Monday, June 07, 2004

On slides

My, oh my, what a night this was.

Our lives are all in HIS hands and to HIM, i shall kneel and no amount of gratitude will suffice the protection HE has bestowed upon us tonite.
For if HE so desires, D and me would have ceased from breathing tonite.
For if HE so wishes, we would have faced some form of harm, degrees of pain and a complicated web of mess.
But tonite, isn't that nite. Tonite, we are saved. From the sorrow of pain.
D, me and the Mondeo came out unscathed.

What happened aye?
It's a pretty long story but i shall narrate it anyway, cause i would never want to forget this nite. And because I inherit most things from my mum, i should tell this story my mum's style. Right from the beginning inclusive of nitty gritty details, with a built up plot, climax and an end.
It started out all normal, our usual trip to town, this time to get his dad's Father's Day gift. he wanted to send the gift home first cause we were afraid we might stay out late and his parents might be asleep. Along ECP, we missed our turn to the left and so we ended up going straight past Marina South and we saw a sign saying 'Drive In Movie' by Class 95. We've always wished there were drive in movies in S'pore and so we tot we'd check it out after sending the gift.

And so the gift was sent, we had dinner at Hjh Raminah and then off we went to the drive in. The location: At the big empty field along Marina South where Zoukout was held. It's pretty deep inside. Now to go in there, there is just one route of tarred road and the rest of the area is just green fields. So it was a very dark field except for the movie screening at the very far end of the field. So we drove on the bumpy narrow one-way route which cuts across the field towards the movie screening. Upon reaching there, we were told we need a sticker which Class 95 gave out long time ago, which we don't have.

So off we went, making our way back out. This time we tot we won't follow the tarred road and instead drive through the grass. It was very dark and the headlights didnt help very much.

And then we had a shock of our lives!!!!

The car suddenly slided downwards and lo and behold, there was a huge drain down below on our right. There is a steep slope we didnt see and at the end of the slope lies a huge drain! The car took a plunge down the slope, towards the drain and i felt my heart dropped to my feet and my blood vessels almost exploding. I let out a sharp scream. D slammed his breaks and swerved the car to the left to prevent it from plunging downwards to the right. Everything in the car started falling over to the right. He pulled his hand break and then everything stopped. Stillness.

The car is now sideways, stuck on the slope. The left front wheel is still hooked on the top part of the slope and the right side are all nearer the drain. if he hadn't steered his wheels to the left, we would have slided down and smashed into the concreate drain.
we would have. and even thinking about it, is making me nauseous!

he tried starting the engine and moving the car forward and upwards but the wheels just wouldn't move. we quickly evacuated, afraid the car might just start sliding down the slope into the drain. D said he need some men to push the car while he slammed the accelerator to get the car moving.

and so, i became the damsel in distress and ran all the way to the drive-in movie to ask for help. by then i was already shaking and i must have been as pale as sheet.

the good people of class 95 immediately drove their van (with me inside) and went to the 'crash site'. equipped with lightsticks and 2 able bodied men (later we found out was the big boss of class 95 and another guy from radio) they assessed the situation. Then the big boss said, "Call all our rugby boys over. On the double!" Then 2 cars and a van came with half a dozen muscled men inside and also, Vernetta Lopez.

They contemplated to push the car from the right with D on the driver's seat pressing the acclearator, but the slope was too steep and it was difficult for the men to stand and push. and they had to change their minds when i screamed like a mad women (yep in front of all the good looking fellas and Vernetta) telling D not to sit on the driver's seat, so afraid the car might just slide down into the drain with him inside. walau so paiseh. and to make things worst, while i was shouting saying no no no and opening the door to ask him to get out from the seat, my shoe slipped out of my feet. The grass was super thick with thorns sumore and it was damn dark and i reaally couldn't find my darn shoe! i tried looking the whole time they were contemplating what to do and when i still couldn't find it, i let out a soft whisper, "Can someone help find my shoe" So one of the rugby guys who were unfortunate enough to be near me helped me look. Pushing the thorny grass with his hands. Vernetta also looked for it. All of us, separating the grass with our bare hands, looking for my shoes now. At last, Vernetta found it. " Here it is" she said while holding my stinky shoe up. Wa lau embarrasing to the max!!!

After some discussion and more shouting from me, they still went ahead with the idea of pushing the car with D in the car pressing the accelerator. if only anyone can feel how fast my heart was beating. i think anyone standing beside me could hear my heart beating.I was so scared the car might just slide downwards with D inside. At that point, i was just imagining the worst, but he wouldnt listen.
Anyway it didnt work, the car wouldnt budge.and so we decided to call the tow truck. End of my misery. Vernetta called for us and then all of them left except the boss and the other guy who kept reassuring us everything will be fine. They even drove out to wait for the tow truck in case it were to lost its way.

So left D and me and the lopsided car, with the wide open fields and the stars. we were given lightsticks and there was nuthing left to do except wait. we sat and talked and tried to calm each other's nerves. we just thanked HIM we were unharmed but MOndeo's fate is still not yet known.

45 minutes passed and the tow truck came..

to cut a long story short, the tow truck managed to pull Mondeo out from the slope. After a thorough car check, everything was fine. Mondeo was as good as before. Poor car, he really went through a lot tonite.

and so that's how the story goes. we really have a whole bunch of pple to thank particularly, Steven, boss of Class 95 and his fren, Angus for staying with us throughout. To Vernetta Lopez for calling the tow truck and finding my shoe. And to the rest of the rugby boys for helping to push the car.I think a thank you card and a hamper would do the whole of Class 95 some good, cause really, without them, i dunno what would have happened!

And to all who are reading this, just remember one thing- there's a drain somewhere in the field, so NEVER, EVER drive on the field itself, unless, u r looking for something 'exciting' to happen to ure life.

And at the end of it all, with no one hurt and the car saved, we did manage a smile and a lil laugh coz really, now that you think about it, especially how silly our faces looked when the car was suddenly sliding downwards and how the car looked really weird, parked lopsided like dat, I guess its half true what one of the rugby boys said "Its actually quite comical!"

Ni lah orang cakap cerita kelakar seram!

Ok time to call it a nite. Been a long day indeed and tonite, tuning in to Class 95, I shall!

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