Sunday, May 30, 2004

Hot dogs, anyone?

Hot Dog, anyone?

Went to our staff outing today at west coast.
Had a good time eating half cooked and cau-tah food.
Other than food, there was nothing else.
A colleague brought 2 dogs and another colleague brought one dog,
All three dogs were nicely dressed in T-shirts.
too bad they don't have shoes,
otherwise they are almost human.
Lucky them, they got to sit at the groundsheet,
straightaway making the place "non-halal"
might as well put up a sign saying, "No Muslims Allowed"
"Trespassers will be prosecuted (in Court of HELL)"
So us Muslims cramped ourselves at the barbeque pit.
So hot there, like sauna.
Where else can u have a sauna while eating cau-tah satay.
so black and cau-tah, i might as well eat charcoal.

maybe i should have put up a sign at the cramped barbeque pit
"No Dogs Allowed"
"Dog Trespassers will be BARBEQUED"

Barbequed Hot dog anyone???

I hate inconsiderate pple!! They get on my nerves!

Friday, May 28, 2004

Chop Chop Kali PoK

Chop Chop Kali Pok!

just came back from grammar course. at last the 24 hour course has come to its long awaited end today. Yahoooo, today is the last day im going to relc and sleeping throughout a 3 hour course every friday. we sat through a post test today n we all managed to finish in half an hour and then had an early and extra long break cause we had to wait for the rest of the on-siow pple who were still carefully finishing the test. i tell you,we could have passed the test even without the question booklet!

and what did i learn from the 24 hr coz? 4 words. Chop Chop Kali Pok!!! I have a colleague who always have a tendency to cry whenever she laughs, even when its not so funny. and i swear she had cried at least 10 huge buckets throughout our whole course. there she will be wiping away her tears wih her sleeves while laughing hysterically. and we would always laugh even louder seeing her do that. we sure had a lot of silly fun! one of which was just now when the teacher passed us this singlish book and there it was the word 'chop chop kali pok'. In english, it means to do something quickly, or to hurry. so each of us kept repeating it again n again, its just a werd that is so nice to say over and over, u noe. if u dunt believe me, u try it. Say it with me, "CHOP CHOP KALI POK!" soon, the werd will be ringing in your head, i tell you! So there we were each repeating the word over and over again (we just can't stop) and there my colleague is, laughing and crying at the same time. keep wiping her tears on her sleeves. wiping and wiping, laughing and laughing, crying and crying. over and over again...wah farnieeeeee!!

on to a different story. met my dear long lost friend, F at a coffeeplace in front of masjid sultan last nite. D and me were walking towards the concourse to get some kiddie presents for my students when i heard someone calling my name. and there they were, my dear friend and her sis!!! i was sooooooo excited and extremely delighted to see them. Think its almost 7 years since i last saw her. im reallly not the expressive or mushy kind but i really miss her and her whole family including Rosie, her cat! i mean, im super scared of cats, im the kind who can jump on seats at hawker centres if i see a cat prowling along. Don't believe me, ask D. Once at swensens orchard, i bugged him to leave the place halfway while we were eating cause of this irritating cat below who kept hanging around our place. everyone was looking at me, as i stood up and run around the table, avoiding the cat!! so maluuuu. i must have looked damn retarded.

D had a fun time snapping fotos of this damn cat while i was running roun the table!
Just look at the face. hmph! purposely out to irritate! hmph!

well, but i was told, Rosie died. she was at a ripe old age of 17. died cause of old age.poor cat. she is one of those persian cat, fat lazy ones, that if u didnt know better, u think she is just a soft toy or an ornament in your room. Thats why im not afraid of her, the only cat im not afraid of. i used to crash at F's place a lot that i even got close to her whole family and i even followed the whole family to KL for a holiday. and the accident along the way, that killed her cousin brought us even closer. We were on our way to watch Spore vs Kedah, you noe the semi pro was the finals, but we didnt reach the stadium at all. instead we all ended up in hospital. its a blardy ( no pun intended) long story.
you can read it here
me in a gd mood today. dunt want to be reminded of such sorrow....why in a gd moood??? cause its FRIDAYYYY!!!! and the last day of schoooooolll. JUNE HOLIDAYS has beguuuuunnnn!!! YAhoooooooo!!!! Yabbadabadoooo....but still have to come back to school morrow and monday and tuesday and wednesday...ok im beginning to feel upset noww..

think i must really meet up with F soon. so many things to catch up with. and i miss her grandmama killer sambal nasi lemak. and her lil bro that is already in P1 now. the last time i saw him, he could barely open his tiny eyes, nor his clenched wrinkling fist, fresh from the womb. Still can't believe how much he has grown!!

Dead hungry now, hmm..wat to do tonite?

D, Happy 28th.
Prayer of the Month: May wonderful opportunities cross our path and
bring us closer to our dreams. Amin.......

Monday, May 24, 2004

Welcome kiddo!

Welcome kiddo!

Today, on the 24th May 2004, we got a new addition to our family.
Welcoming, Mohd Hilman!! Clap clap clap!! Hurray! Yahoo!!Bravo!!
This lil newphew of mine is my brother's 4th child and my 4th newphew. Plus my 3 nieces, that adds up to 7 lil nieces and nephews in total. Im just waiting for the contingent to get even bigger. That would mean having more kiddos to irritate! The joy of seeing them wailll. HAHA. Im a mean auntie i know. "evil laughter"

each time i see a newborn, im just so amazed at how something so alive can come out from a person. i mean so far, ive just seen piss, shit and other liquid stuffs (gross ah, haha) coming outta me, so its quite difficult to imagine a living baby breathing and kicking inside of me and finally coming out from ME. and to come out so perfect, with 2 lil eyes and a pert nose, with a small mouth, 2 soft ears at the sides, red chubby cheeks and miniature fingers, wow. its really a miracle!
Hopefully, it'll happen to me someday, really hope so.
God, I promise i'll work hard ;)to make it happen. scouts honour! heh.

At K.K just now, while D and me were looking into the big window of the nursery, we came aross this baby that stood out amongst the rest. Whilst the other babies were sleeping peacefully, this lil rascal was tossing and turning. She looks barely a day old, but she was strong enough to bring her head up repeatedly. Her head was bobbing up down, up down, From where we were we could see the back of her head, which was full of hair, very black, thick, wavy hair. So there she was trying to lift up her head. She kept pushing her head against the matress, inch by inch she tried to turn her head. After a while, we almost saw her face, but then her face got stuck. Her whole face was facing downwards on the mattress. So her nose, eyes and mouth were now pressing downwards against the matress.She couldn't breathe! For a few seconds, she tried lifting her head up, to grasp some spurts of air. D and me were like encouraging her from outside; "turn baby turn" we chanted. Then she stopped. Mata dah tertutup, hidung dah kemek! D and me panicked and we then started banging on the window and pointing to the baby (whose whole face is now facing downwards), to alert the nurse inside.

the nurse strolled slowly to the baby and with one hand holding another baby, she used her other free hand to turn this baby around and face her up. i think i could actually hear a sigh of relief from the red faced baby. The nurse didn't even panicked or anything. Maybe its common down there to have babies' faces stuck in the matress all the time, hmm who knows.

but well, i'd like to think, D and me saved a baby today! Imagine if we were not there, dunno how long her face will be stuck downwards like that!

Hooray! Hooray!
We saved a baby today!!

Ok off to bed!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Hunger PAngs

Hunger Pangs

Just got back from a wedding at the multi purpose hall near my block. Not quite sure whose wedding it was. All i know is that she's a neighbour staying on the 2nd floor. Heck, I was dead hungry, almost fainting oredi so i tagged along my dad to the wedding. And eversince my mum had her arm operation, i have been playing substitue . Besides i also wanted to kpo kpo since that same multi purpose hall might just be my own wedding location. Have not decided yet. Still torn between the CC and the multi purpose hall.

One thing i do not like about the multi purpose hall is that the walls are so damn dirty. Black stains and patches all over the cream coloured wall. Quite an eye sore. Just makes me feel like spending a few days painting the walls over. Other than that, i think its ok. The decoration just now was atrocious so it didnt do justice to the multi purpose hall either. Ater the wedding just now, holding my wedding at the C.C seems more feasible. And besides, at the C.C, the dais would be far away from the crowd. At least when me and D starts gossiping and yakking away, it would not be obvious to everyone.

ok im getting the 'wedding headache' again. the one that never fails to come when we talk bout the wedding.

truth is, i just can't wait for the wedding to be over. im only looking forward to our trip away together. and i'd rather save the money for C.C and have extra cash for our trip.

sheesh, so many things to do...its all coming back to me now.

1) have to meet up with FM to choose colour theme for the reception.
2) have to choose baju
3) have to decide on berkat
4) have to decide on design for invites
5) have to tell FM what DJ we want.
6) have to register for the course. i still can't believe i have to fork out $110 for the course!!! mahallll!!!
7)have to really sit down and select songs and photos for montage. burn them in CD.
8) have to decide on destination for trip and do bookings soon although i think its too early! but this one do early its oklah. tak sabar!!!

did i ever tell you that i hate the concept of weddings?! must wear nice nice walk here walk there, smile here, smile there, aiyohhhh so lazyyyy lahhhh.

can skip?

Saturday, May 22, 2004


in a parallel dimension, the teamo of designito and the rain. out to conquer the world! hehe

Groggy Saturday

Groggy Saturday
ok, im groggy, snappy and evryone are getting on my nerves 2day. Im in school rite now, attending to system problems that teachers are having. i just don't get why the system is so **** up! who came up with this system anyway and the best thing is no one can change it cause our pay master said so. hell, do they know waht i have to go through, solving each and every problem the teachers have. can someone please remind me again what's my job title?? Im not a TA, orite! sheesh!

and the 3 hours sleep i had last nite is not helping. in fact that is prbably the main reason why im in a scowl mood today. on normal days, id be more than happy to help. its all a coincidence of bad timing, id say.

went to zouk last nite. had a great workout. think this would be my new exercise regime. more later, someone is shouting my name again, asking for help. rAIn to the rescue!

Friday, May 21, 2004

Reality Bites

Reality Twerps

so i finally watched my newly bought vcd, reality bites. the old video tape i had, had gone missing, together with my video recorder. yeah, come to think of it, what happened to our video recorder. hmmm..

i don't think i can ever stop loving that show. 7 years since i last watched it, and still im experiencing the same phenomenal rush of satisfaction. the intellectual bum persona of Troy attracts me. guess im a sucker for that kinda character. the strong, intellectual script still managed to captivate me, as much as it did 7 years back. and those lines, i so fondly memorised by heart came flooding back. but of coz, now, i don't go to the extend of snipping of sleeves, much too lazy and busy for that.

on a different subject, my niece of 12 and nephew of 9 are now my number 1 (and 2) fan of this blog, it seems. yes, the two of you, who are all wide eyed reading this. yes im mentioning about u two lil twerps. and just because im a good auntie and i luv u both, i shall put up pics of u two rascals, soon orite? i know the big one is getting really excited at right about now.

so Haris, (my nephew and number 2 fan), get your sticky hands off my laptop at home okay, no more Rainbow Six. cause if my laptop crashes and get damaged, i can't load up ure pics, u understand? Nor Nazihah's (my niece and number 1 fan) pics and im sure she will be reaalllly disappointed if that happens. And Nazi, don't even think of touching my Ixus at home to take pics of ureself. Your auntie's picture folder is already flooded by pictures of your beautiful round face. I'd just choose one and put it here ok.

And one more thing, why are your friends tagging me?

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Wednesday, May 19, 2004



By the way, those 2 entries you see below, they aren't mine. dats D speaking. if u see T-shirt designs and loads of cameras, dats D alrite. hmmm..wonder how to sign off using his name.

Anyways, me still in school rite now. busy with keying of results, remarks and analysis of exam papers. basically paper work. waiting for D to save me from these gates of hell. as usual he is late. and as usual i have plenty to do but somehow i always find myself here, in blogger.

im itching to leave this place. lately ive been running away from my responsibilites as well as escaping from people who gave me these responsibilities.

ive been mulling over the desicion for many months now. and i have finally decided. now, its just a matter of finding the most suitable time and the sweetest of words to inform the people concerned. the people who have put me here. why the decision? simple. because i want to live my life. i don't want to spend most of my waking hours working. im missing too many beautiful sceneries and moments which could have been the best days of my life. im not going to spend my life slogging off at work, to meet deadlines and expectations from people up there. i don't want to "decorate" my life with endless meetings where everyone are just sucking balls. i could have been out there making a difference instead of freezing (literally and metaphorically) in that four walls that have witnessed nuthing but a lot of talk that merely dissolves into thin air. I hate all the pretences, sucking up and political mind games.

Believe you me, i have tried. these mnay months i have tried. to put on a mask of seriousness in meetings and earnestness in doing my work. who am i kidding? i can't be comfortable in that skin.

and that is why im going to walk into her office and tell her that i do not want the leadership position im currently holding. i don't see myself being HOD, after that VP and then P. Im not going to grow old, barely recognising my kids and husband and call work my home. that is not going to be my life. It doesnt matter if i have potential. Potential is beginning to sound like a dirty word to me.

i work to sustain my life in this temparory world. to provide for people i love.

And im sticking to my first love, helping the lil ones to make sense of this unfortunate world.

in simple words, i am not ambitious. is there anything wrong in that?



return tonite....
off to meet the rain....

hopes and beans and whey and barley

Parallel Dimension

hope it gets through......
Its wednesday, and i cant wait to see you.....

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Parallel Dimension

Parallel Dimension

D smsed me at 4 am two nites ago and it read "I wish we have a twin in a parallel dimension where we can pack our bags and just leave all responsibilities to travel far and away"

Yes D, let us be the twins basking in yellow, our spirits free, just held by an outline silhouette of our mortality.
surrounded in bubbles of joy.

Im burnt out.

Monday, May 17, 2004

********If it's a bad day, you try to suffocate.
Another memory... scarred.
If it's a bad case, then you accelerate,
you're in the getaway... car.

You don't care about us... oh oh.
You don't care about us... oh oh.
You don't care about us... oh oh
You don't care about us.

If it's a bad case, you're on the rampage.
Another memory... scarred.
You're at the wrong place, you're on the back page,
you're in the getaway... car.

You don't care about us... oh oh.
You don't care about us... oh oh.
You don't care about us... oh oh
You don't care about us.

It's your age, It's my rage.
It's your age, It's my rage.******

....hmm i wonder whose CD......

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Bowled over (part 2)

Bowled Over (Part 2)

What I meant to say earlier was that after D and I watched Elephant in town (I hate giving movie reviews, so don;t ever expect it here. u can find reviews in newspapers, mags and just about anywhwre), we met up with my bro and his wifey at Pasta Fresca East Coast. A very nice place, gives a very resorty feeling. A girl i know had her wedding there. Not a bad idea i tot, very romantic and windy.Then i started imagining my grandma and makcik makcik walking in the sand with their baju kurung, and i changed my mind. Cannotlah. Tersungkuh org tua tu, nanti. We filled our stomachs and when i had enough and felt like vomitting we left the place and off to our next activity; bowling. Im not very familiar with the game. D and me never had friends who would call us in the middle of one nite and say "Lets go bowling". so when my bro said 'Lets go bowling' we thought why not. it turned out as no surprise that D and me sucked at it big time. but D and me wasn't the only 'longkang bowlers' that nite. his wifey was in the same boat too. my brother ajelah terror kampung. no fight at all.

if u think about it, theoretically, bowling is easy. all u need to do is let go of he ball and make sure it hit the pins. and when u try it u just dunno what went wrong. somehow the ball would rather roll either sides, either the right longkang or the left longkang. at one point, i tot the flooring might just be a lil concave.

well, but we had a hilarious time anyways. sitting there looking at the backs of each other as we walk one by one to the alley to throw the ball really cracks me up. I didnt know Im going to marry a ballet dancer. winks* . guess its his new found talent. my bro would do the pro thing of coz, aim from far, gets his momentum and let go of the ball. me? i take a stroll to the line and suddenly let go of the ball. tak professional langsung! gaya pun takde. next time must try sengetkan kaki sikit. macam pro. maybe then can strike all the way, like that mama beside us.

but hey, i didn't do too bad. met all my 3 personal targets. Target numero uno: To get at least ONE strike. Target 2: To get a 3 digit total (more than 99 lah) and
Target 3: Mintak mintak tak last. Pathetic eh target? takpelah. hmm...maybe now can consider trying out professional bowling ..saper tau..boleh pegi jauh....

it was almost 4am when i reached home. so now, im a lil groggy and a lot sleepy.
think i'll take a nap.

****You are too complicated
we should separate it,
you're just confiscating,
you're exasperating,
this degenaration, mental masturbation,
think i'll leave it all behind,
save this bleeding heart of mine****


Bowled over (part 1)

Bowled over (Part 1)

I'm not much of a blower.......err i mean bOWler.In fact from what i could recall, i went bowling only once, back in my nus of those faculty gatherings, which come to think of it, was the only faculty gathering i went to. and i remember a picture taken of me while i was bowling on that day. A perfect shot of my butt. potruding. i almost couldn't recognize myself. i mean have u ever thought, how many times in your whole life do u get to see yourself from the back like dat??! sometimes i could go on a whole month without seeing my butt or the back of my head!! Unless a picture like dat was taken of me, or, i have a mirror at the back of me, and twist my whole body just to see my butt. but then again, still, i can never get to see the back of my head!

not unless i have a mirror, one in front and another at the back, and tilt it a certain way, just like at the hairdresssers and walla! there it will be. the back of my wonderful head!

Ok must make a point to do dat at least once a month now. just so, the back of my head, won't feel ignored.

by the way, why am i talking about this?

damn, something's leaking from me.

talk about the bowling, the eating and the Elephant later.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Love regardless

Love Regardless

Time is 12.10am and Im still up. Its a hot, humid night. And another late one for me. dunno why, just can't get these eyes to shut on me. guess it was the can of Shark I had just now. i was desperate and needed a cooling drink and Shark was the only drinkable, super cold drink in my fridge. unless, i want prune juice, which is my constipated mum's choice of drink nowadays. no offence mak, hope u go to the toilet more often now.

just finished watching O.C just now, prior to dat, American Idol and some channel switching now and then to Channel I. It's showing another "reality" T.V thing, Average Joe or something. It's pretty much like the bachelorette, except, the guys are not the usually hunky hunky type, just ordinary pple, some worst then ordinary but i shall not comment further. hence the title.

MAerican Idol was a real let down. What were the voters thinking???? LAtoya London out???!!! and i thought I was tone death!! I don't watch american idol that often but often enough to know who sings and who croaks. Do people vote only based on these girls' voices? it'll be a miracle if that happens. nahh, that never happens. look no further but in our lil island itself. Hands up those who thinks meritocracy is TOTALLY practiced here. think our pledge 'regardless of race, language or religion', now,how many times have we doubted that line that we so religiously say evry morning (for me and thousands of students and teachers, at least) because when reality stares us in the face, we realized, race, language and religion do set us apart. some to their advantage, others as a liability. and i have a sick feeling, that's how american idol is voted.

O.C is fantastic to watch. cause it's brainless, entertaining and a mean brew of pretty people. perfect ingredient to high ratings. especially for tired pple like us, who at the end of the day, wants to be immersed in anything but the real world. and u noe, the " i like you, u like me, but both dunt want to say" kinda show...well that seems to be a hit. tried and tested formula. we wait and wait episodes after episodes for them to be together,our hearts flutter each time they r together on screen...we noe we r being bought, but hey we watch it anyway.

which reminds me. found Reality Bites VCD in HMV last night. bought it. another one of the " u like me, i like you but both dunt want to say" kinda movie. I remember watching it more than 7 years ago and liking it soooo much. remembered wanting to be like winona ryder back then. her short hair and red sleeveless top that she wore in the movie. if im not wrong, i actually snipped off the sleeves of one of my red T-shirts...hmmm...hey, what can i say, i was at an impressionable age...hmmm..
should watch the VCD soon. I can't wait to see if i would have the same reaction as I did 7 years ago.

so if u see me with a snipped off, sleeveless red T-shirt, you know what's the story, morning glory.

off i go to dreamland for now.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004



Put bricks side by side and you get a foundation for a great wall. a wall that stands amidst rAin and a storm.
thank you for the invention of cameras and the discovery of the power of light,
This is our love,
little bricks of pictures
sealed side by side on oUr wall of hope.

Bricks at my beloved alma mater,old TKGS.

Dats D at Zouk KL

Random Shot

Saturday, May 08, 2004


life could be quite a dread
but still, the sun shone one me today
and the rAin still falls
though sometimes i wish they wouldn't.
how would i be if im you, you and you
those faces in the mrt?
and the occupants of the flats
and the foreign faces in the virtual world,
and the cleaners in my school?
how do you, you and you lead your lives?

i can't live in a cycle of my life
to work, get married, have children, grow old and finally depart,
taking the last flight home.
im sure there is more meaning to life than this.
what's the point of trying too hard?
to pretend im doing fine, when every cell in me is
struggling to break lose.
to break this cycle of my life
where work is the central
where pleasing the boss is integral,
at the end of the day, would it matter?
who would it matter to?

strip me of all the burdening titles
of daughter, wife, daughter in law, Head of shIT, subordinate
and just give me one thing-----

Friday, May 07, 2004

went down at about 10.30pm just now, expecting a grey Mondeo parked at its usual spot in front of the smelly garbage area,waiting for me. but instead saw a black Lancer. the driver was the usual Mondeo driver though.

the Lancer was his cuz's, left to park at his place to benefit from the free parking while waiting for a buyer. his cuz just bought a subaru WRX some months ago n waiting to sell this one off. guess he put it at the wrong place cause this fella just can't wait to test drive it. so there we went, driving around aimlessly, past town, golden city, al majlis and can't remember wherever else. till his cuz called and said his friend wanted to see the car in half an hours time.

so we had to drive back, but not before (being the jakun that we are) opening up the top, both going wooo and wahh as we watched the top slowly sliding down, revealing the cloudy moonlit night and the breeze of cool air on the top of our heads. we screamed our heads off halfway through PIE, just for the sheer joy of having our voices pass through that small opened top all the way to the night sky. he tried driving and looking up, that didnt work too well. he almost hit the curb. (like real!;)

guess we r just a pair of damn jakun and extremely bored pple who ought to get a life!

have to be up in 5 hours time. id better go, lest i want to fall asleep in class morrow. signing out...

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

wah, cannotlah, my life can't go on like this. tired, exhausted, simply worn out. werk ends at 6 just now, then met my addiction. by 6 my brain is almost dead and my legs are like jelly oredi. all i need is a tap behind my knees and i would just cave in. but u know drugs and addiction, no money also must buy. so there u go, no energy also must meet. so we settled at fish and co for dinner, of course after much complaining and blabber blabber from him. wat to do, he hates eating there but i like it. lucky never fight today, considering i was dead hungry and all tired.

then the madness began.

our intention was to get Yummy Yogurt for me and go home after dat. Grab a cab and go home, since by then i was half dead already, but then....i saw...MANGO! "I'll only take a min," i said and i swear that was my intention, just ONE minute. by the time i came out, it was half an hour later and i was 120 buckaroos poorer. Damn, must walk blindfolded oredi from now.

once madness starts, there's no turning back.

dunno how come, i ended up at IORA next. bought 2 more stuffs. by this time D has given up on me. i guess he knows better then to fight for a lost cause..dah tak kuasa agaknyer..

so there. that's my crappy life in a nutshell.
better sleep now, before i die of exhaustion.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Goggle specs, $12, spinning.

Chanced upon a real cool blogger at an arty-farty sorta party we went to last nite. I seldom use the word 'cool' but the word really suits her to a T. i luv her blog, the things she writes and the way her medula oblongata(heh, wonder who uses the word;) works just blows me. She is different and yet she's not empty, she's well read and writes poetry as smooth as baby's butt. and her, it'll bring Mr ----'s ( a fella at work who thinks he is so damn good) photos to shame. And all this considering she is only 18!!!

so D and me saw her last nite. she was with 2 guys, 2 familiar faces that she always puts up at her blog. I saw her first and could not contain my excitement and nudged D to see. He wanted to go over to speak to her, but me so shy, so we didn't. (now, im regretting it) one of the guys with her was doing the walking mural. he was blindfolded and walked around the bar. his bare body was covered with white powder and had some expressions written on it. and she was guiding him around. her bleached hair and goggle looking specs fit her just fine. we were sitting at a corner, on a platform, so they didn't come to us, and we were too lazy to move out butts to go any nearer.

overall, it was an interesting party. it was at FEZ bar, along Boat Quay. it was all about art expression last night. when we came, the poetry reading was over and a girl was wriggling on a platform. D and me was thinking what the hell this girl was doing, when Wan told us she was supposed to be a baby in the womb...gosh...and i tot she was just plain drunk. then there was the tap dancing on the pool table, (D, i know what you were imagining when she was tapping away!!!) followed by the much awaited "DJ" spinning. I so wish i could put up the pics....:Speaking of pics, the photographs lining the yellow wall in the bar was just excellent. D must be wishing one would just drop off, so he could swipe it off and bring it home, just like how he found and gladly took the $12 under the crowded bar counter!!!And mind you, the place was damn dark except for some dim orange light. i tell you,nuthing escapes that fella's eyes! So yeah, technically the $11 drinks we bought were really, FREE and we were even a dollar richer!! yippee!

so anyways, to Kiran and the other organisers, thumbs up for a job well done!
and to D, stop fantasizing about the cats-eyes girl who were checking you out ,would ya?? May she be blind..if not i'll make sure she is!

gotta go now, a wedding to go to.