Saturday, June 19, 2004

Trash on T.V

Trash on T.V

For a change, i stayed at home the whole day today. this is one of those rare occasions i guess coz, each and everyone in the house asked me whether i was going out today. and when i said no, they asked me why not. like something was wrong.

its quite nice to stay at home all day sometimes. i became a true blue couch potato today. and as i sat on the couch, in front of the T.V in my old comfy T-shirts and berms, it suddenly struck me that there's so much trash on T.V.

it's thursday today, so there was the Bachelor, followed by Nip Tuck. yesterday nite, i was watching O.C and Average Joe. and a few days before, i watched Meet my Folks. i think i had an overdose of 'reality', kissing, fondlings, body parts and what-have-yous. watching all these, made me afraid for the lil kids and those of impressionable ages to be exposed to such shows. Moral degradation is rampant in most societies and with shows like this on our T.V, it would only get worst. im quite an open minded person, i truly am and so in some warped way, i find such shows quite interesting and can be even philosophical, if u ask me. but being open minded can be a two edged sword. without the right values, we can be easily swayed into thinking dat everything is normal and acceptable. if it comes to a point where a huge majority of us thinks polygamy, 'swingers' lifestyle and premarital are normal and acceptable, then our values would be deeply buried beneath excessive open mindedness and totally trampled over.

and i am very afraid to live in that kind of society and even worst to raise kids who will be exposed to such a world. Im NOT a saint myself, and more often than not, i myself find it quite difficult to shut the 'devils' whisper' and do what religion deems right. im still trying my best to keep my values intact.

cause if its not us who strive to keep these values intact, then who else would fly the flag of each of our religious and moral values? without these, i tink our kids would have no shield to protect them from the rampant moral degradation.

and dats why, sometimes for a change, i luv to watch hindustani movies. though im not an avid fan or know all their names and faces by heart, but i really do applaud their emphasis on family ties, filial piety, honour and repect.

its like a breath of fresh air from all the trash showing on channel 5.

but of course, channel 5 will not buy more of shows along that lines. its just not 'hot' and 'spicy' enough for its all important consumers, is it?

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