Friday, June 04, 2004

Relaxing Holiday- NOT!

i imagined my holidays to be a relaxing and peaceful one. Some days, like yesterday when i didn't have to go to school, i imagine myself lying in bed with a good book and sipping coffee at the side. But I forgot one thing- my place is a childcare centre for my nieces and nephews and they ARE having their holidays too.

from the moment i opened my eyes, i was welcomed by loud laughter and high pitch screaming! and it went on and on like a broken record for the whole day.

so instead of reading my book, the book landed more on their heads and other body parts. and the coffee? i wish i could pour it on them!

Haris here, with his self made bamboo gun that have small rolled-up papers as bullets. I guess my bro's 'mat kotai' shirt he is wearing gives him an overall sniper feeling.

that's what happened when one of his 'bullets' hit his sister's butt! (by the way, that's NOT my mum. that's Nazihah, my 12 year old niece.)

bored with each other, they preyed on this lil one, the youngest member of the screaming squad.

after much wailing and more screaming, they let her go. All this lil one wanted to do was watch Kids Central. Looks like it would be the only channel I would be watching for the whole of my June holidays.

And right now, as i am typing this, Haris is behind me, reading every single word aloud. Now, where's my darn book..someone needs a smack on the butt!!!!!!

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