Sunday, May 02, 2004

Goggle specs, $12, spinning.

Chanced upon a real cool blogger at an arty-farty sorta party we went to last nite. I seldom use the word 'cool' but the word really suits her to a T. i luv her blog, the things she writes and the way her medula oblongata(heh, wonder who uses the word;) works just blows me. She is different and yet she's not empty, she's well read and writes poetry as smooth as baby's butt. and her, it'll bring Mr ----'s ( a fella at work who thinks he is so damn good) photos to shame. And all this considering she is only 18!!!

so D and me saw her last nite. she was with 2 guys, 2 familiar faces that she always puts up at her blog. I saw her first and could not contain my excitement and nudged D to see. He wanted to go over to speak to her, but me so shy, so we didn't. (now, im regretting it) one of the guys with her was doing the walking mural. he was blindfolded and walked around the bar. his bare body was covered with white powder and had some expressions written on it. and she was guiding him around. her bleached hair and goggle looking specs fit her just fine. we were sitting at a corner, on a platform, so they didn't come to us, and we were too lazy to move out butts to go any nearer.

overall, it was an interesting party. it was at FEZ bar, along Boat Quay. it was all about art expression last night. when we came, the poetry reading was over and a girl was wriggling on a platform. D and me was thinking what the hell this girl was doing, when Wan told us she was supposed to be a baby in the womb...gosh...and i tot she was just plain drunk. then there was the tap dancing on the pool table, (D, i know what you were imagining when she was tapping away!!!) followed by the much awaited "DJ" spinning. I so wish i could put up the pics....:Speaking of pics, the photographs lining the yellow wall in the bar was just excellent. D must be wishing one would just drop off, so he could swipe it off and bring it home, just like how he found and gladly took the $12 under the crowded bar counter!!!And mind you, the place was damn dark except for some dim orange light. i tell you,nuthing escapes that fella's eyes! So yeah, technically the $11 drinks we bought were really, FREE and we were even a dollar richer!! yippee!

so anyways, to Kiran and the other organisers, thumbs up for a job well done!
and to D, stop fantasizing about the cats-eyes girl who were checking you out ,would ya?? May she be blind..if not i'll make sure she is!

gotta go now, a wedding to go to.

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