pain in the neck when they come over, but sometimes, just sometimes, they can be quite adorable.

This is the latest edition. Feels like biting his chin off!! he has such a peaceful face, dunt u think...

My brother's kids....4 already!! feels like yesterday, he was in NS...haiz...

no relation whatsoever, but here's us, surrounded by yellowness....wish its always dat our smiles are plastered all across our faces....

Have a great day to all!!

Monday, August 09, 2004

Roller Coaster

Mindless Ramblings of the Emo

Its been a roller coaster ride for the longest hasnt been good but it hasnt been all bad either....maybe this is how it would be like in the days to glad there isnt a crystal ball for me to take a peek of the future, coz then i will never take a step forward.

pple say good things must come to an end. the question is when and how...some things are within our control but the worst of things are those that comes along without u knowing it and worst, beyond ure control. HE gives, and you will have no choice but to take it.

so...while it is within my control, i will try my darnest to minimise the height of the roller coaster ride. i will try not to kill it, before its timely death. it is within my control...for now, at least.

good luck to me...and may He gives us strength to choose wisely.

geylang si paku geylang

Geylang si paku geylang

went to muzik festival at fort canning with some frens just now. main highlight for me was M NAsir, of coz. other than that, sad to say, i was not very familiar with the rest of the performers. hmm...i think i should watch more suria lah, kalau kita tak support our local talents, who else rite?

yawnnn...haiz, me so sleepy now. didnt get much sleep last nite either. came back from Danga Bay JB, close to 3am. quite an interesting place. sikit sikit mcm concept esplanade, tapi it also gives u a very Geylangy feeling. pple were sitting by the beach eating and there were rows and rows of pasar malam stalls. Maybe the sea of tudungs around and the numerous Mats jalan sana jalan sini, yang give me the Geylangy feeling. they said its not fully ready yet, so more things in store i suppose. heard about the water sports. hmm, kalau bring boring bleh try.

come to think of it, from my place, me thinks, its nearer to go to Danga Bay than to go to Bedok. ah-ah betul lah tu.

ok me off to bed now.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

The drama continues...

News Flash 1

Two 10 year old boys escaped from going to school, and were reported seen at Prime Supermarket.
A witness, Mdm Damn Kepo claimed to have seen the above boys, running away with Tiger Beer in hand. Security gave chase, but were unable to grab hold of the two small, nippy boys. Security was last seen panting and breathing heavily, with the two boys out of sight.

It is not known what they did to the stolen Tiger Beer. Prime Super Market is coming up with a plan to safeguard their beer bottles and cans from potential 10 year old drunkards.

In the meantime, the police set out a search for the two boys.

Some minutes later, the two boys were spotted at a nearby hawker centre.

They were trying to steal food.

This was after they were spotted fishing at a nearby pond.

The two boys were brought to the police station for further questioning.

The school and family were immediately informed.

News Flash 2

On a separate case...

Two boys were caught shoplifting at Popular Bookstore, last Saturday.

Items stolen were of academic nature.

It included several liquid papers, pens, pencils and coloured paper.

The police were called and the boys were brought in for questioning.

The boys claimed that they needed the items for school. Being amazed by their determined effort to learn, the police let them go with a warning.

The school and family were immediately informed.

What the heck?!!!!
Someone help me,
I think Im breeding criminals in my class!!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004



they are merely 9, 10 year olds. and yet they can cause so much drama.
now i understand why, cause their parents are actually the kings and queens of drama.

im sad for these kids and at the same time, im pretty pissed with them and their whole family line.

when i saw the two policemen walking into our school, i knew it was my kid getting into trouble.

its difficult when we try our best in school to discipline and teach these kids right values, and when they go home, its all hell.

its not easy to raise kids when u r poor and divorced. yes i know that, but its your responsibility to make sure ure kids don't harm himself or another. that's just how it is. and that has nothing to do with money.

im not a parent and i wouldnt know, but i do know that if i were to quarrel with my spouse, screaming and chasing with a knife in my hand, chances are my kids wont turn out rite.

thats what my pupil had to witness for the most part of his 10 year old life.

i would never really know what it feels to see that. after a while, i guess u would be numb of the fear.

and u become brave. to do all the wrong things. truancy and stealing is his choice for now. and he's only 10.

and he's not the only one.

im afraid for him. but who am i to say his family is not capable of taking care of him. im not even a parent. who am i to say his mum makes lousy decisions.

although im tempted to.
its so difficult to just stand and watch.

but alas, im only a teacher,
cant lay a finger on any pupil
but welcomed to watch some parents screw their kids future.
nice deal, no?

Monday, August 02, 2004

Good Bed Hunting

Good Bed Hunting

due to increasing pressure from all sides possible, we decided to channel our time into something productive for once. so we made our way to furniture mall after work today, in search of the perfect bedroom set.

and sad to say, we didnt really find anything we like there. instead i fell in love with a dining set. always the case. always end up looking at things which we dont need. it was dark wood with very pretty trimmings at the corners of the wood. so nicee....made me itch to buy a new house now, just so i can find a place for the dining set.

we berangan about it awhile, knowing very well, that for now, a new hse is of least importance. But heck we entertained the idea for a while more. how the dining set will go well with a yellow standing light lah, how it would look nice with white walls lah, this and dat.

when we finally snapped out of it and remembered our quest for a bedroom set, we remembered about a bed we saw and sorta like some long time ago. so we made our way to barang barang and lo and behold, the bed was still there!

we were excited, yes we were. so did we finally, finally, for once make a purchase?
sadly, no.
we still weren't sure... like always.
its nice, but..blah blah blah.
its blah blah blah but its nice.

and so, the search shall continue...

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Soalan soalan CEPU(k) EMAS

Soalan Soalan Cepu(k) Emas

Dah choose baju?

kalau baju lawa org dah ambik macam mana?

Mak Andam saper?

Dia yg make up kan?

Abih saper?
tak tahu

Colour theme apa?
Belum decide

buat kat mana?
multi purpose hall

dah book?
belum boleh

apasal tak buat kat C.C?
mama mama dah book utk deepavali celebration

kalau kat multi purpose hall ada cina mati mcm mana?
tak tahu. basketball court?

kalau hujan?

apa tulah? kalau hujan macam mana?
tak tahu

Dah register?

Dah pegi kursus?

Dah beli barang barang dulang?

Satu barang pun belum beli?

Dah beli katil?

Dah kahwin nak tinggal mana?
CCK jugak

Tak nak beli rumah baru?

kalau nak beli, beli kat mana?
tak tahu

honeymoon pegi mana?
belum tahu

ambik studio photos?

dah pegi ambik gambar?




























TIGA BULAN!!!!!!!!!

TIGA BULAN!!!!!!!!!


TIGA BULANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRigger Happy

TRigger Happy

You, me, conversation and a cuppa coffee
sometimes its just so easy to be happy
for dats all it took tonite....
Im still smiling.

probably its the caffeine
probably its YOU.


only THREE more months to go!
SHIT, so much not done!

die oredi.