Friday, May 21, 2004

Reality Bites

Reality Twerps

so i finally watched my newly bought vcd, reality bites. the old video tape i had, had gone missing, together with my video recorder. yeah, come to think of it, what happened to our video recorder. hmmm..

i don't think i can ever stop loving that show. 7 years since i last watched it, and still im experiencing the same phenomenal rush of satisfaction. the intellectual bum persona of Troy attracts me. guess im a sucker for that kinda character. the strong, intellectual script still managed to captivate me, as much as it did 7 years back. and those lines, i so fondly memorised by heart came flooding back. but of coz, now, i don't go to the extend of snipping of sleeves, much too lazy and busy for that.

on a different subject, my niece of 12 and nephew of 9 are now my number 1 (and 2) fan of this blog, it seems. yes, the two of you, who are all wide eyed reading this. yes im mentioning about u two lil twerps. and just because im a good auntie and i luv u both, i shall put up pics of u two rascals, soon orite? i know the big one is getting really excited at right about now.

so Haris, (my nephew and number 2 fan), get your sticky hands off my laptop at home okay, no more Rainbow Six. cause if my laptop crashes and get damaged, i can't load up ure pics, u understand? Nor Nazihah's (my niece and number 1 fan) pics and im sure she will be reaalllly disappointed if that happens. And Nazi, don't even think of touching my Ixus at home to take pics of ureself. Your auntie's picture folder is already flooded by pictures of your beautiful round face. I'd just choose one and put it here ok.

And one more thing, why are your friends tagging me?

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