Saturday, June 12, 2004

Paranoid Android

I think I have becomed one paranoid android. I keep having visions of many,many forms of disaster befalling me. And I have no clue why. Like that day, when we were sending his maid back to the agency due to some incompatibility problems, I had this visions of her taking out a knife from her bag and stabbing me from the back seat through the front seat where I was sitting.

Lately, Ive been seeing snippets of people I luv being involved in a car crash.

And that day I caught myself standing up from lying down on the floor of my living room because I suddenly felt like the ceiling fan right above me was going to fall on me.

2 mornings ago, while I was bathing in my toilet, I switched off the heater cause I suddenly had visions of the pipe bursting and hot water splashing all over me.

Early this week, when we were at the carpark of Marina Square (which is under construction now), I had another scary vision. This time of the building collapsing and me buried deep under the rubble.

I realized Ive been feeling scared and all paranoid about almost everything nowadays.

Maybe I should stop reading newspapers. Nowadays there is rarely any good news and it is giving me ideas.

Maybe I am just not use to having free time. It gives my brain time to think about nonsensical stuff.

Or maybe it is just HIS way of telling me I am neglecting HIM. HE missed me and needs my dutiful attention.

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