Wednesday, June 30, 2004



if ive learnt one thing from the working life, it's having to adapt to pple's different work styles. but i realize one of the most difficult pple to work with are the last minute, haphazard and unclear pple. if u work under this kind of pple, dats it!

so, because im working with a person who is such, i end up having to go buy a printer for the school and a backdrop for our school's photography. all by latest tomorrow!!when all these was supposed to be already settled by the very busyyy colleague of mine. i really felt like strangling someone at that time!!! D was kind enuff to squeeze some time for me amidst his many projects and back to back deadlines. (nanti kasi present eh;) somehow we ended up at plaza sing, where i could get both under one roof. almost bought the printer, when the colleague called and said, the school might not want to pay for it. but he said not to worry coz he will take it for his personal use. can ah like dat? so i decided not to buy, im dead broke anyway and what if he decides not to buy the printer???? after all, the ink catridges are not exactly cheap. then off we went to spotlight to get the backdrop. pikir punya pikir, tak leh decide lah, this and dat, and finally we just grabbed one.

and after all that, i just have to regained my sanity and eased my anger. no better way to do dat then to SHOP of coz! in the end, i bought 3 tops within 20mins!!! see what i do when Im angry!!

so im dead tired now. worst for D of coz. me n him not exactly nearby. tomorrow, if my collague say die die must buy printer, i have to go and get one morrooowww!!! jangan TERshop lagi sudahlah. im dead broke, i really am!!

till then, my tired feet needs to rest. adios.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

5 mths down the road

5 mths down the road

it suddenly dawned on me that in exactly 5 mths, I'd be someone's wife, id be a married woman. 5 mths from now, it would be a lovely Monday, the day after the whole wedding ceremony is over and me being in my 3rd day as a wife. im excited, yes i truly am but im also very afraid. me? a wife? am i ready to live with someone, day and nite? to carry out all the responsibilities and expectations of a good wife? Im really thankful to have met someone who can give and take and learn to overlook my many flaws, who is not so particular about things. but i know, i can do more to make him even happier.

no matter how much modernity has changed the mindsets and social construction of women, i still very much hold conservative views. i dunno why, but i still strongly believe that an important role of a wife is to take care of all her husband's needs especially his "makan minum". (dunno how to say that in English. i always hear my mum say this, so use loh) I want to be the wife who irons her husabnd' shirt (aNn,u r my inspiration u noe!must learn from u!), who makes him drinks when he gets back, cooks his favourite meal often and things like dat....

but if i were to look at things now, i dunno if im capable of it. i can cook if i want to, but most of the time, i dunt want to. its not one of my fav things u noe. i dunt even make drinks for my dad now, or for myself for that matter and im so lousy at ironing!!!!

D, don't back out ahHHH...anyway u noe all that already rite and u still want to sign contract dont last minute back out ahh...

my mum says when the day comes, i will learn and i will be just fine. i sure hope so lah, tapi im a bit the stubborn...sometimes i always want my way...but sayang nyer pasal akan aku cuba jugaklahhh..

so till the day comes, right now, i better practice practice dulu. and enjoy my laziness to the fullest, nanti dah tak leh lagik. nak jadi bini org u! :)

Monday, June 28, 2004

Bad habit

Bad Habit

Oh no. Its 1.30am and im still up, talking to friends on MSN. i'm not sleepy at all. its one of the habits i've picked up durin the holidays. been keeping very late nites, and waking up in the late afternoon. morrow must wake up at 6. how?

my mindset still not ready for school. not ready for responsibilities, work deadlines and must-dos. and its really not helping that i hear some of my frens quitting the profession or counting down the days to quit.

it doesn't get easier does it?

i think having too much fun is not good for me. it makes me even lazier to work. the holidays have been all fun, and now that i have to start work, im not ready at all. The momentum has been broken and it would take a while for me to get it going.

Happy 28th, D
Prayer of the Month: May He gives us strength to fight all evil and bless us with forgiveness.


Saturday, June 26, 2004



i cannot and would not make Zouk my lifestyle.


Time to get down to serious business, come Monday.


I will have to dance to a different groove
a sombre one.
a much much sombre one.

till then i still have today and tomorrow. oh wow.

Friday, June 25, 2004


the dilemma for the subject head continues...

just when im all set to tell the big boss, D made me rethink my decision. he told me to give it a shot and he is so confident that i have not been giving my best. he said if i were to try my best, i would be able to do it. would he noe?

the search for wedding gifts continues...

our initial plan was to take advantage of the great spore sale and buy wedding gifts now..but sad to say, much to no avail. we are such an unfocused pair that our attention keeps diverting to other things. i was supposed to look for some handbag but end up looking at daily kind of bags, which is not typical dulang material. why can't i just buy those normal stuff which i wear daily on the dulang ah? so difficult to find 'grand grand' kakak kakak, abang abang things. especially when D and me r not the 'grand grand, kakak kakak, abang abang' sort ourselves.

D had been bugging me to get him ANOTHER chaco sandals, ANOTHER crumpler bagS and ANOTHER Obey sort of Tshirts for the dulang. i give up. nowadays i have learnt the art of ignoring. but im starting to think, why not rite? if i get him those 'john john' shoes he'd only wear it maybe once in 10 years! he hates leather wallets, so one down. i think in the end, the only things u see on our dulang are electronic goods coz that's the only thing dat gets us all excited. (maybe not the only thing lah;) we always end up looking at cameras, from SLR to digital, to digital SLR to lomo to holga....all on the dulang. can?

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Traumatised auntie

Traumatised auntie

ok another story of my 12 year old niece.

i scratch my head everytime i think bout her. i often forget she is only 12, not so much because her arms are as big as the circumference of my leg, nor because she weighs heavier than me..(yep, get over the shock) but mostly coz of the things she tells me.

the part that always surprises me is her straight facial expression as if its only normal and right to do and say things which to me, are beyond imagination during my time.

so 2 days ago, coming back from the playground, she told me, "Cik Ain, today got one boy from sec 1 SOUND me. but i dunno i want or not.he dyed his hair u noe" Now before she falls into any of ure negative stereotypes, let me set the record straight, that she is really not a puberscent minah, mentel and what not. in fact, she is smart, decent bookworm, polite but perhaps with raging undercurrents hormones hiding under the layers of fat (which Im afraid, will magnify by zillions as she matures!)..heh who noes rite.

i dunno why but the word SOUND usually gives me goosebumps, even rite now. i could not control my curiousity and asked her, "so if u steady (another word that gives me goosebumps! ewww!) with him, what do u have to do?" to which she replied, "Same as u lah, u and Cik D. like datlah!"
WHAT??????Like me?? now THAT IS DANGEROUS. no no no...

she made me swear to secrecy not to tell her mum. but of coz i did. well, never trust an auntie, especially a kpo like me. Ok sis, now u handle her! i can't keep too much of her dirty dark secrets, aye. im still traumatised by her sex with water confession. and now this...wat did i do to deserve thissss!!!!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

today, when i went to school, i had an opportunity to tell the big boss bout my decision. but guess what i did? i chickened out.

today, when i went to school, my male colleague who is married with 3 kids said he thinks jamie yeo is attractive and very pretty. "a face, i won't get sick of", he said. ok, but why r u telling me for? what has it got to do with anything? u lonely is it?

my berkat and cards are settled. hooray! that is if the multi purpose hall near my block dunt give me a rude shock. i hope no chinese person dies near my block on D-big day, otherwise, i have to fight for a place with a deceased corpse.

my face is becoming really weird, many black dots emerging from nowhere and marks appearing evrywhere. uneven skin tone. dullness. dryness. oilyness. all in one. SK!!??
ok, time for product reviews from bloggers who bothers.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

tomorrow is the start of school for me. the whole week have to be back in school. i dunno why but i think im beginning to feel tears on my cheeks...i better go now.



zouk it was last nite. a spur of the moment, last minute thing. met a couple of familiar faces there and bumped into Wan. i had my workout and my dose of crazy dancing. and dats basically all i need. dats probably one of the best things i like bout zouk. u can dance any way u like, mind ure own business and no one would bother u, and best of all, not dat many sleezeballs on the lose. even if there were, there were enough drop dead gorgeous bapoks to get their attention.

i think the problem with SOME of us, is that we like to judge other people just by looking at them. and suddenly we think we know their whole life story. and then the worst part is we react to them in a certain way. i am guilty of this too sometimes. then why do we keep saying looks are not important and what counts is what is inside of you, when all we ever do is judge people from how they look, what they wear, their hairstyle. isnt this merely outward showcase of a person we have not known yet. is it right to think that a person with 10 earrings on each ear is any worst than a person with only one? or a person wearing a sleeveless top has low morales as compared to a person wearing tops with sleeves. as we walk along orchard road, how many times have we shaked our heads in shame and disbelief as we passed kids with overly exposed clothes and our own breed of punk clan with spiked hair and leather jackets? how many times have we said to ourselves, what have becomed of our kids nowadays? subconsconsciouly we think everything bad about them.

come to think of it, who are we to say we are any better than them? Is it coz we are decently dressed and pray five times a day? does that makes us any better than them? do we really know them enough to decide, and first of all, is it up to us to decide? have we ever thought why they had turned out the way they have before we label them as bringing shame to our wonderful religion, or race for that matter. maybe, just maybe, they are not blessed with a family that is functioning. maybe just maybe, they do not have the necessary support from their families as how we lucky pple have. or perhaps, it is a phase of their life which could lead them to something better someday. maybe punk culture has given them space to develop a talent they have which could not be appreciated in Singapore where paper qualifications are all that matters. but maybe I'm wrong and they just choose to be like that cause they just plan to be bad. the point is we don't know. we really don't. and its just so easy for us to walk pass and give remarks as if we are any better than them, when what we r really doing is stereotyping and judging people's character based merely on looks.

But i guess that's how the world works. outward appearance do count. the reality is, MOST people judge us by the way we look, the clothes we wear and they react to us accordingly. so don't ever tell anyone that looks don't matter and its wat's inside u that counts. Coz maybe, that's not true after all.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Trash on T.V

Trash on T.V

For a change, i stayed at home the whole day today. this is one of those rare occasions i guess coz, each and everyone in the house asked me whether i was going out today. and when i said no, they asked me why not. like something was wrong.

its quite nice to stay at home all day sometimes. i became a true blue couch potato today. and as i sat on the couch, in front of the T.V in my old comfy T-shirts and berms, it suddenly struck me that there's so much trash on T.V.

it's thursday today, so there was the Bachelor, followed by Nip Tuck. yesterday nite, i was watching O.C and Average Joe. and a few days before, i watched Meet my Folks. i think i had an overdose of 'reality', kissing, fondlings, body parts and what-have-yous. watching all these, made me afraid for the lil kids and those of impressionable ages to be exposed to such shows. Moral degradation is rampant in most societies and with shows like this on our T.V, it would only get worst. im quite an open minded person, i truly am and so in some warped way, i find such shows quite interesting and can be even philosophical, if u ask me. but being open minded can be a two edged sword. without the right values, we can be easily swayed into thinking dat everything is normal and acceptable. if it comes to a point where a huge majority of us thinks polygamy, 'swingers' lifestyle and premarital are normal and acceptable, then our values would be deeply buried beneath excessive open mindedness and totally trampled over.

and i am very afraid to live in that kind of society and even worst to raise kids who will be exposed to such a world. Im NOT a saint myself, and more often than not, i myself find it quite difficult to shut the 'devils' whisper' and do what religion deems right. im still trying my best to keep my values intact.

cause if its not us who strive to keep these values intact, then who else would fly the flag of each of our religious and moral values? without these, i tink our kids would have no shield to protect them from the rampant moral degradation.

and dats why, sometimes for a change, i luv to watch hindustani movies. though im not an avid fan or know all their names and faces by heart, but i really do applaud their emphasis on family ties, filial piety, honour and repect.

its like a breath of fresh air from all the trash showing on channel 5.

but of course, channel 5 will not buy more of shows along that lines. its just not 'hot' and 'spicy' enough for its all important consumers, is it?

Friday, June 18, 2004

Sxe with water

Sxe with water

Oh oh!! school is starting in a weeks time, and i still have not told the big boss about me declining the Subject Head post she's giving me. yes, yes im a real big coward. im really cracking my head now, on how to sugar coat my words. i have been delaying it for the longest time. takottt..

dats why, sometimes i don't like diplomacy very much. i'd rather say the honest truth. dats probably why i like to work with kids so much. they have no pretences, they just blurp the honest truth into ure face, whether u like it or not.

just like my 12 year old niece. she almost made me choke on my food when she suddenly said innocently, "Cik Ain, u noe why I was in the toilet for so long? cause I had sex with water just now u noe" !!!She said it so innocently, dat i almost died. dunno whether to scold her or to laugh at it. I mean with all the sex education in schools, i'm not surprised she dares to speak to me about it. i mean schools have made sex talk so open and less of a taboo. but i was really curious to know what her version of having sex with water is like. I wonder, why she thinks it was sex. i find it really quite hilarious.

too bad, she had to leave soon after, before i could dig out all the 'juicy' details from her. but u bet, her auntie here will not let it go. i mean where else can i find steps to having sex with water? not in a cleo mag, female mag, not even in sex help books! it would definitely be the first thing i'll ask her the next time i see her.

Sex with water???!
go figure!

Thursday, June 17, 2004



I have forgotten that I love to swim.
I can't even remember the last time I swam. I hope it is a scorching hot day today,
cause i think im going swimming.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The kompangs are beating

Kompangs are beating

Soon the holidays will be over and life will be back to normal. With the big day coming and all the plans and saving up to do, I didnt even get my passport stamped this holiday. pretty much stayed intact in singapore.

but i dunno why, i enjoyed this holiday quite a bit. it was quite an 'action packed' holiday. ;) heh if u want to call it dat.

went to FM just now to settle my cards and berkats. now im really undecided bout many things. everything seem to be all nice and pretty. should i take apple green and cream, gold and cream, or purple and white as my colour theme. then as i was deciding, i saw the red one. i dunt normally like red but this was an exception.
then my attention started diverting to the rows and rows of bajus on display. i dunt even know how to start choosing. my, for a while there, im beginning to feel the vain, girlish me surfacing.

Then I remembered writing this in my previous


Wedding bells are ringing, heh more like the kompang are beating..

Where do I start? There are just too much to plan and worst so many things to decide. I guess that's the hardest part for me, to make decisions. Especially when i have a 1001 options. I just simply hate making decisions. Help!!!

It makes me kinda dizzy when I think that I have to part with almost 20K to get the wedding going. 20K to make sxe legal, 20K to go on a legal holiday with him, 20K to share a bed with him, 20K to snuggle in front of the TV set, 20K to have him spent the rest of his life with me (he better!) 20K to shut the mouths of all makciks makciks and kepo neighbours when they see us together. To all those married souls out there, please tell me its allll worth it! Pleaseee!!

Seriously, I don't look forward to the wedding day, I look forward to the morning after, when it is the crack of dawn, and for the first time in my life, i see him right beside me at 5 am in the morning. I so look forward to that. I look forward to speaking to him without holding the fone (its really quite tiring), I can't wait for the day when we go back to the same home coz frankly I'm really tired of the sinking feeling when we see the end of KJE and the right turn to North 7.

But I sure DON'T look forward to walking slowly to the dais, with hundred eyes on me. I don't look forward to giving a cracking smile for two whole days, I don't look forward to sitting prim and proper on the dais. And sue me for not being a typical girl, but I don't really enjoy wearing fancy, bridal clothes and have people fuss over me. Yep its only for two days, but it would be two days too long for me.

Can we fast forward, straight to our legal trip together coz, boy, do we have big plans :P

Who invented weddings anyway???"

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Quite a mouthful for a title aye? If you have not watched it yet, please do so, especially if you are into warped plot and something unpredictable. The core of it is actually a romance but written in a less than ordinary way. We luv it. And u might do too.

I'm beginning to hate the audacity of SOME ignorant people who are unfortunately sharing this country with me. Have they not gone through Civics and Moral Education when they were younger and learn to respect others' values, culture and religious beliefs?! Or is it that they just simply don't care.

Get a leash,
Move far away from us
Don't litter the beach with what should be in the zoo.

If you say you are unaware what it does to us, then I say you are a self centred, ignorant fool!


Monday, June 14, 2004

My father

My Father

During our usual maghrib prayers two days ago, as i was standing behind my dad, doing solat jemaah, it suddely dawned on me, how much my beloved dad has aged. I used to look up when i speak to him and somehow, i always have this memory of him as being very tall and much bigger than me. But today as i stood behind him, i realized he is not very much taller, or bigger. His skin has sallowed and as i kissed his hand, i feel his skin as wrinkled as a prune. His gait has becomed slower and more hunched. His head is now full of white hair, along with it, comes a certain kind of mellowness, peace and wisdom about him.

When i was very little, i remember my dad as a very fierce man. He would just need to glare at us, and we are ready to hide in the toilet, sobbing for hours. I remember peering into his room, when my older brothers were punished for doing something wrong. He would sit on the bed with his cane on the right, whilst the accused would sit shaking with fear on the floor below him. The most dreaded scolding will begin followed by the even dreaded swings of the cane. I remember too being repeatedly caned by a metal hanger for being rude. I remember sobbing loudly for his forgiveness. This was my father many, many years back.

As I grew older, i can see he has mellowed so much. Being the youngest, I got away with more things as compared to my sis and brothers. When i reach the age of adolescence and rebellion, my dad has lost much of his strength and energy.

Now, he is 66. He reminds me of my late grandfather. It's strange what age does to people. There's no need to speak so much now, maybe cause everything has been said. He finds great pleasure in his grandchildren and live life simple. There's a certain calmness and satisfaction in him that i can't really describe.

Although its not in our family to express affection openly, we seldom hug, much less kiss, I hope he knows and sees how much he means to me.

I finally see now.
What he used to be, has made me what I am now.
Most if not all of his thoughts, are now, actually mine.
And I thank him for that.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


After much persuasion, repeated requests and begging, D Censorship Board has finally lifted its ban on pictures of writer, rAinito, being published on

Along with it, exlusive rights have also been given out to ONLY two production house which have personal links to the writer. Serendipity Production and Seewit Production are therefore allowed to publish the photos of rAinito on their sites. Due to copyright laws, a request of pictures still need to be made and approved before the pictures can be published. This is to maintain standards and commercial value of the writer as a whole. (macam mana punya bagus jer.heh)

To celebrate the lifting of the band, for the first time ever in, designer for rAinito has released an exclusive series of pictures of himself with the writer in Sentosa, especially for this issue.

Ok people, time to vomit blood! heh

Saturday, June 12, 2004

The First and the Last

Remember these?

I couldnt sleep and was rummaging thru my CD rack, listening to the CD i got frm her for D-day (right), when i stumbled upon the white CD on the left. It got me smiling. Keane was spining on my stereo, and finding this CD has made me realised the Circle the team has gone thru. That CD was the first CD a girl gave me sometime almost 5 years ago. It may not be much, but the first CD was the first step. We begin things by taking the first few initial steps, no matter how hard it takes. I guess we were brought together by music. Our first few conversations was on music. Our first few exchanges was based on music. It was a CD. It gave me a reason to see her again.

We were brought together by the soothing sounds of Paranoid Android and radiohead. It got me Thinking About You and from the brief rendevous at Lau Pa Sat, I Just Cant Get my Eyes off You. Mothers Weep, Children speak, so much violence has sprung around us eversince we met. The mystical sounds of Bjork has kept us company when she was getting a bachelor and a bachelorette. Now the word springs again, and she wishes a party at embassy. So I say, Hey YEAH! and why not give her a bash this september, coz, Its Your Birthday. And the case of the ex, I know I can, Cause nobody does it better.

And now the Keane CD gift. I realised the team has gone thru a full circle, from a start, to an end. The end marks a new begining of Life that is to come in November. Friends are now Lovers. Hopes are realised by Fears. The analogy of the CD has made us stronger with the First step that we will soon partake together. Music has filled every chapter of our lives. Tunes has underlined each page that we turn in our Lil black book.

Friends and Lovers
Hopes and Fears

Everybody's Changing

You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can

You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
'cos everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

Paranoid Android

I think I have becomed one paranoid android. I keep having visions of many,many forms of disaster befalling me. And I have no clue why. Like that day, when we were sending his maid back to the agency due to some incompatibility problems, I had this visions of her taking out a knife from her bag and stabbing me from the back seat through the front seat where I was sitting.

Lately, Ive been seeing snippets of people I luv being involved in a car crash.

And that day I caught myself standing up from lying down on the floor of my living room because I suddenly felt like the ceiling fan right above me was going to fall on me.

2 mornings ago, while I was bathing in my toilet, I switched off the heater cause I suddenly had visions of the pipe bursting and hot water splashing all over me.

Early this week, when we were at the carpark of Marina Square (which is under construction now), I had another scary vision. This time of the building collapsing and me buried deep under the rubble.

I realized Ive been feeling scared and all paranoid about almost everything nowadays.

Maybe I should stop reading newspapers. Nowadays there is rarely any good news and it is giving me ideas.

Maybe I am just not use to having free time. It gives my brain time to think about nonsensical stuff.

Or maybe it is just HIS way of telling me I am neglecting HIM. HE missed me and needs my dutiful attention.

Friday, June 11, 2004

thank you


First and foremost:

for the BEST birthday event I ever had; I thank YOU. Yes YOU, the one that is named the Rain. Who on that day, never fail to show itself in the most magnificient of ways. (it WAS raining heavily). And i thank thee:

a) for the surprise that you have presented to me
b) the beautiful place, the beautiful meal
c) the cute card
d) the GREAT presents
and most importantly
d) the rain for the great company

I thank thee again for the best birthday, well, thanx to Zali&Ros, for reminding me its my LAST, as a bachelor. Heh, well, I got no qualms about it being my last, 'cause it sure was a blast and i'm glad it was spent with her.

Second and foremost:
1) to Zali&Ros for being the 2nd person/s to wish me. I thank You. Next year try your best to beat the 1st ha? heh, if you can beat her to it. ;)

2) to aNn.

3) to Zul, Bakar, Boon & Sharon.

4) the rest of the guilt-free parties. You know who you are!

I was really taken aback by the huge surprise i got for my birthday. REally didnt see it coming. Really so. Day before, i was like "Ok, British India paper bag, how N*% A%&M can that be rite?" Kinda disapointed coz, being the cerewet me, she herself can swear at how fussy i am with things. The eye of perfection never fails. ;)

So the huge surprise at home really took me aback. I thought, ok fine, maybe we just do dinner later, at some cheesy place, give2 presents, and go home, the usual birthdays. But no, this was different. This was a whole day affair, never mind the storm. I would have sworn that i wld hate the thunderstorm, coz i thought we could have bfast or spend the day at the beach or somewhere outdoors. But the storm though kept us in, it didnt drain our spirits. And i was smiling at the cordial relationship of she and my lil sis.

I guess all that has happened has been said below. I shant do a repeat telecast. I'm still getting over the sweet surprise the rain has given me, the presents and all. No, i didnt have the slightest clue whtsoever. U've done a good job at deceiving me, heh, and i hope its only that ah~ Deceive me with birthdays is fine, others......;)

So there u have it, D-day in brief. Hmm d-day, army code for date of a major attack. My D-day is shared with:

1) the allied invasion of normandy in 1944
2) the transit of planet venus (astronomical phenomenon that aligns venus, the sun and our planet earth)
3) birthday of garfield.

I'm still getting over the sweet surprise i had. The after effects of the surprise is making me talk funny. Ask her about it. ;) LAstly, i thank the rain

Ich liebe dich

Thursday, June 10, 2004

POst Birthday

I just realized that the best way to plan a great birthday, is by LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH. Conceal all thruth from the birthday boy/ girl and the surprise will definitely keep him/ her smiling the widest smile.

D had no clue, or yes he didn't. He had no idea what i had bought for him, neither did he know what i had planned for him. I didnt talk about it, no mention of his birthday plan at all. so the night of 8th JUne, i lied and said i had to go school till very late the next day, and probably can't see him till after 6. he sounded disappointed and i just couldn't contain my laughter. haha.

little did he know that i had created an alliance with his younger sister, and about 12pm, 9th June, my dear alliance quietly let me into their house while birthday boy was upstairs still sleeping in his room. And in my hand was a small cake with one candle on top. (takde space for 27 candles, and im lousy at lighting up candles, so forget it) i know he hates cakes but well, what's a birthday without a cake, rite??!

After i got the cake ready, my alliance called D down to pretend to check something leaking...and then, from below, i saw his pair of legs, go down the stairs, pitter patter, pitter patter and when he was just about to reach the bottom of the stairs,my alliance and me shouted in unison HAPPY BIRTHDAY and then we broke into a totally out of tune, extremely loud, horrendous birthday song. We even startled the poor maid who on reflex, held up her hands to her ears. It's great to do a LAME surpise like that sometimes.

Anyway, D was totally stunt. Nasib baik tak tergolek jatuh tangga, dahlah tak pakai cermin mata. Rambut pun macam orang gila. I think for once he achieved his 'out of bed' hairstyle yang dia idam idamkan tu. Peace, D!
But the stunt look on his out-of-bed face was priceless! And then, when he finally realized what was going on, he broke into his widest smile and that was enough for me. ahhh..

so anyway, we made steak and had a very late lunch. going into his kitchen is a phobia for me, cause of the new year's eve egg incident. (long story, maybe some other time) For fear his house will be burnt down and the meat being wasted, D helped me cook the steak. he knows how 'fantastic' my cooking is.

After a dvd and lots of apple juice, we went out for dinner at this place called VAnsh at Stadium Cove. Indian food lah dey. Then sat down and talk rubbish sumore, gave him his gift and the card, ooooh and aaaahh over the giftss, lots and lots of thank yous and wide smiles and then i took him to his promised bachelor party!;) Due to some underaged readers here, I shall leave out the details of the blast aye? hahha

Somehow, everything just went well that nite. At the end of the nite im just glad, he was one happy man. Lying does work, doesn't it?

So D, your turn as king for the day is over. september is just round the corner. better start planning;) i DEMAND a bahelorette PARTY too!!!

(Itulah al-kisah birthday Dia tahun ni...)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

HAppy Birthdday

ITS D's DAY!!!!!

9th June 1978, a certain someone was born, 3 months before i even existed into this world. This fella has been a total pain in the neck, right from the moment he came into this world. refused to come out, mum went into labour for many many hours. and finally had to do a caesarean. came out all blue and not breathing. guess everyone panic and for some strange twist of fate, he grew up to be a perfectly healthy baby with a pair of perfectly deep dimples. he pretty much got away with many things just by flashing that dimples of his. oh, me so jeolous. but without doubt, he IS still pretty much a pain in the neck:P

i guess life for me now would be really different, should he had not resumed breathing on that fateful 9th June 1978. Should he cease from existence, i would not know how my fate would have turned out.

I'd probably have....
No one to make list with me.
No one to drink teh, talk cock sing song with me.
No one to steal jelly with me.
No one to be stuck inside a drain(almost) with me.
No one to shoo away cats for me.
No one to take many many same brochures and free mags with me.
No one to drink Shark with me.
No one to laugh-till-we-cry with me
No one to write 10 books of journals with me
No one to sneak in a dilapidated building and take pics with me.
No one to answer me when i ask, 'i ugly eh?'
ok too many to write, lazy oredi.

So on this special day, this entry is dedicated you, D.

Our story is written this way, and i would like to believe, you survived your birth for a reason. and 21 years after your birth, the reason is clear. by the hand of fate, our paths crossed and life for me has never been sweeter.
ure existence has made a difference in many lives, especially in mine. Im always so thankful to HIM for guiding me to you and more importantly, for instilling in you, more than an ounce of love for me. Your presence really brighten up my days and gave me strength to live my life, more than u could ever imagine.
and so 9th of June will always be a special day for me as it marks the birth of a lil boy who is destined to my best friend, my confidante, and above all, my soulmate.
Happy Birthday, D

Life will never be the same without you. my happy booster!

tak sabar nanti, nak bergembira bersama booster! hehe
i promise u a blast this year, D. maklumlah last bday as a bachelor. so tonite, birthday party cum bachelor party;) nak??

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Alim's birthday part 1

You know those moments when you look at ure life and u think everything is just oh-so-perfect and you feel extremely happy? i'm having the moment right now. i dunno why.nuthing special happened today, just went out with the niece and nephew and got some stuffs for morrow. but im just so high and nuthing can stop me now, not even the thought of the my long to-do list.

tried to recall what i ate. they say 'u r what u eat' by the way, i always wonder who are 'they' here. acting so smart, always saying this and dat. anyway, i was thinking maybe i ate something and it has some kind of chemical effect that trigger my happy hormones. there was the raspberry ice cream from the apek on motorcycles who sells ice cream along orchard road. then i had KFC. i doubt its KFC cause there was one time i ate two -piece meal chicken and i felt all dizzy and nauseous. wat was it then?

wouldn't it be great if happiness can come in a pill? or maybe in some kind of happy booster drink, u noe just like one of those brain boosters thingy with the various flavors. and then they can come out with an ad with a catchy slogan like, 'bergembira bersama booster' or something like that. and no matter what kind of crap you go through, u'd just be seen smiling from ear to ear. u fail ure exam, or get retrenched, drink the happy booster and instead of jumping down, you jump up and down with joy. someone scolds you and your whole family line, you drink the booster and you laugh, hug the person and say 'peace'.

suicide rates will definitely reach a low zero.

ok enough crap from me for the moment. anyway, im really looking forward to tomorrow. wat's on morrow? besok punyer pasal, besoklah saya cerita ye? heh

Monday, June 07, 2004

On slides

My, oh my, what a night this was.

Our lives are all in HIS hands and to HIM, i shall kneel and no amount of gratitude will suffice the protection HE has bestowed upon us tonite.
For if HE so desires, D and me would have ceased from breathing tonite.
For if HE so wishes, we would have faced some form of harm, degrees of pain and a complicated web of mess.
But tonite, isn't that nite. Tonite, we are saved. From the sorrow of pain.
D, me and the Mondeo came out unscathed.

What happened aye?
It's a pretty long story but i shall narrate it anyway, cause i would never want to forget this nite. And because I inherit most things from my mum, i should tell this story my mum's style. Right from the beginning inclusive of nitty gritty details, with a built up plot, climax and an end.
It started out all normal, our usual trip to town, this time to get his dad's Father's Day gift. he wanted to send the gift home first cause we were afraid we might stay out late and his parents might be asleep. Along ECP, we missed our turn to the left and so we ended up going straight past Marina South and we saw a sign saying 'Drive In Movie' by Class 95. We've always wished there were drive in movies in S'pore and so we tot we'd check it out after sending the gift.

And so the gift was sent, we had dinner at Hjh Raminah and then off we went to the drive in. The location: At the big empty field along Marina South where Zoukout was held. It's pretty deep inside. Now to go in there, there is just one route of tarred road and the rest of the area is just green fields. So it was a very dark field except for the movie screening at the very far end of the field. So we drove on the bumpy narrow one-way route which cuts across the field towards the movie screening. Upon reaching there, we were told we need a sticker which Class 95 gave out long time ago, which we don't have.

So off we went, making our way back out. This time we tot we won't follow the tarred road and instead drive through the grass. It was very dark and the headlights didnt help very much.

And then we had a shock of our lives!!!!

The car suddenly slided downwards and lo and behold, there was a huge drain down below on our right. There is a steep slope we didnt see and at the end of the slope lies a huge drain! The car took a plunge down the slope, towards the drain and i felt my heart dropped to my feet and my blood vessels almost exploding. I let out a sharp scream. D slammed his breaks and swerved the car to the left to prevent it from plunging downwards to the right. Everything in the car started falling over to the right. He pulled his hand break and then everything stopped. Stillness.

The car is now sideways, stuck on the slope. The left front wheel is still hooked on the top part of the slope and the right side are all nearer the drain. if he hadn't steered his wheels to the left, we would have slided down and smashed into the concreate drain.
we would have. and even thinking about it, is making me nauseous!

he tried starting the engine and moving the car forward and upwards but the wheels just wouldn't move. we quickly evacuated, afraid the car might just start sliding down the slope into the drain. D said he need some men to push the car while he slammed the accelerator to get the car moving.

and so, i became the damsel in distress and ran all the way to the drive-in movie to ask for help. by then i was already shaking and i must have been as pale as sheet.

the good people of class 95 immediately drove their van (with me inside) and went to the 'crash site'. equipped with lightsticks and 2 able bodied men (later we found out was the big boss of class 95 and another guy from radio) they assessed the situation. Then the big boss said, "Call all our rugby boys over. On the double!" Then 2 cars and a van came with half a dozen muscled men inside and also, Vernetta Lopez.

They contemplated to push the car from the right with D on the driver's seat pressing the acclearator, but the slope was too steep and it was difficult for the men to stand and push. and they had to change their minds when i screamed like a mad women (yep in front of all the good looking fellas and Vernetta) telling D not to sit on the driver's seat, so afraid the car might just slide down into the drain with him inside. walau so paiseh. and to make things worst, while i was shouting saying no no no and opening the door to ask him to get out from the seat, my shoe slipped out of my feet. The grass was super thick with thorns sumore and it was damn dark and i reaally couldn't find my darn shoe! i tried looking the whole time they were contemplating what to do and when i still couldn't find it, i let out a soft whisper, "Can someone help find my shoe" So one of the rugby guys who were unfortunate enough to be near me helped me look. Pushing the thorny grass with his hands. Vernetta also looked for it. All of us, separating the grass with our bare hands, looking for my shoes now. At last, Vernetta found it. " Here it is" she said while holding my stinky shoe up. Wa lau embarrasing to the max!!!

After some discussion and more shouting from me, they still went ahead with the idea of pushing the car with D in the car pressing the accelerator. if only anyone can feel how fast my heart was beating. i think anyone standing beside me could hear my heart beating.I was so scared the car might just slide downwards with D inside. At that point, i was just imagining the worst, but he wouldnt listen.
Anyway it didnt work, the car wouldnt budge.and so we decided to call the tow truck. End of my misery. Vernetta called for us and then all of them left except the boss and the other guy who kept reassuring us everything will be fine. They even drove out to wait for the tow truck in case it were to lost its way.

So left D and me and the lopsided car, with the wide open fields and the stars. we were given lightsticks and there was nuthing left to do except wait. we sat and talked and tried to calm each other's nerves. we just thanked HIM we were unharmed but MOndeo's fate is still not yet known.

45 minutes passed and the tow truck came..

to cut a long story short, the tow truck managed to pull Mondeo out from the slope. After a thorough car check, everything was fine. Mondeo was as good as before. Poor car, he really went through a lot tonite.

and so that's how the story goes. we really have a whole bunch of pple to thank particularly, Steven, boss of Class 95 and his fren, Angus for staying with us throughout. To Vernetta Lopez for calling the tow truck and finding my shoe. And to the rest of the rugby boys for helping to push the car.I think a thank you card and a hamper would do the whole of Class 95 some good, cause really, without them, i dunno what would have happened!

And to all who are reading this, just remember one thing- there's a drain somewhere in the field, so NEVER, EVER drive on the field itself, unless, u r looking for something 'exciting' to happen to ure life.

And at the end of it all, with no one hurt and the car saved, we did manage a smile and a lil laugh coz really, now that you think about it, especially how silly our faces looked when the car was suddenly sliding downwards and how the car looked really weird, parked lopsided like dat, I guess its half true what one of the rugby boys said "Its actually quite comical!"

Ni lah orang cakap cerita kelakar seram!

Ok time to call it a nite. Been a long day indeed and tonite, tuning in to Class 95, I shall!

Sunday, June 06, 2004

When you list expect it

This holiday will indeed be a busy one. So many things to do and i know that soon the holidays will be over and i would hear myself say, "macam kejap eh june holidays!" and a long sigh would ensue that line, im sure. Happens every year.

Aside from the biggest time waster and an even bigger procrastinator, i realize we two have an affirnity for making lists. between us, we must have created thousands of list. List of what to buy, what NOT to buy, list of what to do, what NOT to do, list of importance, list of preferance, and even a list of what to list.

so right now, below is the List of The Moment.

Things to Do During the June Holidays.

A) Work
1) Call pupils down on Monday, to make ammendments for the digital art pieces.
2) Call Priya/Chua to confirm if there is anymore ammendments.
3) Meet vendors for printing of cards, bookmarks, posters.
4) Prepare logistics for EPMS*
a)Prepare group list
b)Get mahjong paper and sticky spray
c)Get markers
d)Arrangement of seats
5) Confirm with Cheng on meeting for Work Review
6) Settle Robotics payment and courses
7) Inform Masnah, Lai Peng and Kavitha of their duties.
8) Dry Run for photography pupils.

Phewww!!! I think i need a personal secretary...banyak nyer kejeee!!! holiday apa ni??!!!

B) 27th Preparations
1)Make appointment with FM.
a) To choose baju
b) To choose hall colour and dais
c) To choose berkat
d) To choose D.J
e) Arrange for trial makeup
f) To settle cards
Things to decide before meeting
- venue
- dinner or not
- guest list for dinner

this would be fun! fun! fun! can't wait.

2) Register at ROMM (this is getting seriousss!)
3) Register for course
4) Book C.C (if necessary)

More admin stuff.

C) Urgent Others
1) Call rest
2) Buy ____
3) Make/ Buy ______

Another exciting one. Looking forward to it;)

ok im having major headache now. can i pay someone to do all of the above? I'll help you list down the things you have to do:P Any takers???

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Reminiscing the stone

Im kinda in an emo mood tonite. so beware, if you are allergy to emo.

It struck me just now, how some things just never change.
Almost 5 years have past and yet, we still have that sinking feeling when we turn into my block indicating our time is up. To bid farewell, we must. Times like this are the exact replica of how we were 5 years back when i watched him get smaller and smaller as i made my way down the escalator down Dhoby Ghaut train station. Those were the first few times we went out, when he had not started sending me back. When going home became too much of a dreaded end, he accompanied me all the way in the train ride to C.C.K, after which he will make his long journey back home to the other end of Singapore. "To prolong time with you" he said. and when we reached C.C.K, we still couldn't avoid that sinking feeling.

5 years later, nuthing has changed. Time seems to run as fast as a bullet when we are out. i just dunno why.

And i realized we are quite an anti social pair. we live in a bubble of mess, indecision, confusion and a lot of whining and laughter. It is not easy for others to understand the web we have spun. Some have said, we seemed like we aren't welcoming enough. we have tried but we dunno how to let others into our mess. so for the past 5 years, i would say, we have been on our own four feet most of the time. it has always been the two of us only. and to me its an achievement that we have not gotten sick of each other yet. and at the rate we are going, i just dunno if we ever will. The future is really beyond my prediction but i hope and i pray, nuthing much will differ from our existence now.

I'm really thankful to find the perfect fit in him. For me, it is indeed a miracle.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Relaxing Holiday- NOT!

i imagined my holidays to be a relaxing and peaceful one. Some days, like yesterday when i didn't have to go to school, i imagine myself lying in bed with a good book and sipping coffee at the side. But I forgot one thing- my place is a childcare centre for my nieces and nephews and they ARE having their holidays too.

from the moment i opened my eyes, i was welcomed by loud laughter and high pitch screaming! and it went on and on like a broken record for the whole day.

so instead of reading my book, the book landed more on their heads and other body parts. and the coffee? i wish i could pour it on them!

Haris here, with his self made bamboo gun that have small rolled-up papers as bullets. I guess my bro's 'mat kotai' shirt he is wearing gives him an overall sniper feeling.

that's what happened when one of his 'bullets' hit his sister's butt! (by the way, that's NOT my mum. that's Nazihah, my 12 year old niece.)

bored with each other, they preyed on this lil one, the youngest member of the screaming squad.

after much wailing and more screaming, they let her go. All this lil one wanted to do was watch Kids Central. Looks like it would be the only channel I would be watching for the whole of my June holidays.

And right now, as i am typing this, Haris is behind me, reading every single word aloud. Now, where's my darn book..someone needs a smack on the butt!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Shopping spree

i dropped by my brother's place for a while just now, to visit lil Hilman who was back from hospital. The poor baby had jaundice so he couldn't go home together with his mummy, who got back almost a week ago. He is so tiny and he slept peacefully throughout my stay there. he looked so comfy and snug wrapped around a blanket. Not once, did he opened his eyes, much to my dissapointment.:(

we bugged him to wake up but he just wouldn't. my mum opened his blanket, shake him a lil, and even yelled out his name; HILMAAANN~~~~ but he just continued dozing. as for me, i culdn't go near him coz i had the contagious flu and was sneezing all the way. i dozed off like a baby too, after popping 2 panadols.

then D and me had an unintended shopping spree. even though i was all heaty and sick, i managed to carry myself around town, somehow. i totally forgot i had flu when i bought a bag, 2 tops, a pair of pants and shoes. it must have been the side effects of panadol that made me shop like crazy! And somehow, i didn't even sneeze once.

and right now that im home, im sneezing non-stop. AH-CHOOOOO!!!

ok i must realllyy stop spending, i must i must!


Pursuit for Potent Sleeping Pills

I was laying in bed, reading this book by William Dalrymple. The title: The Age of Kali.

And while reading, I came across this line; therefore i share the phrase of the day:

" Indian politics are rarely predictable, but it was certainly one of the more unexpected developments in modern Indian history that led to the low-caste and semi-literate Chief Minister of India's most corrupt and backward state becoming the custodian of the crumbling Nehruvian ideal of a secular, democratic India."

I thought the line was pretty neat and tells so much in just one closing paragraph to a chapter. Relevant yet in contrary to the current situation in India, whereby we are now seeing the upheavel return of the higher caste Brahmins in Indian politics with the inception of Sonia Gandhi's Congress Party into the ruling front. I guess certain things never change. The rise of the proletariat has done and improved nothing except to boost the morale and confidence of the people, and power is still in the hands of the elite one-third of India. The rAin would deifinitely reminisce the days of her essays, is that rite? My lil intelligensia....that never fail to give me a mental orgasm to the intellectual EYE. hehe....

Sunset. Taken by us. To the rAin: think Shaz

And with that i bid thee farewell. And while you are reading this, i hope that you have had a good nite's sleep, and that you are feeling better. Early to bed, early to rise. I bid thee Adieu, Adieu....exeunt.
Pursuit for Potent Petri Dish

I must remind myself that i am a cook&tailor by profession and SECONDLY a person who dabbles in graphics and designs in my FREE time.

I caught myself thinking that very conundrum whilst cooking myself dinner just now. Dinner was Cheese Omelette with onions and chilli, and for carbo, its baked potato wedges. No time to take pics of the dishes i prepared for i was so darn hungry. Sorry people! I wish she was around to accompany for dinner. Times when i eat alone at home reminds me of the first day of the fasting month of the team together back in '99. Me at home with a plate of chicken rice, and there she was, in another part of the country, breaking her fast with her family. We had pagers back then, (HUGE ones!)and she would beep me, saying that its break-fast time already and wished we could break-fast together. I remember those days, and i still feel the same nostalgic moments each fasting month brings us. The break-fast, the magrib feeling, hearing Art Fazil at tower records when it was still at Pacific Plaza. He was so in love back then, and so were we, and still very much in love rite now.

Anyways, i still have to remind myself what my real profession is; to distinguish between real life and virtual life. Hmm, doesnt that sound like a parallel dimension paradox? Cooking dinner tonite somehow mysteriously ingnites my cooking half, a problem all geminis have with their groping & opposing twins. hehe...

My other twin however would like to share to all you cyber-bleaks out there this vision of hope that he so envision. The word/name designito being invited to be part of a projekt for a book, something in the works of the ones i have pieced together digitally below. Pieced together digitally are the more important details that i would like to share with you.

And i love you too.

The Permanent Book by DesignIsKinky would be a great must-have for my bookshelf. hinty hint. Issit nice or wot?

Anyways, heres something i came out with while dabbling with eggs, cheese and omelette. And yes, its Halal. ;).... Enjoy!

And you must be crazy with the travelators. sheesh! Anyways, Get well soon ya?

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Fickle me

I realized that Im a fickle person.
i keep changing the layout of this blog.
maybe i just get bored easily, or probably always unsatisfied.

im sick today.
down with a pricking throat.
im typing here, while watching The Wedding Planner
Im a sucker for romantic sappy movies.
guess im just being a typical girl.

D came by to drop 3 medicines,
a teeny weeny, yellow flu tablet,
2 vitamin C tablets,
and 1 vitamin B tablet.
delivery all the way from Bedok.

i was feeling better just now,
when you were nagging me to eat the pills
now, that you've left, im feeling groggy again
you are still my paracetamol.
and i NEED paracetamol!!

by the way,
this is not a poem,
excuse me for being all mushy and cheesy cheesy
blame it on this romantic movie
and my extremely swollen lymph nodes.

i hope i get better soon.
cause i have big plans.