Sunday, June 06, 2004

When you list expect it

This holiday will indeed be a busy one. So many things to do and i know that soon the holidays will be over and i would hear myself say, "macam kejap eh june holidays!" and a long sigh would ensue that line, im sure. Happens every year.

Aside from the biggest time waster and an even bigger procrastinator, i realize we two have an affirnity for making lists. between us, we must have created thousands of list. List of what to buy, what NOT to buy, list of what to do, what NOT to do, list of importance, list of preferance, and even a list of what to list.

so right now, below is the List of The Moment.

Things to Do During the June Holidays.

A) Work
1) Call pupils down on Monday, to make ammendments for the digital art pieces.
2) Call Priya/Chua to confirm if there is anymore ammendments.
3) Meet vendors for printing of cards, bookmarks, posters.
4) Prepare logistics for EPMS*
a)Prepare group list
b)Get mahjong paper and sticky spray
c)Get markers
d)Arrangement of seats
5) Confirm with Cheng on meeting for Work Review
6) Settle Robotics payment and courses
7) Inform Masnah, Lai Peng and Kavitha of their duties.
8) Dry Run for photography pupils.

Phewww!!! I think i need a personal secretary...banyak nyer kejeee!!! holiday apa ni??!!!

B) 27th Preparations
1)Make appointment with FM.
a) To choose baju
b) To choose hall colour and dais
c) To choose berkat
d) To choose D.J
e) Arrange for trial makeup
f) To settle cards
Things to decide before meeting
- venue
- dinner or not
- guest list for dinner

this would be fun! fun! fun! can't wait.

2) Register at ROMM (this is getting seriousss!)
3) Register for course
4) Book C.C (if necessary)

More admin stuff.

C) Urgent Others
1) Call rest
2) Buy ____
3) Make/ Buy ______

Another exciting one. Looking forward to it;)

ok im having major headache now. can i pay someone to do all of the above? I'll help you list down the things you have to do:P Any takers???

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