Sunday, August 15, 2004

Project Kahwin Kahwin

Project Kahwin Kahwin
Phase: Research

i woke up this morning, and suddenly i had everything figured out. suddenly i knew, what colour theme i wanted for my dais and the wedding hall decorations. and i also decided on our destination as well as my furniture. and i mean i have really really decided! All in one morning! Like really die die want that colour, that bed and that destination! i dunt hear the so often used word "but" anywhere in my thoughts this morning. aint it a beautiful day? heh.

hmmmpphh, someone must have said a lil prayer for me. guess our indecisiveness had irked that someone so much..heheh.
or maybe, i just cant be bothered to think anymore...yikes!

but to be honest, we enjoyed our so called "research" phase. Its great coz it gives us reason to go here and there and of coz to torment salesmen and women, with all sorts of questions. and u see such a wide array of them. salesmen with one hand, salesmen with speech deficiency, saleswomen who speaks and glances at the mirror to check herself out every 2 minutes she speaks to us (no wonder, she works at furniture store!) , salesmen who are just over zeolous. they talk non stop and give you a thousand reasons why the product is perfect for us. some just follow u around. they just never give up. and when you are not interested, they give u a face. urgghh hate those kind.
after a while, when u walk on the streets, you see more and more familiar faces. then u realize, hey isnt this the salesmen at so and so...who speaks funny OR who stinks,or the nice chap with one hand (this guy was truly nice!)...and blah blah.
singapore ni kan kecik...

and borders is such a great place for research, dunt u think. mags and books everywhere, everything u need to know are on the shelves. we have gone to a thousand islands and continents from borders...truly, it is IDEAS they sell, not books. and the best thing about ideas is, its free, at least at borders. where u get to browse freely, with no one to give u the glare and shoo u away.

and then there's the internet of coz. wat better way to do research than bloghopping! nothing beats it. u get reviews, u get crystal clear pictures, u get lists of recommended bridal house, photography and basically anything kahwin kahwin lah. its real life experiences, so it has a higher reliability rate. :)

well, i never really tot id say this, but i have to admit, preparing for wedding is quite fun actually. no doubt, u have plenty to do, but the process has been interesting and hilarious for us, at least up till now. it sure feels like planning for a mega project, except, for this, you have YOUR FAVOURITE PERSON as your team mate.
it sure makes everything feels less of a hassle and a lot more exciting!

given the choice, we wont do this again.
My team mate and I are all ready for another project. *winks*
Another MAYGA one, i might add. khahhhehhah!!
This one no need research one!!

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