Wednesday, May 05, 2004

wah, cannotlah, my life can't go on like this. tired, exhausted, simply worn out. werk ends at 6 just now, then met my addiction. by 6 my brain is almost dead and my legs are like jelly oredi. all i need is a tap behind my knees and i would just cave in. but u know drugs and addiction, no money also must buy. so there u go, no energy also must meet. so we settled at fish and co for dinner, of course after much complaining and blabber blabber from him. wat to do, he hates eating there but i like it. lucky never fight today, considering i was dead hungry and all tired.

then the madness began.

our intention was to get Yummy Yogurt for me and go home after dat. Grab a cab and go home, since by then i was half dead already, but then....i saw...MANGO! "I'll only take a min," i said and i swear that was my intention, just ONE minute. by the time i came out, it was half an hour later and i was 120 buckaroos poorer. Damn, must walk blindfolded oredi from now.

once madness starts, there's no turning back.

dunno how come, i ended up at IORA next. bought 2 more stuffs. by this time D has given up on me. i guess he knows better then to fight for a lost cause..dah tak kuasa agaknyer..

so there. that's my crappy life in a nutshell.
better sleep now, before i die of exhaustion.

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