Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Fickle me

I realized that Im a fickle person.
i keep changing the layout of this blog.
maybe i just get bored easily, or probably always unsatisfied.

im sick today.
down with a pricking throat.
im typing here, while watching The Wedding Planner
Im a sucker for romantic sappy movies.
guess im just being a typical girl.

D came by to drop 3 medicines,
a teeny weeny, yellow flu tablet,
2 vitamin C tablets,
and 1 vitamin B tablet.
delivery all the way from Bedok.

i was feeling better just now,
when you were nagging me to eat the pills
now, that you've left, im feeling groggy again
you are still my paracetamol.
and i NEED paracetamol!!

by the way,
this is not a poem,
excuse me for being all mushy and cheesy cheesy
blame it on this romantic movie
and my extremely swollen lymph nodes.

i hope i get better soon.
cause i have big plans.

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