Monday, August 23, 2004

Monday, I have a pimple

Monday, I have a pimple

Where? Where did the weekends go to??? where's my 'friday im in love'??? give me baccckkkkk!!!! blearghhh, its back to Monday, and the cycle shall continue...eeeks.

im so unfocused these days. for some reason, i always catch myself beranganing..and i even have a big, huge, RED pimple on my nose, to prove it. its so huge that i can catch a glimpse of it when i look down. no kiddingg! my colleagues don't say hi to me anymore, they yell "What's that on your nose???!!!!" I might be missing an eye for all u noe, and no one would notice coz they are too busy looking at the pimple on my nose when they speak to me.

i dunt blame them..i think humans have the tendency to ogle at 'things' that are very much STICKING OUT. and in my case, sad to say, its the grandmother of all zits resting so comfortably on my nose that is sticking out...not much else.
why-oh-why must u grow on my nose?! of all places!!! should i put a plaster across my wayyyyyy...but i noe of someone who did!!...khehekke, its a really funny sight..honestly, im laughing out loud at the staffroom rite now, just recalling that person smiling at me with a plaster across her nose!

ok, before anyone knows im loofing, me better get out of here. till later....still cant stop laughing...hehee

meanwhile, some pics from picnic with da family last saturday...of coz, before the birth of my voluptuous pimple..:)

The birthday gal..she turns 4...

The one who would kill or strip for mee siam putih

From left, the filipino maid, the ah-lian, the anak metropolitan and the self taught guru ngaji.....a lethal combi, u say?

who else, but Ms Ah-In and Mr Ah- Lim.....go ahead, u can puke at this one..:)

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