Monday, August 09, 2004

geylang si paku geylang

Geylang si paku geylang

went to muzik festival at fort canning with some frens just now. main highlight for me was M NAsir, of coz. other than that, sad to say, i was not very familiar with the rest of the performers. hmm...i think i should watch more suria lah, kalau kita tak support our local talents, who else rite?

yawnnn...haiz, me so sleepy now. didnt get much sleep last nite either. came back from Danga Bay JB, close to 3am. quite an interesting place. sikit sikit mcm concept esplanade, tapi it also gives u a very Geylangy feeling. pple were sitting by the beach eating and there were rows and rows of pasar malam stalls. Maybe the sea of tudungs around and the numerous Mats jalan sana jalan sini, yang give me the Geylangy feeling. they said its not fully ready yet, so more things in store i suppose. heard about the water sports. hmm, kalau bring boring bleh try.

come to think of it, from my place, me thinks, its nearer to go to Danga Bay than to go to Bedok. ah-ah betul lah tu.

ok me off to bed now.

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