Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Pursuit for Potent Sleeping Pills

I was laying in bed, reading this book by William Dalrymple. The title: The Age of Kali.

And while reading, I came across this line; therefore i share the phrase of the day:

" Indian politics are rarely predictable, but it was certainly one of the more unexpected developments in modern Indian history that led to the low-caste and semi-literate Chief Minister of India's most corrupt and backward state becoming the custodian of the crumbling Nehruvian ideal of a secular, democratic India."

I thought the line was pretty neat and tells so much in just one closing paragraph to a chapter. Relevant yet in contrary to the current situation in India, whereby we are now seeing the upheavel return of the higher caste Brahmins in Indian politics with the inception of Sonia Gandhi's Congress Party into the ruling front. I guess certain things never change. The rise of the proletariat has done and improved nothing except to boost the morale and confidence of the people, and power is still in the hands of the elite one-third of India. The rAin would deifinitely reminisce the days of her essays, is that rite? My lil intelligensia....that never fail to give me a mental orgasm to the intellectual EYE. hehe....

Sunset. Taken by us. To the rAin: think Shaz

And with that i bid thee farewell. And while you are reading this, i hope that you have had a good nite's sleep, and that you are feeling better. Early to bed, early to rise. I bid thee Adieu, Adieu....exeunt.

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