Thursday, June 10, 2004

POst Birthday

I just realized that the best way to plan a great birthday, is by LYING THROUGH YOUR TEETH. Conceal all thruth from the birthday boy/ girl and the surprise will definitely keep him/ her smiling the widest smile.

D had no clue, or yes he didn't. He had no idea what i had bought for him, neither did he know what i had planned for him. I didnt talk about it, no mention of his birthday plan at all. so the night of 8th JUne, i lied and said i had to go school till very late the next day, and probably can't see him till after 6. he sounded disappointed and i just couldn't contain my laughter. haha.

little did he know that i had created an alliance with his younger sister, and about 12pm, 9th June, my dear alliance quietly let me into their house while birthday boy was upstairs still sleeping in his room. And in my hand was a small cake with one candle on top. (takde space for 27 candles, and im lousy at lighting up candles, so forget it) i know he hates cakes but well, what's a birthday without a cake, rite??!

After i got the cake ready, my alliance called D down to pretend to check something leaking...and then, from below, i saw his pair of legs, go down the stairs, pitter patter, pitter patter and when he was just about to reach the bottom of the stairs,my alliance and me shouted in unison HAPPY BIRTHDAY and then we broke into a totally out of tune, extremely loud, horrendous birthday song. We even startled the poor maid who on reflex, held up her hands to her ears. It's great to do a LAME surpise like that sometimes.

Anyway, D was totally stunt. Nasib baik tak tergolek jatuh tangga, dahlah tak pakai cermin mata. Rambut pun macam orang gila. I think for once he achieved his 'out of bed' hairstyle yang dia idam idamkan tu. Peace, D!
But the stunt look on his out-of-bed face was priceless! And then, when he finally realized what was going on, he broke into his widest smile and that was enough for me. ahhh..

so anyway, we made steak and had a very late lunch. going into his kitchen is a phobia for me, cause of the new year's eve egg incident. (long story, maybe some other time) For fear his house will be burnt down and the meat being wasted, D helped me cook the steak. he knows how 'fantastic' my cooking is.

After a dvd and lots of apple juice, we went out for dinner at this place called VAnsh at Stadium Cove. Indian food lah dey. Then sat down and talk rubbish sumore, gave him his gift and the card, ooooh and aaaahh over the giftss, lots and lots of thank yous and wide smiles and then i took him to his promised bachelor party!;) Due to some underaged readers here, I shall leave out the details of the blast aye? hahha

Somehow, everything just went well that nite. At the end of the nite im just glad, he was one happy man. Lying does work, doesn't it?

So D, your turn as king for the day is over. september is just round the corner. better start planning;) i DEMAND a bahelorette PARTY too!!!

(Itulah al-kisah birthday Dia tahun ni...)

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